I saw this pic with a different quote and I legit thought he looked like a badass. I watched one of his Youtube vids and my god was I shocked. He's autistic or something? Apparently he's part of a group called the Del Ray Misfits? With that Big Lenny roid gut meme guy and some other slicked back haired douchbag that treats Jason like shit. Apparently they hate some guy named Eduardo, Fagwardo, Fuckwardo, etc. Can someone explain what the fuck is going on? I feel almost ashamed because I used to live in West Palm beach and work in Del Ray. Apparently it's been ransacked by a bunch of fucking hooligans.
Can someone explain the Jason Genova group?
Other urls found in this thread:
genovapedia, search
I searched that. Read forum threads and I still have no idea what the fuck is going on here. Literally in every forum, people just answer "kek" or some other bullshit deflect and don't actually answer the question. Then there's this who Order66 thing on Blaha.
actually like that quote ha
There was a better one with black text that looked cleaner. It read something like "Sometimes nobody else shows up and you win by default."
he is NOT autism he's OCD A.D.D DYSLEXIC
Genova is legit scary on the real. Hes for years put on this show that he's autistic but in reality he just hasn't been taking his medication so every time he breaks a law he can legally get away with it. He's a fucking sociopath and it's really sad. I wish Genova would realize how self destructive his life has become so he could fix it and stop acting like such an asshat.
Everyone in that crew is an asshat.
Genova is what happens when jew genetics try to lift.
I'm not even joking. What the fuck is this shit. Everyone here is a fuck degenerate. Literally, they're a bunch of freaks, hooligans, rowdy, annoying and idiots. How are they even allowed in this gym? I don't even...
Yea, that's it.
Lmao, 5 seconds in and I'm already grinning like a faggot. I fucking love these guys, they're literally what Veeky Forums would be if it was personified into a crew of misfits.
>Jason giggling like an idiot, posing for Jennifer naked
it's no different from any other non-chain gym, most of the regulars are always a bit odd. don't they all go early in the morning too? again, not exactly normie hours
that girl is hot as fuck
I watched this and it change my mind. I actually like them now. That Brad guy actually does care about Jason, he just has a funny way of showing it. I guess they're all just really close friends. They meet up at 6am in the gym and the antics begin. Grew on me pretty quick.
it means it's ok if you get fucked in the ass and go gay sometimes
Apparently Lenny likes trannies.
Hey dont knock it untill you try it
Go to Genovapedia. Read the cliffnotes to catch you up.
Ments are pretty slow lately. Jason is going Hindenburg 2.0 trying to be a powerlifter. Does a lot of eating competitions with Nate. World's Gym closed, they're floating around some cookie cutter gym now.
Show's really about Brad, Jason and Andrew lately. Lenny has to bike further to the new gym so he's not in a ton of videos. Emma is in a different gym too I think.
Chuck is usually around, and I think Big Rich is still around too
Lately the pisstroopers have been rallied around Order 66ing Shredz
The finniest thing i have ever read lol
I remember i spent like 2 hours reading his history lmao
It's a reality tv show. Sadly, the menus have just been sliced by a third bc DRM is dead now. Jason still uploads but it's not the same as before.
DRM =delay misfits. Ments not menus = moments of entertainment, enjoy the ment..
Is Jason Genova Veeky Forumss Chris Chan?
I thought Lenny biking was a joke. I guess he really is poor as fuck. He essentially lives in a trailer park. That's unfortunate.
For me everybody in the group is just such an asshole to each other and just kind of weird in their own little way it becomes entertaining
It's kind of like watching an episode of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia where they go to the gym
Don't go to genovapedia.org
You have to discover the ments by watching the videos. When it has taken your soul go to the site and laugh your ass off.
ah yes, the monkey prick
You will never understand genova before you embark on the real journey and just watch his videos, old ones to new ones
Nathan Figueroa occasionally delivers some ments, at least more than Andrew these days
Kind of only he's less of a loser
it piss, it revolting, it janoy
I stopped watching when that hot chick started trying to cash in on their fame. Glad she's gone.
How did she try cashing in and how did she leave? Emma? She was in a video like 2 days ago.
He is who has autism (legit autism, not the hurr i am awkward thing), and someone thought it would be fun to record him and put him up on social media and stuff. I think that is it
I'm super intrigued.
Should I start with episode 1 of the Delray Misfits and just work my way through?
The guy who wrote the genovapedia is literally a writing genius. I haven't laughed that hard since I was a child.
Yes. Slow in the beginning but quick to grow on you.
Everyone that wants to know about Jason has to watch Jason cooking
Chef crackhead makes godly food
The misc should have everything you are looking for in regards to the most pissening lifter of all time.
Jewnetics make some mirable calves desu
>that oatmeal
i don't know about that, they're both pretty big losers
Holy shit! Check out the blahapedia, which is written by the same guy.
>Hey guys i'm here to dispel the rumors that my girlfriend is a coke whore stripper and that i'm not a cuck.
>My girlfriend is a coke whore stripper and I am a cuck.
Is blaha the most autistic person in the fitness community?
>lying about my gf selling coke and being a stripper
>yes she sold coke a long tiime ago, and she danced while in grad school.