Lost my appetite

So that's it

I skipped one meal on Monday, and my appetite is fucking dead. Back to 120lbs.

What the fuck Veeky Forums, how do you manage to eat the same amount of calories everyday during a bulk?

I could cut all day long only drinking tea if I wanted to, I wouldn't even feel hunger. I'd feel weak and lethargic as shi though.

But force feeding is much worse, for me.

How do you do it?


I know it's a meme, but you actually sound like a candidate for GOMAD. I understand your frustration.

t. former skelly that finds cutting easier than bulking

idk OP im opposite. Try eating a food you like, even if its unhealthy just to build ur appetite.

eat as much as you can / space your meals so you can fit more in without making yourself feel ass, your stomach will start expanding

Ex fatty here that went through 2 bulk/cut cycles, honestly can understand where you're coming from.
The best way to bulk up is to do it throughout the day whenever I skipped a meal it would be hell on earth trying to cram in all the calories in one sitting meanwhile if I had 3-4 meals I could easily fit everything in even if slightly uncomfortable.

Blend 100g oats, milk, peanut butter, bananas and if you want whey and that's 1000 calories easy for breakfast.

Eat foods that are highly dense in calories, it'll make you feel less full

Also eat nuts

I did it with Soylent+ protein powder.

Fixed meal size at fixed times without much effort on my part did the trick

>my appetite is fucking dead

the fuck does this even mean? just eat you dumb retard

I just cant even believe we are the same species OP.

If there is food in front of me Ill vacuum it down. Like. How does one just not have an appetite? Even when Im sick I have a colossal apatite.

Eat sugary foods. Foods high in Fructose excluding fruits. So for example have cake, cookies, candy, McDonalds, have a bottle of coke. Enjoy your diabetes you white cuck, if only you had a mother who knew how to cook you wouldnt be in this predicament

I was a nerd, and when you're a vidya playing faggot there's two ways: either you become fat as shit from eatng all the time in front of the PC, or you just stop eating out of sheer laziness

I'm the second category

If you lift hard and long enough, you will get hungry.

Not OP, but as an ex skelly it was hell trying to force down food when you're already full from your last meal. I've literally thrown up from it.

That was two years ago. I did some psychedelics and put on 50 lbs. Can sympathize with skellies even though i don't have that problem anymore

I did both. Sometimes I ate a fuckton of garbage, and other times ate nothing. Was still 140 lbs at 5'11 though

What psychedelics? J-just curious


I can understand that, being full, but this whole 'appetite' thing doesn't make any sense to be. If I wasn't full, and wasn't hungry, i would still be able to just mechanically eat without struggle.


Eating feels like a chore unless I'm legitimately hungry. It's just a different mindset. Not experiencing the inverse, it's always been hard for me to relate mentally to someone that has ever been fat.

you just do it dude. i was once a skele, get like 45 pizza rolls a family size bag of chips a half galon of milk and a fuckin gram of weed and go to town.

it really comes down to just forcing yourself to eating way more than you usually do. when I start a bulk, at first i dont even look at what im eating, i will just eat everything in sight. after a while you just get used to it. whenever I'm not full, I eat.


I know this feel
last weekend I ate like 300 calories below my daily amount needed for gains, the next day I lost a pound and looked skinny fat as fuck

Up it to 200g if oats

From auschwitz survivor to some what fit here. 120 > 155 lbs

Here is how I did it, gainer shakes every morning(600 calories). You should force eat but I recommend you split up the meals during the day instead of eating a big lunch and a big dinner because you will grow tired of food doing it that way(I did and I absoloutly hate food after this).

Also I noticed that eating something else along with your food helps a lot. For example eating 5-6 olives to every meal or just a nice salad.

Here is some phychological advice aswell. Buy bigger plates, this way you trick your mind that you are eating less food. Also eat while watching TV or any show basically helps aswell eating more.

As you begin to train harder your appitate will also become bigger if you havnt noticed already

I put organic pesto or low/no calorie ketchup almost everything I eat. Makes it easier to eat.