Do you have a high test gf?

Do you have a high test gf?

I like to stick my head between her thighs.

I had a low test gf but she had a hourglass body with perfectly shaped tits and a nice booty so it was worth

also high test chicks are more often roasties

Why yes, yes I do ^_^

yes i do imy gf is olivia munn

We all know you're gay, Aaron, just give it up.

post more of her


Good god more of those legs and ass. She latina?


Ireland pls go



sorry but thats not pawg

come on guys
you know full well that huge ass serves no purpose
pic related is a much better butt

lol ew

I'm gonna need more

:'( no, I get average leg and ass girls.
Banging an asian atm, feels good but no high test.

No she is just white.

can you be TO high test???

Thats not test. That is an obstacle course.


2/10 you dun goofed

She looks exactly like my wife from the back

>Always fat and have issues, get friendzoned and ignored by most women. Still have a social life and lots of friends.
>So much porn growing up as a kid made me a borderline sex addict. Fap every day, multiple times a day. Always horny. Watch porn just for fun.
>For fucking sakes, I fapped 22 times total (took me a few hours) when I was 12.
>Meet current girlfriend, she's about a 7
>She's amazing. Buys me lots of gifts, was great with my family, smart, funny, great sex, gives me blow jobs whenever I want on demand, just overall amazing. For fucks sake, she gave me a one hour blow job for every A I got in graduate school.
>Decide to dedicate myself to getting fit cause I lose my mom due to health reasons
>Lose a shit ton of weight, gain a bunch of muscle
>Suddenly 8's and 9's
>8's and 9's everywhere
>They hit on me
>They grab my arm
>They pull me to dance at the clubs
>Dat ass
>Them titties
>Those thighs
>Just want to fuck all of them super hard
>Think of basic girlfriend, flat ass, decent titties but not great like any of these whores
>Push them all away
>I'm still young, think about all the attractive women I'm going to meet in the future.

I'm scared bros. I don't know how strong I will be but I don't want to cheat on my girlfriend. I have literally cut off contact with so many people because of this, but I refuse to fuck up the only person who ever really loved me while I was super fat.

Hold me bros.

tfw finally close to getting a gf but she's low-test

Anything that is worth it is difficult. Your choices are insignificant in the aggregate either way. Your code is the code of the universe, choose carefully.

Don't cheat, shes the one you'll be glad you found when you're 50+. You are older longer than you are young. Just think about it before you give it up at least my man.

Fuck more girls.
After about 4 years with her you wknt want her too much

dont cheat but if you absolutely cant resist then if you love her you'll make sure she never finds out
like dont fuck anyone at work a mutual friend or anyone in town/close to town

So everybody lol

I'm not smart enough to know what this means. Sure, there could be a million different choices but either way, this has been the only girl who truly has loved me 100% when I was at my shittiest.

I'm definitely resisting and I'm actually finding it easier to handle now, not sure why. Unfortunately, there are periods where I think my sex addiction flares or some shit, because then all I can literally think about is having sex with other women and I end up jacking off literally 3-5 times a day.
I have an extremely large sex drive. I'm pretty sure I'll want to fuck her until she's dead or I can't get it up no matter how much viagra I pop.
Will keep this in mind bro.

Solid advice.

Your character is your destiny.

>tfw high test asian gf

What the fuck is up with this old man sage bullshit talk?

I mean he shouldnt on principal alone, this girl has been with the guy since he was basically a lard puddle and pushing him to improve
its rare to find a human being like that in this superficial society but I can understand where hes coming from because Im in a similar situation

Meh she'll get bored of him eventually too.

Only in the USA. She looks like a good fuck user

Fugg guys I'm basically dating two girls right now and it's not as cool as it seems. It is actually stressful.

One is my ex of 7 years who I am still talking to (she basically thinks we're dating) and the other is this tall girl I found on tinder 6mo ago. She loves me and does whatever I want, but she has no interest or hobbies which really bothers me.

She has asked if I am her bf atleast 4 times now. The other night she finally snapped about it and I deflected (again). Haven't talked to her in a few days. I'm at a cross roads with her; I could break off now or reel her in and tell her she is my gf. Idk, I need to figure out if I want to be with my ex instead.

such is life...

why would you be in a relationship? gtfo of there

Go back to /r9k/

Break off both and find a new one. Its a reason she is your x and there is nothing new you havent eaten to pull out of that garbage container. The other bitch sounds boring. Dont be mediocre. It doesnt suit anyone.


she definitely is and squats like a beast

Don't cheat on her. That shit will come back and you'll be fucked m8.

She looks like she gives world ending blowjobs and I cant even see her face. Gj

That looks like a jail bunk with a double mattress.



You postin with SwordBoy

I'm kinda close to having one, but I spilled my spaghetti after we saw eachother last but she did too

Is this good or bad?

Girls like this are high est.
They have practically no sex drive

fuck man my friend told me the same thing. I'm going to spill my heart out right now. Some background; I'm almost 24 and just moved to a new city for a new job (good pay, great career). I dated my ex for ~7 years which means from junior year in highschool all the way through college. I started out as a skinny, 155lb kid and I'm finally starting to hit a stride (pic related, currently 175lbs).

Anyways, freshman year of college was rough; we had a long distance relationship at the time and both strayed a bit which was pretty devastating considering it was my first love. After freshman year she transferred to my school and things were okay. I started to stray again and broke up with her for a month or so, got feels like a bitch, and retreated. I did this again at the end of my senior year, and again retreated. Me being the horny asshole I am, I was on tinder and found this tall, skinny model-like brunette. We ended up fucking and I told her "I love you" the second time we fucked. I promptly broke with my ex for a 4th time to pursue this new girl.

New girl and I really liked each other, but the more I learned about new girl, the more I had second thoughts about really being with her. Compared to my ex, this girl has no hobbies. zero. none. I have straight up asked her twice now and she has long pauses followed by, "well I'm busy with school (online masters), work (babysitting). I like spending time with my family (not a hobby)". She doesn't work out or anything and definitely has some skinny fat. I didn't think this would bother me but fuck it does, I feel like I am her source of entertainment, new thoughts, etc. She really is a sweet girl though. Fucking cleaned my whole house when she came to visit, wants me to fuck her all the time, and is very caring and upbeat. She goes with the flow and I could ask her to do anything.



But having a real conversation with her is so difficult. I feel like I have to carry the conversation the whole time because she really doesn't have anything interesting to add. She's kind of like an emoji when she is sitting across from me at dinner. She will put on a big smile, giggle, and say my name in some cute way. But no real conversation. She is hot as hell and gets stares everywhere she goes.

Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places for good conversation, adventure, etc. I don't have any good friends here yet and don't have a good group of people that I can get that kind of fulfillment out of. Maybe a woman is the wrong place to seek this stuff. I'm really not sure. The reason I still am holding onto my ex is because she has interests and hobbies that we can share. We both like the outdoors and hiking. I like that she works out and has her own hobbies. The sex wasn't really that great though and we got into and still get into arguments which I fucking hate.

But what I really hate more is that I can't make a fucking decision. Usually I'm can make snap decisions and not regret them, but with women I am frozen. Everytime I have broken up with my ex I send myself into a whirlwind of panic, anxiety attacks, stress, and all this faggy shit. I am now sort of feeling this about the new girl who hasn't talked to me in the past 2 days because I keep deflecting her question, " are you my boyfriend?". I'm only 24 and know that I am just beginning to become a presence, where as girls will be peaking in their mid twenties.

If anyone that is older could chime in, I could really use some experienced advice.

Cheat on her bro. The next 9 that pulls you over in the club? Take that girl home a ram her has hard as you can. Then call your gf over and hang out with her. Look at her in the eyes as she is so happy just to be with you, remember the love and support she have you when your friends mocked you, remember who was there for you in grad school, remember who inspired you to stop being a pathetic little bitch and lie to her. Set her up to break her heart. After all you're a Chad now, getting all those 8s and 9s. Alpha as fuck bro. Tons of respect. You'll be so happy when you cheat.

How can you tell. I dont know deez tings


Chinks are disgusting, literally bottom of the barrel

Hey man, my advice is try to develop a hobby between you two. Try watching sports together, or develop a passion for an art. Push her a little bit for school or culinary school or something. You have to be each others driving force

>grow up in small town with no chicks above 7/10
>was always short, high pitched voice, unattractive, and weird
>friendless and loveless until graduating high school
>spent last few years of high school trying to improve myself
>read philosophy
>got fit
>learned how to dress well
>puberty did me wonders and made me handsome with a good voice
>moved to city
>have sex every day for 3 months straight with multiple women(although a few regulars took up most of my days)
>guys who bullied me treat me like a person now
>girls from my old town who I run into all comment about how ive changed
>now 24
>banging 8/10 girl with nice titties but a 10/10 ass for her thin hourglass body.
>She also treats me like a king
>sex whenever/however, brings me lunches to work sometimes, likes to surprise me and often pay for everything we do
>still feel lost and uncontent with life
>no clue what else to do now that I have obtained a goal I've chased my whole life
>social life was my only want growing up and now that I have it I dont know what else I want
>instead of feeling at rest, I feel empty like life has lost its drive
>no longer enjoy any of the things that I used to

There must be more to life than just this. I dont feel anymore alive now than when I was before, only now I just spend a few less days unhappy.
I want to feel alive. What am I missing? What makes people feel alive.
I want to make it so bad bros
I'm so close but yet so far

>tfw never had a gf
what the fuck is wrong with me fit

Well thats just wrong as fuck mate. My girl is a nympho

Stop being a fag

i've never held a girl's hand and i can't remember the last time i talked to one about something personal

Take up powerlifting or weightlifting. Make 1000 lbs (any movement) your new goal




I've never had a gf either, but I've had many female sexual partners

I just like my personal space

Set a new goal

Shit. I know exactly what you mean. It's hard, man...

My friends mom is pretty high test and I keep her as my wall paper for inspiration.

if you do cheat you have to start any new relationship with a lie when asked about why you broke up.....some women might let it slide if you tell the truth but probably not serious wife material if that is what you are after

Achievable natty?

help your gf get fit

tell her if she doesn't ur gonna fuck other women

>Telling the whole truth to women


Pffft yeah be honest and tell your girl your creampied 10 girls in the past few months. Dont worry if you tell her she'll let it slide.

>telling the truth to women
they're much more fun when they know nothing real about your life

>why'd you guys break up/?
>We drifted apart

It's so vague they can't say you were lying if they did find out.


Ok listen. She sounds sweet and all but doesnt offer you enough and certainty doesn't challange you in any way. My gf and I lifts together 6 days a week and have travelled around the globe together. Im only 22 and she is 21. She makes me feel amazing and every day when the clock is around 14.30 I get the butterflies.(shw comes home 15.00). Even after 3 yars together it's still getting better every day. This is how I know she is the one for me. She loves me and I love her and if there is one person I would spend eternity with, its her, and she feels the same way.
I can see how it's lame moving to a new city and kind of lonely, but man, You wil not be happy until you find the right girl. Try doing a lot of stuff. Just start ju jitsu or some activity that makes you really busy, and also be social and she will come eventually. There is no prob in hooking up with people in the meantime. After all we need some closeness.

That's not a test, that's a fucking final exam.

>>Always fat and have issues, get friendzoned and ignored by most women. Still have a social life and lots of friends.
>>So much porn growing up as a kid made me a borderline sex addict. Fap every day, multiple times a day. Always horny. Watch porn just for fun.
>>For fucking sakes, I fapped 22 times total (took me a few hours) when I was 12.

Holy shit, are you me?

I'm younger (freshly 23) but had a fling with a hot boring girl that probably ruined something with a at face but boring body girl that I really enjoyed spending time with. If you don't enjoy the down time you'll be stifling your growth as a person. Eye candy will still be accessible when you're in your 30/ if you stay Veeky Forums if it doesn't work out.

It's usually good advice to not settle for something boring because it's safe, but the new girl isn't even fun man, that shit's a drag.
Being dragged from a beautiful hike early after listening to complaints about how she'd rather be shopping was awful, even worse was remembering how great it was being in much less impressive woods with someone who enjoyed it as much as you did.

Is this all there is in life? Setting arbitrary goals and achieving them over and over, like Sisyphus picking what his boulder's made of?
When does mere existence and an enjoyable placate the pain for more than a few fleeting moments after an accomplishment?

Damnnnnnn your lucky bro

>I had a low test gf but she was high test

Nice one mate

i'm in the same exact boat right now.
i have been trying to get better financially and i'm working at it.
my current gf loved me when i was fit and broke, and now i'm built/fat more on the fat side because life and she loves me even more!
my new job allows me to talk to tons of women that are single, older and younger, super hot to just plain different and foreign.
totally sit and talk to me with a few drinks in them.
or even this asian girl that works there totally flirts with me and today i saw her bend over and her thong was out as well as her fat thai ass.

i really never ever want to cheat on her because i love her so much.
these women are only gonna get hotter, with summer.

brehs...... stay in relationship and be fulfilled and forever happy.
fuck these chicks break her heart and then stay single but unfulfilled.

Are you me? Except I cheated a few years ago (before I got fit), worst thing I ever did. Fuck bruh, idk man. My gf is willing to put up with my weird fetishes, so that's good. But one of my 9.5/10 friends wants to fuck, was snapping me in a sports bra. She's been getting more overt daily.
>tfw feels overload.

What is she, your mom?

Fuck off with this b8. giving you blowjobs for every A you get. baka

Only living to accomplish goals will set you up for destitution and depression. Live because you got the chance to play, that's it.

How do i say this user, basically, you make life to what it is, the world is in your hands, pursue the things you love in life, if you feel uneasy in life and don't know what to do, look around there's always new goals and accomplishments to be done, experience something new, get out of your comfort zone, and start experiencing the unknown.

Nope but I have a low test boyfriend.

Fuck mobile version. I didn't mean to reply to

your secret is safe with us.


thats pretty much it
until you die

You want advice?



EX-girlfriend. EX. DONE WITH.

Also, I'm 195lbs 14% bf and I don't look half as good as that pic. Fuck me, I must have awful genetics.

Spring has come again
A thousand flowers in their lovely bloom
For what? For whom?

> Blowjobs whenever you want
> Always buying gifts

Dude you have a keeper, do not cheat

Underrated kek