How do I fix a weak jawline?

How do I fix a weak jawline?

Lose weight

Chew on a barbell

Take off that fucking hat first, cuck. You're indoors first of all, and secondly you're not Crocodile Dundee. Then go back to fucking reddit and ask them.

without superior jaw genetics, you'll never get a gf
sorry, op

Dude fuck you. That was my grandfather's hat and I'll wear whatever I want.

Your grandfather didn't wear his grandfather's hat. He bought a fucking hat.

That has no bearing or relevance.

Oh god my fucking sides

Lose weight/genetics

thicker neck will make you look masculine

Shit where did i place my sides?

>these are the people giving you fitness advice


> w2c hat

8x6 Up Downs


Please help Veeky Forums. Do I just have bad genetics?

Post pic of grandpa's jawline and I'll tell you

And he best be wearing that fucking hat you soft-jawed bitch

Weighted dips

get big af

chew gum

deal with your shitty gene you fucking jawlet

Fuck you faggot. You don't deserve to see Grandpa.

It's not about deserve. I'm trying to diagnose your shit jawline. You obviously don't want help. Stubborn, just like gam-gam.


Lower bodyfat% to < 10.

If that doesn't work, consider plastic surgery.

Crashing this thread.

10 is way too much
5 would be
>tesla/feynman, assuming he'd teach me shit, warm water otherwise

Getting surgery on mine in a few weeks

Zyzz tier jaw here I come


>Fridge and Oven
>Old Asian Lady
>Art Gallery
>Pen and paper
You're a pleb if you don't pick these.


first post, best post

>you're not Crocodile Dundee
Fucking kek

Old Asian Lady
Hot Water

He's tensing hard af lmao.

Sure you're not just hiding your receding hairline?

Only doing 5, 10 is too much
>bench press
>10/10 blonde, not like her slight feminism could do anything trapped in a room with my gains

If 10
>asian schoolgirl
>Sasha grey

close, chew wood like jack Dempsey did, claimed it did wonders for his chin

lost any point you had there, its truly become the "fag" cry of millennials, you look back and go "jesus, i used to sound like that?


>asian girl
>sasha grey
>tyra banks
>blonde girl
>zyzz brah
>isaac newton

best. orgy. ever.

OP just got fucking destroyed holy shit.

top kek


Is this where I pick up my dubs?

OP CONFIRMED FOR 2nd generation fag

Your grandpa was probably cool

Fucking brilliant

Can I have 10 different Japanese school girls?

>blonde for gf
>asian lady for cooking
>fridge and oven
>pen and paper

Top kek

Get Nordic blood

>tfw family is all dirty slavs and I will never have strong Viking jawline

whatever I choose it's unironically better than my current life

Everything in that picture is an upgrade for 99% of the human population. You aren't special.