
A general for powerlifting. Get in here boys.

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for short arms and long femurs

2nd for good limb/torso length but poor hip structure

training feels so shit cutting

no energy, no gains = no drive

What does poor hip structure mean?

In for crippling inflexibility

Any of you lads ever dealt with exertion headaches? My head has felt like exploding for the last two squat sessions, guessing I should take it easy for a bit

Do you keep your head/neck neutral the whole time you're squatting?

Squatting can get painful fast

How do you know it's about structure and not about technique?

How many clogged arteries do you think this guy has

Because pretty much all the techniques start to hurt with enough volume. A very conservative, mid-narrow stance, 'downward' lowbar is the least bad.

Plg ever held a mock meet via correspondence?


Reminder that Buda was wrong

1st for sumo diddly is for manlets

I thought of that too but I'm not sure if that's the cause

>sumo confirmed for women and manlets only

sumo pullers, you're either a bitch or a short bitch lmao

>deadlifts turned out shit today
>have to wait until tuesday to try again
>bench was alright though

How do you deal with a shit deadlift session and waiting for the next one? I'm pretty sure that this shit session will bother me for days to come.


Sort of, yeah

183, 415 sq

Sup faggot got something to say?

Gotta let the inner manlet out, huh Boardie? It's okay little guy, nobody's gonna hurt you.

bretty good.


It's taken a long fucken time lad

2nd for chadshorts is a sumo pulling little bitch and I will fly to california (soon) to say this to your face, not online.

I took my trip off to say this. You shitskovvels need to stop bullying friendshorts. He can't help he is a deadliftet.

>yfw boardie is really 5'6 manlet, with a 4'10 gf that gives him the appearance of being 6'4


Took my trip off to post this

Go back to pewpewfield 4 you fucking casul shit


>be 5'7 with a 4'11 gf and still don't look tall

holy shit Amber is 4'11"

I thought my gf was tiny at 5'5"

That's like, inconceivably small. Does she have room for organs?

>Aaron calling his gf tiny when she's only 2 inches shorter than me
Someone stop this bully

Iktf, my gf is 5'9 and soo tiny



>all this talk of roasties


when did you get a gf?

Gonna have to stop you right there phil

Iktfb, my gf is 5'10 and small as can be.

is sean your gf?


She's more adorable every day

gon marry her?

>over 5'8"

Single ply lifting is looking more and more appealing desu lads, I think that'll be something fun to do next year

>not just taking the plunge and going multi-ply

you're supposed to be fatter in single ply, not leaner

S-sorry friends, I dont have a gf ;-;

I just wanted to fit in

>tfw no tiny 5'9 gf to hold in my arms
someone hand me my helium

You live in Ohio, right m8? You'll see her at the end of July ;)

sorry lad

Better than getting emotionally bullied by some cunt for training 5x a week. Gotta look at the positives senpai.

i can be your gf :3

>implying I'd quit powerlifting

I guess I'll just be a singly ply deadlift specialist then

It's OK famalam, gfs are overrated anyway tbqh

Tbh if she's worth keeping she won't say shit about your training.

Weighed in at 83 kg this morning lads

I did it.

Just two days too early.


squats and deads, knees are finally feeling good, so we'll see how they go


Great now don't change a thing.

Other peoples wives on the other hand....

Don't bring your girl around Sabre man.
I came home early one day and walked into my gf room and she quickly closed her phone and threw the covers over herself.
After a bit she left and went to the bathroom and when I checked her phone she was messaging Sabre and bodorio at the same time.
My "besties" are ruining my relationship. She even said "daddy filip" one day during sex ;-;

Skwats, resistance band bench and some accessories.


Do they not let you use multi-ply suits in strongman? I thought you were interested in doing strongman eventually, guess I misremembered.

That's actually the worst, I hated that my ex would flip shit when I'd go to the gym. It's something you like doing and want to do, and in terms of possible hobbies, not even that intrusive, so she should just fuck off about that m8

Keep going and get the extra boost to your wilks :^)

Fucking keked. They're overrated too, even more so actually. If I had actually pursued a relationship with this woman, it'd be worse than my most recent ex. I swear, I'm a crazy chick magnet.

drop that shit senpai

>specializing for maybe 15kg more if you're really fucking good at using the suit
y tho

I love me some banded bench desu.
I wish squats didn't always rek me for them

>I'm a crazy chick magnet.


I fucking wish. My last ex was the only good one. Everyone else has been pretty meh

Dude. I'm trying to make some meme bants here and you're really just fucking killing the mood, ok?


Same here! Good luck, let me know how it goes.

I've got a six year old cousin and was hoping to find a crack dealer for him that wouldn't feel bad about selling it to him.

Do you guys know anyone?

Shut up

Gotta make PRs today lads but
>tfw no gf
And if I fap to get rid of this feeling then I'll loose all my energy for gym

Yep. Dicking guys in the very near future too, probably, if volume dick doesn't fuck me over

I think I have some free samples somewhere..

Can confirm is pretty fun

You'll also have someone to teach and wrap you.

Warning. It's not cheap. This is your only hurdle.

Oh. Plg meet up 2k17 is eqp commonwealths.

I might know a guy.

Is his mom hot?

Ayy I found that 15th estus I was looking for

Lads how's my deadlift strategy for daily squatting:

~6-8 heavier singles one day a week
~3-4x2-3 paused or deficits on another day

Me and Poutine tbH

So... How many of you are gay?
If you're gay please leave this thread forever.

There's also /plg/ meetup 2k16 at the Ohio state championships. There's gonna be like 5 of us there I think.

Looks good lad. Remember to start out light with the diddies.

I guess we won't be hearing from you again


I'm excited for you lads. Looks like you're all gonna have fun/do well

You're fat and dyel and I have pictures to prove it.

I'm from Kentucky senpai but close
I'm training my eat milkshakes and be a fat shit so I can rest up for mock meet Saturday

>You're fat

Also the orange cream shake from Arby's isn't nearly as good as it was when I was in high school.
What the fuck did they change?

>you will live your whole life without using Poutine's soft midsection as a warm, comfy pillow on which you can rest your head
what a shitty feel.

>you will never bust boardshorts knee caps

Yeh buddaay

don't remind me ;_;

Any recommendations on cheap food? I started a new routine about 3 weeks ago and my regular diet is no longer enough, but I also don't have a ton of money to spend for food.

Junk food

McDoubles are literally the cheapest food in terms of protein, calories, and cost.

Rice and beans, pasta, peanutbutter, eggs, chicken, milk.

Off to wageslave lads

b gud

add butter and coconut oil to everything

Maybe not cereal


Paused Squats
Touch and Go Bench

pretty excited to test some touch bench, I haven't really trained it in like, forever and I'm wondering how much stronger it is than my pause.

>or maybe it's weaker, idk

>coconut oil
Do you just like pour it over your bowl of stirfry or whatever?

As was boardshorts

I remember him screenshotting that post and claiming I was "btfo" despite never even talking about it before