Goal body thread

Goal body thread

so you wanna look like an F to M fuccperson...


this was posted last night
>205 iirc

hes a roider

is he roiding?
perfect male body? not to big, not to small


Not even memeing you. They have skinny wrists like me so I hope I can get as moderately large as they are


This is all I ever want to look like.

> optimal to attract most girls
> obviously lift without shirt on
> obviously in great shape with fitted clothes on
> not that hard to maintain because it's not THAT muscular

5'6'' kek

Post something that is achievable without having to become a dwarf first, please.

>> not that hard to maintain because it's not THAT muscular


Shankle beast mode

First off, niggas be saving more than one of my pics.... I guess I'll stop posting so much.
Secondly, you guys keep saying "roider" like I'm taking things that are way beyond the scope of what someone should. For reference; I've only ever taken 250mg/wk of test, for those of you who are aware of how much that is, you know it's not much. I'm already back down to 100mg/wk, meaning my levels will be in natty range next time I get my levels checked.

There are people on here who take 500mg/wk with tren and call it a starting does...

However, I won't say I'm natty, cause I'm not :p

Appreciate the mires

>showing a 140 hang clean and not one of his prs

donnie is a fuckin beast, the golden days of cal strength

Does this guy not train abs or something?

Why do you care about them saving your pictures? Just dont show your face and its all good.

Also, yeah you are on low dose but you are still in that top 1% range. There are barely any people who have testosterone levels like that

It's just strange to go on a thread and see my pic randomly.
It doesn't freak me out or anything, but is just strange.

And you're not wrong, sadly I'll be in the bottom 15~20% in a few months. I have to cycle off and will be filtering into special forces hopefully. And naturally I have pretty low T.

Not hard to maintain compared to something like pic related. Not saying it's a walk in the park to maintain


>tfw boyfriend doesn't want to see abs other wise it would be slightly less fat

This is my all time fav female body. Fit and not too cut. Has muscle definition and what appears to be normal boobs (not those disgusting oversized retarded shaped fake shit insecure girls always get).

I sure hope you guys are ready to hop on that roid train because there is only one body posted in this entire thread which is achievable natty.

this one



Aim for the best.



Is this achieveable natty?

yes,he weighs like 66kg and his arms are 14"

Obvious Mike O'Roids and not Ser 20 Scoops.

well he isn't natty so probably not. unless you have godlike genetics


Goal lifts definitely, but his physique is mediocre.

>It's just strange to go on a thread and see my pic randomly.

I saved your butt, no homo.

>liao hui.jpg


We keep saying roider like you do steroids
which you do

you have a little bitch dog. no wonder you had to cheat to make it you little bitch.

lmao where are his genitals

Mr Bubbles is god tier.

He's qter than david laid.

>not aiming for chris guzman physique

why even lift

This. His lats are fucking insane. I'm roughly his height so I can live with a body like this. Martial artist body > Body builder body.

he looks like a fuckin cobra

who is this bae

Well he kinda was.

which goodlife gym is this

The one in Pickering besides Loblaws

he lifted and took roids



In your moms cunt

this was way before anyone knew anything about supplements or proper nutrition

dude posted this nearly a year ago and I've had it saved since, still my goal body desu

more pics

This so much famila

some more, haven't seen anything more posted from him, kinda sucks

>tfw you're somebodies goal body

i don't actually feel anthing because it's so easy to get to. next step is

How does one achieve this ?

i like this one too

These are my goal delts.

is christian natty?

go to prison

don't really have them hip genetics but eh a girl can dream


her hips arent even that wide. if those hip genetics are your goal i feel bad for you senpai

it's not the width, its just something about the hip/adonis belt/waist combo on her that's kinda unique and i'm really obsessed with it, can't really put my finger on it tho

To look like this:

Maintain relatively low bodyfat, do consistent abs+oblique work, and airbrush your photographs a bit.

>having genitals

How Veeky Forums?

He's absolutely natural, you fucking inbred.

With better traps and chest tho

>aiming for photoshopped models
Girls really are retarded


His lifts are fag-tier, too.

>have these stats but don't have that sweet taper
also he is a lying manlet lol

I'm 5'11"

That dude is either shorter than 5'11" or heavier than 165 lbs.

There can only be one....

Terrible ab genetics.

I have the same :(

It was also way before junk food.

Goldberg was a monster back in the day

They're not really bad desu

On the other side of his body
R u stupid?

>I only cheat a little, therefore you can't call me out on it

I wish to be fueled by the yellow sun. Kryptonian is my goal.

he looks pretty damn good, mirin legs greatgrandpabrah

His neck is fucking ridiculous, I cant tell if in a good or bad way. Probably both.


They've probably atrophied.

weak delts and arms t.b.h f.a.m

is this possible without roids?

Blahino pls go

At least 3 years with Tren. DBol to be sure.

How do you get your hands on test?


You're autistic


>unable to tell humor
You're the autistic one here. Nobody you just replied to was serious.


shit, i got a really similar body. wish my arms were bigger

Fucking retard

Mine too... ive always wanted to know who this chick is. Its the perfect female body for me. Great boob genetics since low body fat, good muscle genes but still looks healthy and fat enough. Nice hip to waist. And face looks as if attractive. Id marry