
>Is blaha the most autistic person in the fitness community?
You forgot someone OP

Other urls found in this thread:


>Jason the most autistic name around?

blaha? More like haha.

>university of phoenix

Ive always wondered what it is like to be poor

But you did just remind me last night I accidentally asked my friend to grab me a Blaha Blast from taco bell. He must've thought I was fucking retarded when I started laughing like a hyena

You know I derive pleasure from the suffering of others but I sort of feel bad for this guy. I mean he's a grown man, how do you go so wrong and become like this?

Can I get some context to this.
I look up blaha but I can't follow all the drama, he's basically a bald vegan memes.

This, pham

Goddamnit I want to do ICF as my noob regime but these threads and his shit videos and physique make me not trust it at all. I realize that's a dumb reason but fuck this dude is dumb

His girlfriend was a stripper and a coke dealer, for everything else:


Have fun bros. dont forget to unsuscribe from that fat fucks channel

I no what you mean. I've been doing ICF for 6 months now, and just recently started visiting Veeky Forums - now I'm worried.

Is ICF lacking in anything? I added in a different ab routine and some pull ups.

>blaha blast
audibly kekd

Veeky Forums is fucking retarded, disregard everything said here

how have you done on it?

switch out the lighter rows with pullups
abs is less important but don't add in any more than he has its overkill

It is I! Jason Blaha!

Ice cream fitness is literally StrongLifts with curls added. Do stronglifts or SS, IceCream fitness is a meme anyways.

I've made some gains, but I'm not very confident in my squat/deadlift form at all, and it's preventing me from progressing further.

elliot rodgers didn't kill "all those girls" wtf
he mostly killed guys

and he wasn't psycho, he just hated white ppl


>Stronglifts with curls
>ICF is a meme anyways

I don't see how SL+accessories=meme

Because i can take SS add a few accessories and name it cookie cutter fitness and boom, I have my claim to fame just like Blaha who is a living meme.

Like Rip did to Starr and Medhi did to Rip? That mean that all of them are memes also

okay so it's absolutely fine and there are literally no issues with it other than the fact that it's essentially a renamed SL/SS.

Awesome! I'll continue with it as intended

saw him irl looks bigger in person real person thick solid you're all small FUCKS

5x5 routines=meme

Is there a single weight lifting routine in the world that isn't a meme? Or are we all just living memes?

Phraks greyskull

he was psycho obsessed with fucking white blonde 10/10 girls

So I guess we ARE just a bunch of memes.


wew lad



Blaha is a living meme who was created by the United States government


what the fuck is up with the comments in this video. is there some new meme i missed?

>Like Rip did to Starr

except that rip added a thorough book on the biomechanics of the compounds and created programs to graduate to after the noob phase is done.

also, his form videos are great

>spending 2 hours at the gym as a beginner
it's trash

Scottish people got nothing better to do that fuck with retards?

Blahas just salty he got banned off there

I would add Calf raises to the end of day be for 3 sets of 15.

Jason is a pretty autistic name

>grad school

wtf man

stop posting about blaha please

>Yes my girlfriend has a criminal records over selling cocaine
>yes she was a stripper during college

lol'd irl.

There is no "ICF" you dumb fuck. The reason it works is because it's the ancient StrongLifts program with some curls thrown in.

Dumb fucks giving Blaha way more credit than he deserves.


jason pls go

Im stalling on my squat cause my legs are shit, I can easily sort of deadlift the bar back up when I just straighten my legs back from parallel. I feel like I could squat so much more if I worked on my legs, what sort of accessory should I do for them?

I was just reading through this. That guy Ian McCarthy, that Blaha was having a pissing contest with said barbell rows and deads are inferior lifts.

Does anyone here have the full story of his security guard incident. I remember one time on fit someone said that he was a security guard at some government facility, fell asleep on duty, someone came in and killed someone working incide the facility. From there he claimed he got from PTSD, they stug a gag order on him and made him sign an NDA. According to blaha this makes him a 'mercenary'. If anyone has the full source on this story please do tell, it will probably piss of blaha and dig his grave a little deeper.

what the hell is that shit on her shoulder?

Well, fuck.


Wow, can we call him out on this? I really really want to see a vid of Blaha explaining why his gf is named Mooncookie.

>Hi, Jason Blaha here and I wanted to make this video today to clear up some of the rumors about Mooncookie...

Not to sound like an idiot but when does it say moon cookie in the vid?

>honors at University of Phoenix

>Does anyone here have the full story of his security guard incident
> I remember one time on fit someone said that he was a security guard at some government facility, fell asleep on duty, someone came in and killed someone working incide the facility.
what, no

the only operating jason has done is driving a forklift at a warehouse. there's a video where his father laughs at the suggestion of jason being a 'mercenary'. he went on to tell the interviewer that the only real job jason held down prior to his mysterious illness was manual labor.

>Blaha puts up a University of Phoenix transcript
>user doesn't read it

Why watch a Blaha video if you're not interested in laughing?


Moon cookie is code word for coke. Just like space cake means weed

Has he replied to any of the debunking shit or has he just trudged on like the delusional fatso that he is?

Someone already said this but I want to emphasize his point. ICF is just 5x5 and nothing has changed in 20 years. Blaha just copy pasted it and rebranded it.

what makes blaha so unattractive? is it his hips?

How bad do you think he smells?

How the fuck do people waste their time on people like this.

>his gf legally changed her middle name to Mooncookie

And this is the bad bitch he boasts about giving dick to twice a day? If he's such a social butterfly pussy slayer how is this the best he can do girl wise?

Because he looks like a melted homer doll?

Are you guys actually doubting the Blaha?

Is this fake? Or did the fat fuck really post this

please tell me this isn't real

...is this nigger for realious?

>being so weak you can't even knock out 15 post-coital push ups

Dude, that isn't even a lot...

This cant be true

If it sounds too good to be true...


Yeah, we've all seen South Park.

Just calm down, kid


its fake, blahino is autistic but not that autistic