A general for powerlifting. Get in here boys.
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How big was that fucking somolian? Fuck haha
Also, are swedes like that (feeling bad for rapefugees)? That brings cuckness to a whole new level
That's a lie. The actual story is a Norwegian man who got raped, and he was just a typical cuck.
Hi friendos,
if i just had RD yesterday, and I feel really good today, is it fine to just do ID today?
No, you'll spontaneously combust.
What program should I run with a 160kg squat and 140kg deadlift.
This is a real issue and requires friendship and understanding
Nope you should do the program
>You also kinda/sorta modeled your bench training after SSB, who seems to disregard technique and just bully the weights into submission with demented strength.
Our bench styles are very different. I tried his method-ish to no avail. Either way I'm not getting weaker so I'll just keep punching the clock until something happens
Looks like I made him mad :^)
Ok. Why not. I respond best with minimal fatigue. Is this good for that?
Y r u beautiful & how can I b beautiful
tBh I think ive made some great strides since then...
new squat:
but especially in bench:
oh gosh
powerlifting makes everyone beautiful bby
Do you still feel guilty
Yes, he shouldnt have been convicted
Consensual rape isnt rape
I like the look of Juggernaut, but I'm not big on the idea of the 1x/Week frequency for the main lifts.
Has anyone here modified it to increase frequency?
If I'm feeling really good though, why not?
Why not take advantage of all the days I feel good?
Not trying to be dumb, legitimately asking.
When is it my turn to make people mire like this?
I didn't mean your styles were the same, just that he doesn't do competition lifts, which seems like a bad move for technique improvement.
I get it man. Can't tell you how many shitty workouts I've had on good days and how many great workouts I've had on bad days
very soon by the looks of your progress tbqh
cowboy method is 3x a week
Yeah man I feel you. You're definitely right. I'm not sure I got worse, at least. Spoto pressed 3pl8 for [email protected] so there's that. I dunno man. Just trying to enjoy training again
How are things at home
Isn't your PR 335? Sounds like you're definitely stronger now.
Friendship fuels prs
Has anybody ever seen a video of Chemoliftan? He claims he squatted 230kg atg beltess paused when he was on chemotherapy
Landed on my shoulder the weekend before max test week. Been a little twingey since then
Ok. Stressful, actually. Not gonna spill my guts here though. Just not appropriate
>descent the hardest feeling part of benching
It's weird, always feels like I'm really pushing it (lel) during the descent whereas the ascent may fly up. Been this way ever since I learned how to brace better for the bench
u breakin up with ur gf?
Chin up boardie
>Stressful, actually
i know that feel lad
>he isn't as well dressed, as lean, nor as strong as Jonnie Hancock
What's your excuse for not being a shredded IPF World Champion and an entrepreneur at the age of 20?
lads, I just got the entrepreneur cut
what the fuck did i just watch
Hope not. She seems happy.
Thanks la.
I'm supposed to be relieved because it's the end of the week but I have papers projects and exams next week. Just feeling a little pressure is all. Semester started so easy too
Don;t Bulgarian split squats pretty much work in the same way?
I swear these numbers go up every time you post them z--n
Take What's Yours: Every Day Uploads. Starbucks Business and Coaching. Pure unadulterated class; a real world-class athlete. My role model to be frank.
>brett the spoon gibbs
dude got him self on bitches phones cases.
look at how happy they were ;_;
Please elaborate.
Is highbar offseason a huge meme or probably worth doing? Either way, I'm probably going to be doing HB, SSB, or fronts for the next two months or so to find out for myself.
Anyone running the Greg Nuckols 3x/week programs? Anything wrong with running them on consecutive days?
I did it with a second bench day that eventually became a second bench and squat day
Facebreh is running it iirc
Cws likes high bar and ssb because you can do more volume for less training economy
>you can do more volume
Squatting daily, pulling EOD fiveish days a week right now, sounds like highbar might be a good idea
Please, someone, just tell what's going on with Candito. I've been asking literally every single thread and been ignored. Has /plg/ forgotten about him already?
I think if any of us had answers someone would have said something
Stay safe user
he's dead i'm friend's with him on facebook
Should I bunk?
Evens yes
Odds no
0 the next reply decides
He got super salty when the lolfed record he wanted got obliterated, so he moved to Thailand with Leeman.
What do you mean?
Sweet Christmas. Just messed around with some low volume and low intensity snatch grip deads to pinpoint technical issues. Found out I need to keep my left foot a good deal straighter than my right, due to messing up my ankle a year ago. The last rep almost felt like an empty barbell.
Man, it really is the little things.
>I think if any of us had answers someone would have said something
An user posted some months ago that he's seen and talked to him on uni campus. I figured a gremlin like him isn't exactly inconspicuous, so someone on /plg/ must have seen him since then. But then again posters here have fallen somewhat since then also.
Except a) he'd just moved to Texas, so why would he move again so soon, and b) Leeman is in Cambodia, not Thailand (last I heard, don't follow teary-eyed no-feds)
I don't wear a belt
I do double overhand
Best decisions I've made in terms of training.
Grip strength and forearm size may be genetics though, unless pull-ups and deadlifts really make them explode, which they wouldn't if you do mixed nigger grip
>Cruising towards straight A's
>fuck up
Welp. I've had my doubts earlier, but this time.. wew
Consecutive how?
I've made noticeable progress both in size and strength in just 4 months. Double overhand does wonders.
Been doing it since day 1. Niggas trying to are me switch but I just don't have an issue with grip.
It may be genetics though because I get forearm pump from shit like bench
Texans wouldn't tolerate his desire for a SHW roidaroo boyfriend, so he and Leeman went to Bangkok, where they'd seem normal compared to all the ladyboys and juice is dirt cheap and legal.
I accidentally bought a 13mm belt as My first belt ever. how fucked am I?
His gf cucked him, now he's suicidal.
No I've never seen a video
He must squat at least 300kgs now though
>Consecutive how?
So say I do squat+bench 3x week
Squat + Bench
Squat + Bench
Wednesday off
I'd have to do it this way because of my scheduling of other life stuff
Gf not putting out huh
in b4 trappy ruins the thread
What kind of a woman would cheat on a powerlifting athlete of his calibre? I thought 6+pl8s pretty much guaranteed a relationship no matter what? I'm at 3.5pl8 and getting stares all over. I bet at 4pl8 I'm gonna start getting asked out mid sets. Damn, I can't wait.
As a Norwegian I can say it's a mix of bad headlines, lost in translation and a fucking beta guy. The fact is he was saying he felt shame of being raped aka forced to blow a guy, because it takes away his dignity. The attacker had a weapon of sorts. He acted kinda beta, bur did never say he didn't want the guy to be sent out.
I think you made a better choice.
Assuming intermediate/advanced programs:
So Nuck says you need to be fresh for the day 1 squats, so doing day 3 right before might not work. The day 1 squats are fucking horrible and I wouldn't ever do volume or intensity front squats the day after as they are also quite hard. Based on that, I'd say
Thurs: Squat day 1
Mon: Squat day 2
Tues: Squat day 3
I have done day 2 and 3 consecutively a few times, and it's manageable (I deadlift on day 3 as well).
However, if this doesn't work, do day 3 before day 1 like mentioned above, i.e.
Tues: Squat day 1
Thurs: Squat day 2
Mon: Squat day 3
I like the look of the first alternative better tho, tbH.
The volume on bench day 1 and 3 is high enough that I wouldn't recommend doing those to days consecutively. I think you'll find it more manageable to do the pyramid of day 2 right after day 1 OR day 3 right after the pyramid. Based on that, I'd say
Thurs: Bench day 1
Mon: Bench day 2 (pyramid)
Tues: Bench day 3
If you're talking about the beginner ones, I'd suggest 8rep and 6rep needs more recovery than 4rep, in that I think you'll find it better to do volume (8+) the day after intensity (4+) rather than the other way around or two volume days (8+ and 6+) consecutively.
Mon: Squat 4+, Bench 4+
Tues: Squat 8+, Bench 8+
Thurs: Squat 6+, Bench 6+
This is something you could experiment a bit with tho, as this is based on my preferences.
gf just sent me this lads
Nice wall of text
Have some fucking reader courtesy and remove your post and reword it so it isn't so blatantly disrespectful and in the way of my scrolling
Ah thanks, this is helpful. I'm doing the beginner ones. Your suggestions make sense so I'll probably follow them. Have this webm as a token of gratitude.
Notice: this webm is for facebrah only. No one else should view/save it.
ayyy lad I'll be starting wolfs after next week. I'll keep you updated if you're down.
Also will core strengthening help keep my squat upright?
If you want an upright squat then practicing doing upright squats with a belt
Beltless squats are stupid and a meme
Do report back.
[spoiler]Thanks for the webm but I don't like children.[/spoiler]
Which one? I'll appreciate the updates.
If core is a weak link, then yes afaik. And as far as I can tell, the core work listed in the Dietmars before the main lifts are more for activation and warmup purposes rather than strengthening the core.
No, I squat with a belt. I did my skills test yesterday and I was getting chest collapsing at 90%+.
By the way you might find snatch-grip deads or front squats more beneficial if core strength isn't an issue.
The intermediate one that you translated.
I think I'm going to replace the HB pause squat with front squats to hopefully combat that issue.
not him but can I replace front squats with high bar? I hate front squats. It's what's keeping me from doing his squat programs.
Post screenshot of the percentages please. Or did you already fix that?
Pic related are the actual percentages, listed in the same order as in the excel file.
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Have access to an SSB?
I'm tempted to say you can't. FS are great for back strength, and have comparatively lower systemic fatigue than the other squats because you handle less absolute weight.
Then again, you might as well try it. If it works, great; if it doesn't, you know.
Already tweaking for raw lifting. Really stoked desu. I've been looking at tonnage and # of lifts compared to sheiko.
How do they measure up? I haven't done that yet, was thinking of doing it this summer.
I'm going to bed now tho.
Same torso length as leg lenght how fucked am i?
Is this correct for the lowbar sq. descend?
Flat shoes - hips back then sit down
Oly shoes - sit down
What do you deadlift though?
How so? In oly shoes if I go hips back then down, it turns out into good morning.
Your form shouldn't change wholesale depending on the shoes you wear.
Doesn't mean you have to sit your hips back in flats
Experiment with form yourself, there's no hard or fast rule with squats
got it, thanks