What is the best country to go to as a fit white man to get sex that you

What is the best country to go to as a fit white man to get sex that you
a. DON'T have to pay for?
b. pay for?

Things to consider:
1. Ease of getting sex (unpaid)
2. Attractiveness of the native women
3. Price of sex
4. Prevalence of STDs

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Probably China or Japan for A.

B. doesn't matter. It's not like they're gonna charge you less because you're fit

Not america. Either have a bbc or get out

Had friends go to the Philippines, they said they got laid easy, and when they didn't the whores are super cheap like everything else is there.
Just watch out for the lady boys

Go Cambodia if you want the illegal stuff. Right next door to Thailand but with 100% less ladybois

Vietnam (where I am, a 185cm fit white guy), Cambodia, northern and rural Thailand (not southern). Philippines is ok but too many ladyboys.

I've heard about that.
I hear there's a good chance of being blackmailed.
Not really into that anyway, 18 is young enough for me

>Just watch out for the lady boys
>implying that's a bad thing

I'm going to Germany this summer.
What's the story with sex over there?

Google bergheim Berlin.

prostitution is legal familia, check it out

Lots of horny Syrians - enjoy

only if you're into men

If you're a fit white man who doesn't have an extemely ugly face, you will absolutely slay it in Philippines.

Last time I was there I got laid 3x a week just by approaching girls on the street and asking for numbers and going on dates, and I literally had people stopping to stare at me every 5-10 seconds when I walked through malls, I told my friends to count the amount of girls who would stop to turn around and mire me when I wasn't looking, we stopped after over a hundred in the first 30 mins

You can also get prostitutes for the night extremely cheap if that's your thing

OP is confirmed to have no game, and expect to swallow the magical pill that woman in a foreign country will accept his no game skills.
Good luck with that brah.

I've heard after a sex trip to the Philippines you're pretty much guaranteed to catch gonosyphillaids before the flight back, is it true?

Pinays are ugly as fuck though. They are yndoubtedly the ugliest asian race.
Ok maybe indians are about as ugly

Well its basically true.
A white man in asia can get as pussy as he can handle

Just take the usual precautions, ALWAYS use a rubber, and try to avoid sex with pros if you want to minimize the risk

I'm just glad I never caught anything, just don't be a retard and you'll be fine fampai

The darker Pinays are usually the uglier ones, the lighter ones are on average above a 6/10 imo

Don't the flips know this and become hostile to white bois coming into their place trying to fuck their women?

Realistically there is not a lot the place offers, other than semi-comfy beaches which can be found anywhere.

Lighter ones are pretty rare and dont sloot very much

Depends where you go, in Manila they're everywhere, and there are a lot of sloots

You will be "culturally enriched" by one of the millions of Muslim migrants.

Yeah but Filipinos are like 4 feet tall. What are they gonna do?

My Chinese roommate says that in Hong Kong white dudes can pretty much just pick whatever woman they want

stab or shoot you
get a gang of 4ft tsunderes and fuck you up in an alley after following you out of the bar

i dunno man, you act like tallfags are invincible or something

It's only a few spots that have a proper red light district. The rest will fucking burn you alive for touching a 12y old

Take some machetes to your legs and use you as dog food. They were deadly enough with just sticks that the local whites said they weren't allowed to have the and the whites had guns.

Go to Berlin
Get a prostitute