I never thought I'd find a manlet picture, but it finally happened

I never thought I'd find a manlet picture, but it finally happened

>Triple tiptoes

That white guy is as manlet as the chinks. Fucking hell m8s

Manlets must have such good balance from being on their tiptoes so often.

No wonder they make such good gymnasts.

Protip: Whenever taking group pictures, stand next to the manlet, not only to make your height show, but also to put your arm around them to keep them down when they try to pull this shit

>literally force him down when he does this
>look him straight in the eye after



butthurt manlet detected

Honestly, if I ever stand on my tiptoes on a picture, I deserve it.

sure frodo

frodo is awesome you are not

When will they fucking learn

>tfw 18 and 5'9

I have a nice face and a nice car so that makes up for it but I still have hope. R-r-right guys

this pic gets me everytime

Lol so that's where it was from. That's a funny pic.

>best friend is 6'2
>hes beta as fuck

dont worry sub 6 footers height isnt everything

That chick with the dimploma is literally muh fetish

>tfw 5'8
>all my male friends are 6'0-6'4
at least I don't tiptoe when someone takes a picture

That's dedication. Calf muscles must be huge.

Whoa I thought only guy in the middle was doing it but on closer inspection.

unoriginal faggot detected

Do they use the top of your head as an arm rest?

Not only a manlet behaviour.

6'3 is manlet

that is honestly sad after what he's been through in the race

I didn't know people tip-toed for photos, seems pretty pathetic. Manlets shouldn't be so overly conscious about their height, it is unattractive. Personally I have a fetish for manlets since I grew with manlets friends, I can't help but think they are hot.


I was 6'2 age 14. Stopped growing at 14 for fuck sakes. I thought I was going to be massive shaqueal o'neal tier.

You have no hope.

Yeah, I stopped growing at 17 and felt like I failed.
Was hoping I'd be 6'8 instead of a measly 6'4".
From there I just got thicker.

Dude on the right is double-dipping with that crop top.

Hello there Manuel the manlet

>tfw 6'1
>tfw all I want in life is to be one or two inches taller

at least I have a 7.5x6 pen0r

>mfw i'm 6'5" and I literally do this every single time I take a photo with my 5'5" manlet friend
He's so insecure about his height that he gets a tall haircut, uses vertical stripes and patterns for his clothing, and uses platform shoes, while also tiptoeing in every group photo

>when will the learn?

Poor Jeb... He fell for the >being tall gives you advantage in debates meme. Which is kind of true, but doesnt work if you re awkward low-energy person and height is the only thing going for you. Trump on the other hand uses his height to a full extent, straight up bullying manlets like little Marco and Rand on stage.

Better yet, stand on your toes while pushing him down


5'10 is the only superior race. Gainz look better and can still pull hoes. Stay mad

It's from an RPG source book. Pathfinder Ultimate Campaign to be specific


But those girls are wearing shoes that give height.

Never compare heights unless barefoot.

Are you going to tell your girlfriend to not wear heels when you take her out, so it's not obvious that you're a manlet when you stand next to her?

DID YOU KNOW: standing on tiptoes is a sign of autism

Lol, i can just imagine your little tiny manlet hands typing this reply out. Hilarious

the only size that actually matters is your dick

can you fuck someone with your height? no

now if you have a tiny 5-6 inch dick, that's just embarrassing.

>is it hard yet?

imagine the shame of a girl saying that.

any idiot can buy a nice car lmao

all you're doing there is
1. overcompensating
2. letting everyone know that you don't live in poverty

OP with the hattrick

Is that true? One of my 5'8 manlet friends ALWAYS wears boots and i noticed that he's on his tiptoes a lot.

Even with boots and tiptoes he looks small next to me, and i'm only 6'1

lanky and insecure
solid gold


I have several pairs of boots too and I'm 6'3" barefoot. Just wanna be fashionable nomsayin

if you have a 5" dick it might be embarrassing when you take off your pants but when your height starts with 5' it's just embarrassing throughout the day

ur dick size wont get u laid lmao unless ur sending dick pics to gutter sluts, then she'll only see ur dick after shes decided to fuck you



is this an american thing? Im a manlet but would never humiliate myself by tip toeing in a pic lmao

jeb is a mess, nasty guy

Great job mods. I learn so much about fitness with these types of shitposts.

I'm 6'4 and I wear boots all the time.

spot the manlet

will they ever learn

To make sure he knows you're the alpha male of the group why don't you bend him over and caress the inside of his anus with your big alpha dick. That'll teach him! Not only that but your lady friends will love the show!


i mean... what is that one inch going to do anyway?

>girl in the background
>bends knees not to humiliate fedoras

>i mean... what is that one inch going to do anyway?

It's going to rob him of what little dignity he had.

underrated post

the only way this picture could be better is if the fedora in the background was also tiptoeing

9/10 picture though

kek, see though

How can manlets do this and think they will get away with it? I mean don't they realize that you will be able to tell that they're on their toes in the picture? How can they think that being a insecure faking tiptoeing manlet and showing it to the entire world is better than just being themselves, even if that means being an inch shorter?

Or is it just a instinct thing for manlets? A knee-jerk reaction they can't really consciously control?

Or maybe they were joking about it. People do that often IRL, you know. Take funny pictures with friends and laugh about it.

Trappy I want you to tie me up and stick your stinky big man-feet into my mouth, commanding me to nibble on your callouses and lick your sole clean from your post-workout sweat.

>was so tired of being a manlet he tried to become a woman
>still a guy
>still a manlet
>defending manlets on the internet

My feet aren't stinky though :3c

Would you just sit on my face before showering then? 8)~

No they weren't just laughing around, right girl isn't even amused, just as asian guy.
Also, get the fuck out you degenerate piece of shit.

you have downs

And you know that exactly because you were there, right?

All the three guys are laughing about it.

And in the end, who the hell cares. They're all having a good time.

I'm always clean bby ;3

do you just freely put pics of your stinky feet on the internet. DANGEROUS

the manlets have an aura buff going on over here

I can make you even cleaner
With my tongue bby ,))


>one inch

Check out that fresh OC

Top Kek

Penis size is proportional to height. How fucking insecure can manlets be? When will they fucking learn?

Ideal height for health and aesthetics is between 5'10" and 6'2". Lanklets look like shit without roids and die off quicker due to health problems. Truly an inferior gene. Plus they look like mongoloids.

How tall are you?

he included 5'10 which is an objectively manlet height, so I'd guess that.

>6 inch tiny dick

I guess half of the population of the United States has tiny dicks

Penis size has nothing to do with height you retard

More than half since 5 is the average lol

To be fair, shorter heights are even better when it comes to certain sports, specially strength sports like PL, WL, and even bodybuilding.
Taller guys can do well in strongmen mainly because it's SHW stuff, but even then you'll see the strongest guys aren't really very tall, and have very good proportions.


>Penis size is proportional to height

That's not how it works at all.

I was thinking this same thing, but just wanted to be objective and let him answer.

How tall are you?

Wew gal nice footsies.

>tfw trappy's feet look better than my gf's

How tall are you?

>implying that wealth doesn't attract women as much as gains

a trap defending manlets is like those fat cucks that support bernie. You make them look worse kek

Holy fuck, this belongs in a cringe thread
How retardedly self conscious do you have to be to do shit like this
Even im 5'5.7 and wouldnt do it.