Fecal transplant guy from last week here.

Just an update.

I had to postpone the fecal transplant until next weekend.

I'll post pics too and tell you guys if it worked or not.


Anyway, fecal transplant general.

Other urls found in this thread:


bumping with poop transplant facts

Never change you autist

do you eat the pill???

is it like a depository?

You know, to be healthy, there are a lot of things that you need to do, as an average human. Our food is bad, our weight is bad, our hormones are bad

an average person needs to do these things to become healthy again

>lose bodyfat to below 10% levels
>fix his hormones, reduce estrogen, increase test, with increased muscle mass for test, and estrogen blockers against the estrogen
>fix his gut biome from the bad foods, reduce sugar, eat less added chemicals, probiotics like op
>do a bit of cardio for fitness, preferably running, for increased lung capacity, and increased performance in lifting

for the gut biome, people should read this somewhat older article


I have been using kefir to try to restore the gut biome, but its a long process. What op has is basically a super pro-biotic. The most potent one out there.

thanks bro.

you eat the pill

you're supposed to eat like 30 poop pills

and then you have some slight hints from science that it may play a role in autism.


Unsource, I can also say that about 10% of all autism sufferers can be fixed with a healthier gut biome.

So hormones, muscles, and microbes in your gut. It seems these things are what need fixing for an average human in this society that ran rampant with its toxicity in all kinds of facets.

> lose body fat below 10% levels
> healthy

for men, 5% is the unhealthy range. So everything above that would be healthy. Ideally between 5% and 10%, perhaps a bit above 5%, like 7% to make sure that a few days of not eating well, thanks to work or whatever doesnt bump you to it.

Also, since we as males on average have decreased amounts of testosterone compared to our parents, and our parents parents. You have to min max as much as you can to get back to the old levels, which impact our thinking heavily. Dont you want to be like an imperialist, like a brutal, country conquering ancestor? Or like a wussy modern liberal, nu male?

God damn white people really are fucked up.

Minorities are more fat than white people, and you binge eat a lot more than us as well. Meaning that your gut biome is even shittier than ours since you consume in excess sugars, feeding the yeasts, increasing your ph in your stomach and upsetting the natural balance even more.

10-15% is the healthy range... wtf have you been reading

And still we don't (or even begin to think about) put other people's stools inside us, like OP does.

> Also, since we as males on average have decreased amounts of testosterone compared to our parents, and our parents parents.
I'm gonna need a source here

just cause Veeky Forums seems to have a disproportionate amount of people with gyno or klinefelter syndrome, it doesn't mean that the average person is the same

also, I can smell the /pol/ on you from here man

>Essential fat 2/5%


Which is also confirmed by my local doctor, basically, and they operate based on national standards. I could sue the whole country if they were lying to me.


Its not the only source, just an easy one. The generational decline of testosterone is well known if you bother to be on the news websites, or in the known world.

welp time to cut somemore


The averages you see in that graph also increased over the generations I believe. As we grew fatter, they bumped up that scale probably.

But the thing is, there are no health risks if you have your bodyfat be at 7%, its above the minimum range.

and you also have to remember that fat releases estrogens, so if you want to fix your test to be like that of your parents, to your grandparents, to be that of generation builders. You would have to decrease it to min max your hormones to their levels.

fat =/ muscles, you could still have low bf and high muscles, meaning I could tear you apart since I am still build enough. Your fat wont help you even a little bit you cunt.

Here's a video about gut bacteria and how extremely important and complex it is.


I would much prefer to die of the disease that do this.


are you a cuck?

honest question

Fecal medicine exists since antiquity, you pussy. This is literally going back to the roots.

>And still we don't (or even begin to think about) put other people's stools inside us, like OP does.
Which means you die of diabetes and general fatness in your early 50s. Great.

Essential means you won't die soon. It doesn't mean optimal. Optimal is roughly 10-20%, depending on the individual, of course.

As you may now, btw, if you ever worked a day in your life, NEET virgin.

Not again..


There are ACTUALLY cucks that think this is gross.


You know how you take a multivitamin but forget your water so have to go to the kitchen to get some water with a multivit in your mouth, and you can taste it 'cause it's started to dissolve due to your saliva? Don't do this with these.

>below 10% bf
Nigger if you think we survived in the wild, running long distances and going without food for days sometimes, with 10% bodyfat, you need to go out fucking camping for a few days, starving yourself the whole time, and see if you can still cut firewood and walk around.

Yeah, and I bet you fix it by drinking bleach, right? Oh, sorry, you call it "miracle mineral solution" so that when you force your kids to drink it, and give them enemas with it, you don't feel bad. Woo faggots pls go.

>you need to starve to achieve 10% bodyfat even thought people back then worked and had more cardio for a month than you will for year with weight lifting.
Down syndrome much?

Well its a good thing that we arent in the wild anymore. 5% has been proven to be the medical minimum. So with an easier access to food, we can afford not to go over it, especially since it helps with increasing test. Which is lower already because of modern lifestyles.

By Jove he's right

No, by using probitiocs to fix your gut biome. Why are there so many retards in this thread? Who in their right mind, who looks at this thread and the things posted in it, decides that drinking bleach is anything remotely close to what we are preaching here. Dumbass nigger.

"Testosterone changes are largely explained by smoking behavior and changes in health status, particularly obesity and depression."
OK but every dude from our grandparents generation smoked like chimneys so what's going on here

"Men who had declines in testosterone were more likely to be those who became obese, had stopped smoking or were depressed at either clinic visit," Wittert said. "While stopping smoking may be a cause of a slight decrease in testosterone, the benefit of quitting smoking is huge."

What are your guys thoughts on probiotics for general well being?

I feel pretty good after about two months of taking them

I am surprised, someone actually googled this thing? Most people claim "WELL WHATEVER IS HAPPENING AT THIS VERY MOMENT IS THE TRUTH, PROVE ME WRONG, I AM HEALTHY AND NORMAL BECAUSE I EXIST" and then they pout, scream and struggle for a long amount of time. Rarely I even see anyone who even bothers to open up a simple google search on a topic. So grats for that.

also here is a guide

How to block Xenoestrogens and rid estrogen dominance

Adopt a regiment of aromatase inhibitors

Note: Aromatase is the enzyme in your body that produces estrogen by taking estrogenuous compounds and turning it into estrogen:

Immediately ingest sources of indole 3 carbinol and DIM. You can obtain these from cruciferous vegetables or jewgle indole 3 carbinol for supplements that contain it. Too lazy?


Read the ingredients list and plan on basing that around your next grocery shopping. Or just find that somewhere, buy it, or order it. There are other safe and natural forms of aromatase inhibition. Look them up at your own convenience.

Fun fact: Nicotine is a powerful aromatase inhibitor. It's also a stimulant. This is why the jews had the prototypical feminist adopt smoking and then soon after tried banning it. Smoking anything is bad but finding good safe nicotine sources is easy. Nasal snuff (no menthol), organic-nicotine vaping (without propolyne glycol and only organic vegetable glycerin added), and nicotine gum (depends on the brand) is safe.

Purge excess estrogens

I decided that because you fell for the autism is a gut problem meme


Calcium D-glucarate. This one is harder to get in foods but you can jewgle that for food sources. If you don't mind pills and tablets, find it in supplement form.

Begin building testosterone

Zinc and vitamin d3 a re your friends. They're essential. Zinc is heavily present in meats. Vitamin d3 comes from sunlight. Draw your own conclusions from there. Because you have blocked aromatase, your body will not convert testosterone (at least not heavily) into estrogen like it normally would. You will begin replacing that much needed testosterone and shed curves, weight, and so on.

Get Veeky Forums

You have now taken the right steps toward reclaiming your manhood. You will undergo sweeping changes, some immediate but others gradually. Like with most things, use it or lose it. If you have tried in the past to get Veeky Forums but had extraordinary difficulty it should now be easier with the help of this guide.

You wish you had autism, perhaps then you would actually gain the ability to not be a dumb nigger, and to read properly, scroll up and see the text

>10% of all autism sufferers.

You dumbass nigger.

its also possible because of a psycholigcal change. Its hard to tell what triggers what, and what came first, or even if its legitimate, but link related is also of influence perhaps.


Are you retarded? That's nowhere close to what I said.

My point was that maintaining over 10% bodyfat is vital to surviving in situations where you're doing more than 2 hours of light daily physical activity and food is scarce. Just like ancient humans did. It makes the most sense to judge health by the circumstances we evolved in, as our bodies would thrive most in those conditions

Yeah sure and DOMS will give you depression, too.
Whatever you say.

Namaste bro

Long distance runners fall near the 5% of bodyfat. In lots of sports actually people fall near that. High BF is not necessary for sports. High BF most likely was necessary because of the stress and irregularity of food. Which we do not have anymore.

nobody cares what you think you dumb faggot, the scientific community doesnt care what a dumb nigger thinks.



Already 10% of all autism sufferers can be cured with a proper diet, and fixing of their gut biome. How much more is tied to this is unknown as of yet, but its more or less popular science at this point. Though finding that link it too bothersome, especially for someone who doesnt even know how to open his own google to simple google "autism and the gut".


Do you realize they had really low body fat because they overworked themselves most of the time and they had no Idea about nutrition.You don't need to be fat or muscular to be strong and even more when you HAVE to do it for living.And that was way better because low body fat helps you with body repair.

>Do you realize they had really low body fat because they overworked themselves most of the time and they had no Idea about nutrition
>and they had no Idea about nutrition
>professional sporters that beat you have no idea about nutrition



People with autism also have a higher amount of bad gut flora.

Why am I posting all these links here? Because people on Veeky Forums also have more autism than the average. Fixing your gut biome may fix some autism in some of you. Especially if its lightweight, like asburgers.

Back then they were low body fat without muscles because they had no idea about proper nutrition and couldn't afford it anyway so eating something just to not be hungry was enough for them(they ate like somone from 3rd world country).Now sportists have low bodyfat with MUSCLES because they know about nutrition.

ur dumb, stop posting

>proves to him that you dont need 200% body fat to do heavy work
>u dum
lel wad

What, well I guess I cant except better in a place without id's. But I am the guy who basically rephrased the laws of the west, of the medical west that say that 5% is the bare minimum. Not sure what proving or not proving has to do with broken premise that you need 10% because in the past people had that or some shit like that.

I doubt that you can even find a source on something that you basically pulled out of your ass.

The only thing needed for sports are glycogen reserves. Fat is entirely non essential if you keep track of your nutrition properly (not be a dumb nigger)

You guys basically provided nothing of value for the thread. Go away already.

tel aviv university....

the jews want to showed shit down our throat again


Sometimes jews do good things, including that new york major jew who wanted to ban sugary drinks for fatmericans. Sometimes though.

I've been donating my poop from January till late march, when I screwed up my diet and no longer was legible to continue. Well, not really donating, as we're actually get paid for it.

You might be eating my poop.

Fecal transplants save lives.
Not only for c. difficile, though generally used for this very nasty illness. New two bros, including one deceased roommate with this ugly illness.

Also, for some folks with intestinal and bowel disorders - ain't funny if you end up with a colostomy bag.

My doc doesn't want me below 10%BF, now 11bf. Though she did admit recently many men can still be healthy down to 7%.

Yea, 7% is probably the most optimum "modern" guideline. For most people this would be enough, even if they overwork, and forget food. Within society there is no need to have more bodyfat than that because food is always closeby, and plentiful. Athletes go to 5% because they are more careful on how they eat. But some of them go even more below that to gain some manner of performance, like for running, every % of bodyfat is a % of performance. So they choose to go below the bare minimum, and suffer the consequences, in favor of slightly more performance.

So unless you actually go out into africa tier, where your food is not plentiful, where you may have to survive or something. There really is no need to have more than 7% bodyfat.

Especially if you can replace all the fat, with muscles. The thing is, your body will just eat those muscles up if it cannot find any fat. So its all healthy.