I've stopped drinking milk entirely, since a few weeks back. I used to drink at least 0.5-1L of milk every day, and now it's zero. I still eat a lot of various cheese types though.
What effects do you think this will have?
I've stopped drinking milk entirely, since a few weeks back. I used to drink at least 0.5-1L of milk every day, and now it's zero. I still eat a lot of various cheese types though.
What effects do you think this will have?
that webm man, what the fuck
Unless you replace the calories you'll lose weight
Do you like?
Well yes.
>Do you like?
Why would I?
I don't know.
Wierdest boner ever
I have the same wallpaper
is that cat being murdered?
im scared
he's being raped
im actually sick to my stomach from that webm
They're just playing. It's a game of dominance.
And murder is just a game of stabby-stabby
Relax, it's just pretend, fammy.
I don't believe you
If those cats wanted to kill each other, it'd be a very different scene. They are basically pleasuring each other.
>pleasuring each other.
My male cat regularly rapes my other male cat, and there's absolutely no pleasure in it for either cat.
He does it out of hate.
Let that be a lesson to you, then. Rape is perfectly natural, just like homosexuality.
wtf gonna need some details brah
that doesn't mean we should do either of them
Don't be a homophobe!
Cats have barbed penises
ducks have long corckscrew penises.
You'll get AIDS
So do I
Snakes have two penises.
Kangaroos have difurcated penises
>mfw that webm
This is why you never have multiple male cats in the same household. Did you even neuter him? Your house must smell like from all your male cats spraying everywhere and everything.
Going back to the original question, OP now has less possibilities of help finding lost children in his neighborhood.
>just like your homosexuality.
I`m not a homo!
Is the dominant cat a Vampire?
So, now you're not consuming dairy daily?
Correct. Except cheese. I eat a lot of cheese.
> What effects do you think this will have?
Less profit for big, greedy corporations.
Reduced chance of poor animal welfare.
Reduced chance of methane damaging the atmosphere.
Reduced deforestation.
A better future.
No. Fuck off, vegan shill cuck.
you becoming even more mentally deficient and shitposting on Veeky Forums
> implying I'm a vegan
> caring more about your taste buds than humanity
> being this selfish
> not caring about the planet
> not caring about other species
> not caring about the plants on which your own life is dependent on
They don't spray and yes they're fixed.
It's just cabin fever.
>the planet
>Chosen Undead
>the planet
>other species
>monkeys fling their poo at people
>wake up
>can't wake up
>wake me up inside
>drink outside in the rain
> ignorance is bliss
beat him up girl kitty you can do it
>girl kitty
Why tho?
itll make you post gay threads
I want to see it so bad, but my phone doesnt play webms :(((((
How do you guys know the gender of the cats o.o
I got a boner from this
Because a female cat wouldn't be on her back and in such distress.
goodbye gainz
Now that
Now that's lovemaking.
And the loser gets raped and dies. In either order.
Excuse me. We're trying to discuss cats here. Go get your own board, faggots.
This is MY thread.
You never leave, do you OP
I have the weirdest boner right now.
I do, but I come back every few hours.
Have you eaten any cheese today?
Quite a lot of it, yes.
What effect did it have?
It nourished me.
wow, that's impressive! Take my money!
I like fitness haha!
I work out and eat somewhat healthy!