Why are there diets like "low-carb diets" that people seem to love? what's up with the difference in diets...

why are there diets like "low-carb diets" that people seem to love? what's up with the difference in diets, if a calorie is a calorie?


is it just personal taste leading to more long-term success?

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I follow a low carb diet plan - not because I'm interested in ketosis, but because as far as I understand, carbohydrates and the complex sugars they are made of don't give your gut the proper amount/type of nutrition necessary to maintain a healthy digestive system.

Captcha: select all bananas.

I believe it is actually very beneficial to certain people who have a sensitivity to insulin.

You also just seem to lose weight faster on the scale because you're body doesn't hold onto extra water from the carbs, so people like that. I personally find it easier to fight my hunger on a diet with few carbs.

high levels of carbs don't agree with my body. I'm also allergic to gluten and cured my severe eczema by stopping eating it

honestly I wish I could eat carbs without problems but I'm better off not

Rather than using carbs for energy, your body uses more fat after it uses up what little carbs it has. Good for losing weight quick but not if you lift. I feel like you would lose strength too quick. Better to just slightly lower carbs when cutting

> as far as I understand, carbohydrates and the complex sugars they are made of don't give your gut the proper amount/type of nutrition necessary to maintain a healthy digestive system

Sounds like you don't understand things at all

I'd like to do a low carb diet but i can never stick with it. Is it any better than just a regular deficit for fat loss on a significant level?


Unless you're one of the people who finds it significantly easier to stick to, because its metabolically identical in terms of fat loss.

That's what I thought, I can usually stick with it for 2 weeks before caving into cravings and binge eat like a fat piece of shit. I'll just stick with CICO

thanks user.

a calorie isn't just a calorie. that's a Veeky Forums meme.

what makes you slip?

that's plain wrong.

Say your TDEE is 2500 cals

Say you eat a normal healthy diet at 2000 cals you might lose 8lbs a month

If you eat keto at 2000 cals you might lose 9lbs a month (not including water weight drop that you get in the first few days) becuase lipolysis is slightly more efficient

However with keto your going to crave carbs like a motherfucker and your going to have to supplement potassium at the very least

that is not true, either.

you might lose the same mount of weight, but an ordinary, calorie-reduced diet makes you lose more muscle mass. if you're well fat-adapted, you'll have better energy levels while on keto, because your body will make up missing energy from nutrition with body fat.
potassium supps are not necessary if you aren't too stupid to choose the right foods to get enough of it.
but keep in mind that keto in a deficit works best for people with a high BF%, the smaller the percentage is, the more you should thing about an ordinary, healthy diet.
if you want to do keto for performance, you'll have to eat a lot. like really, a lot. mostly fat. that's not for everyone, not for me, for sure...

and you don't carve carbs anymore after adaption, thats not true.

>i feel like

Doesnt matter what you fee would happen, nigger.
If you do it right youll lose little to no strength at first then start gaining strength once youre fully addapted and taking in the right macros

Foods high in carb tend to me low in Micro nutrients (pasta and shit) and it's easier to binge on them. Also most junk food is high in carbs.

Thus low carb means less binge eating and less junk food which kinda makes it healthy.

Keto diets can provide greater satiation then low fat diets. However, a calorie is a calorie, and what truly matters is a caloric deficit

>allergic to gluten

There is no such thing, a simple gluten allergy does not exist. You either have Celiac's or Lyme's.

I am not knocking keto

But i did strict keto for 4 months (not even the "safe" artifcial sweeners) and got nice and lean and saw my abbs for the first time in my life

I did however literally start salivating whenever I saw someone drinking orange juice or eating desert

Unfortunately keto adaptation does not erase the memory of how food tastes

I agree with everything you said apart from potassium for example to even get 3.6g of potassium you would have to eat 1.3 pounds of spinach

that's not true.

if you have cravings, eat more fat.
but if you are lean there is no need to do keto anymore. life has to be fun, too, imo. and a balanced diet including (maybe not to many if you tend to gain weight fast) carbs makes life more fun.

about potassium:
what about nuts, beef, bone broth, cocoa, mushrooms and so on?
i, for example eat 99% cocoa dark chocolate, walnuts and shrooms and drink bone broth for my potassium. works well so far.

Personal preferences, for example some people's sleeping quality goes down the toilet on low carb and vice versa

I go relatively high carb on cut, even when im pretty low bf% (8-12) and it still produces results. Less likely to binge because rice is hella filling and calorie sparse for the amount you can eat. Plus more energy, and better metabolism. Whats not to like? Im predisposed to being a fatty maybe thats it


This page is shit. Like mom science tier shit

low carb is better if you have some sort of metabolic syndrome which interferes with your ability to produce healthy levels of insulin.

>I feel like you would
nice research Dr.

So you're not allergic to gluten but to wheat.

For most people it's just a way to eat lots of fat and call it a diet because they don't eat bread.

an anyone explain why the keto diet has you eat more fat than protein?

nu male faggot

nothing bad about fat, brother.
>not enjoying that sweet free testosterone

Reminder that the fat you eat is the fat you wear and low carb diets are worse for anything other than losing water weight.

Because low-carb diets will invariably include very little sugar, which is invariably what was making most people fat in the first place, so invariably following a low-carb diet will bring good results to fatties.

The problem is, as always, that any diets meant to band-aid the problem will invariably result in the fatty giving up and going 100% back to what they were before, if they don't start eating even more.

Eating less sugar is always good, but one shouldn't be afraid of good carbs.

protein breaks into glycogin.

It takes you out of ketosis if you have too much

The only kind of foods I try to eat high in carbs are fruits and vegetables. It's more about the type of carbs you choose than cutting carbs completely. There's no reason to eat bread, pastas, or potatoes.

troll or idiot? hard to decide on this board.

the idea behind a ketogenic diet is to make the body prefer to metabolize fat for energy. if you do it right, you have a steady, high energy without the downs after emptying your glucose stores (which leads to hunger, btw). fat burning is kinda inefficient, though. that's why your body tries to metabolize sugar over fat whenever it can, especially while not being fully adapted.
if you eat too much protein, your body will use a tricky little stunt that is called gluconeogenesis and transform the excess protein into glucose aka sugar. it's not that bad, but it kicks you out of nutritional ketosis (which isn't even necessary to be successful on a restricted carb diet) and that slows down the progress in this (very good) dietary model.

Based on all the doctors' lectures I've watched, the only way going low carb is "beneficial" to weight loss is if most of the carbs in your normal diet are refined (simple). Most people consume refined carbs (white bread, sugary drinks; stuff that's not whole grain) which fucks with the blood sugar. The pancreas ends up cranking out too much insulin, removing too much sugar (the hungry jittery feeling), so you look for something rich in carbs to eat to bring your blood sugar back up. Most people choose refined carbs, thus repeating the cycle. When most people go low carb, they're avoiding carbs (including refined carbs) reducing the effects of this cycle, effectively reducing the number of low quality calories consumed, promoting weight loss.

Here's a short article about carbohydrates by Harvard Medical school: hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/carbohydrates/

>in b4 harvard doesn't know what they're talking about

Why do people love these diets? I honestly have no clue. IMO this is just another fad diet for "nutritionists" to make money with no long-term solution to keep the weight off.

this is the fucking answer /fit

once and for fucking all

going full keto for an indefinite amount of time is going full retard
>never go full retard

carb cycling is the god-tier cutting diet to burn fat, not necessarily build muscle but it's a muscle sparing diet-you wont lose that much muscle if any at all

carb cycling has been used by natural bodybuilders for decades. see vince gironda's book "unleashing the wild physique" and the "maximum definition diet"
in short, a keto diet with a high carb meal every 3-5 days. the diet in the book is not the same as the "steak and eggs" diet attributed to him online. although they are similar.

the anabolic diet is a CKD developed by Dr. Mauro DePasqale that is close to gironda's version but easier for scheduling. its keto mon--fri and carb ups on the weekends.

For both diets you should be regularly lifting and exercising to burn the carbs off when you return to the keto diet.

last, some people do another version where you eat carbs on heavy workout days and keto on non work out days. check out the abercrombie diet, it's supposedly what the abercrombie mmodels do.

im currently doing the anabolic diet and am seeing good results. but my results are irrelevant, the information and results from this type of dieting is out there and speaks for itself.

end of story