Lanklets BTFO

lanklets BTFO

>unimpressed with shirtless

>fishing pictures

>I'm a Disney princess

>Puerto Rican

Nice try manlet.

No self-respecting manmore would want to breed with a womanlet and doom his sons to a life of manletism.

>One girl doesn't like a thing
>hurr BTFO

Y'all put pussy on too high of a pedestal.

Those are big t shirts in the lower left


Now way an alpha tall guy like me would lower myself to the level of such a roastie whore fucking wrench!

Puertorican here

She angers me. She might as well ask for a fat neckbeard beta.

/a step up

you got lit up, son

Even /a/ knows puerto rican girls are crazy as fuck and not waifu material

>saw that
>read the rest of her ad

Have fun with that.

>some 5/10 shitskin acting like an entitled little bitch
>hurr BTFO

>implying being a manlet matters with women

Being a manlet has everything to do with respect among other men

Is this even English anymore

Hey yo Veeky Forums I have this anecdotal evidence detailing one girl and an offhand comment on what she likes in a man, since we know that all females are a homologous hivemind with no variation in taste or personality Imma take this as a blanket statement of the tastes of every female, despite the fact that a similar thread in the past exists for every little quirk or value that some tinder whore finds attractive or unattractive in a man.

>puerto rican

Well there you go, OP

I fell for the Puertorican girl meme. I used to date exclusively white girls. You know taint the master race thing and what not. As I got older Latinas started getting better. Not all mind you. But like the Sofia Vergara and Michelle Lewin types. Tall, tan, great bodies and legs. Got me a Puertorican/Venezuelan that fits all that criteria but she is a little crazy.

I like crazy though. One thing I noticed from my white girl slaying days is that they are pretty boring. They always think the awkward cute personality thing is adorable. After a couple of dates with that it's annoying as hell.

Like Zooey Deschanel. Sure she looks good and is funny. But after a few weeks with that you'll want to hang yourself.

Cucks btfo

Manlets can have her.

I appreciate the support as a manlet but she's kinda ugly

she ugly


A ti TR guta el guineo? Pato

>shit face
>visible tattoos
>face piercing
This girl would be treated as a queen by 4channers and pol in particular but in reality she's as trash as niggers