Who is the Veeky Forums candidate and why is it Ted Cruz?
To keep it relevant, how has getting jacked changed your political views?
Who is the Veeky Forums candidate and why is it Ted Cruz?
fuck off pol
I went from being a beta trump supporter to ALPHA ted cruz
why would lifting change my political views you autist? I'm rooting for shillary btw
Politics is a ruse
Can't wait to fuck trumptards' daughters and make their wildest cuck dreams come true
If you don't believe Trump is going to win this election, you're a naive and in denial.
Not even trolling.
>supporting cruz
Sounds Veeky Forums to me.
Getting Veeky Forums didnt do much for my political views. I was far right before and am centre right now.
Same here, #CruzBro! Also, drinking a gallon of bleach totally helps with gainz!
Hello rat o
I really was a liberal cuck before I started lifting.
Hello rato satano
Implying alphas support anything but the Donald
hello rato my boy
hello rato
hopefully my hair starts coming back
Why did he have drop out of the race?
/pol/ hates el rato
I used to be a degenerate socialist who wanted everything given to me, but now I'm a far right reactionary.
>thinking Veeky Forums supports lyin' Ted
He's got the lowest approval rating of them all. Why dont you bet money on it?
hello rato
no bald pls
Only approval rating that matters are the votes son
>Implying Veeky Forums supports Rafael the rat.
Congress has an 11% approval rating last I checked yet 90% of those guys get reelected, user. A lot of approval polls don't reflect how people actually vote.
>approval rating
>implying that matters
You're a fucking idiot. His "approval" are the god damn votes and the three states he won a couple days ago.
>muh approval rating
>muh most qualified candidate
Lovin' every laugh
hello satanic rato
low test manlets gtfo
hillary "hildog the high test" clinton is the true Veeky Forumsizen's choice
Lifting has made me more /pol/ by the day. I don't know why.
Me too. Praise kek.
I dedicate my pump to Trump
Went from fgt liberal to fgt right winger
konichiwa rato-san
>that guy who's not buying his clothes two sizes smaller to look huge
>corporate cuck
>Veeky Forums
Yeah no. You're no better than hillary supporters
hillary is a gain goblin
Trump will win. Half the democratic party will vote for Hillary and the other half Stein. He even tried to better his odds by encouraging Bernie to run as an independent in the general during his last victory speech. Bernie won't run as an independent though so Hillary/Stein near split with Trump getting the rest of the votes.