Tfw you'll never have a bear bro to cuddle

>tfw you'll never have a bear bro to cuddle
Why even live?

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i'll be your bear bro

My last name is Bear.

I'll be yours.

>when in russia

Which bear do you want to cuddle?

This reminds me of some old Swiss priest in 1100 AD who had a pet bear so they named a whole canton/province thing after him

>tfw no lion bro

That's a gril lion, breh
>tfw no lion gf

Didn't that bear guy from that show get mauled or something?
Simon & Garfunkel got mauled by a tiger. I still want a bear to cuddle.
Neat fact: there's a plaque dedicated to the only guy to kill a bear with just his hands and teeth

I'm good bruv