Evidence Supporting A Vegan Diet

Evidence Supporting A Vegan Diet: pastebin.com/X2mNSRnf

(It's a long fucking list and it's not even anywhere near complete.)

Pic unrelated.

So why aren't you vegan?

Other urls found in this thread:


>List of animal treatment on farms and studies researching vegan lifestyles stating the vegan is arguebly better then junk food 24/7

Are you for real? Are you really this deluded or are you mocking how meat eaters typically respond without fucking reading any of the information?


Can you stop flaunting your virginity?

Why aren't you dead, vegan scum?

Holy shit, this board made me hate vegans so much.

Before Veeky Forums I didn't care, now I legitimately want to see a holocaust against vegans. I want all you retards rounded up and gassed.

That's exactly the same way I feel about meat eaters, except like I actually have a reason for it and you're just a drooling, angry lunatic.

Idgaf if someone is vegan, vegetarion, homosexual or pansexual inbred squirrelkin, as long as they don't stick it in my face
Vegans are by far the most stuck up bastards everywhere, convinced they're the absolute shit, and feel the need to tell everyone that and tell them how bad they are for eating what they want
Well, guess what, you are shit.

Awww, poor wittle baby.

Do you not realize how ridiculously hypocritical you're being? I'm cracking up but it's so sad at the same time.

mate you're the one that made this thread to prove how good you are and how shit we are
do you see threads named MEAT EATERZ RULE!!!!! or is it just you guys trying to prove you still actually have a dick?
2/10 b8 made me reply

If you're in the majority you become immune to logic and can be as big as an asshole as possible.

Living in real world and seeing that 99% of people eat meat and live with no problems should be a good enough evidence that veganism is a meme.

Vegans are the new furries. So fkin cringeworthy

LMFAO THIS THREAD IS LITERALLY JUST TITLED "EVIDENCE SUPPORTING A VEGAN DIET" and you're all fucking crying like I just raped you.

If you could die from laughter I think vegans would have a higher mortality rate. Thank god it's the opposite.

All the evidence I need.

Except they don't live with no problems you unimaginable retard.

because I enjoy eating meat, now fuck off

I used to work with a vegan family and their son was a literal genius and as healthy as can be along with their infant daughter.

Vegan diets are approved for all stages of life by the ADA and there are countless healthy vegan children. Seba Johnson and Nyjah Huston were raised vegan since birth, and they're professional athletes. Joaquin Phoenix has been vegan since age 3....

you're right. their problem is living among vegans.
retards don't know and won't accept that they're retarded and that's the problem with people like you

You're an actual retard. Did you even read the article? The child became deficient because they gave her a diet SOLELY comprised of the mother's milk. This has more to do with fucking retards with no idea about nutrition raising children than it does Veganism. This is what tilts me the most about cunts like you. You're so intellectually inept that 1. You present anecdotal evidence that is obviously the result of a quick google search & 2. You didn't even read the article you fucking autistic swamp donkey.

Yeah, just notice that you guys need supplements (B12 let's say the least) to maintain health.
Meat eaters don't need supplements.
For me that says enough.

nigga babies are supposed to be only breast fed till at least 12 months
this baby was 11 months old
you're braindead, all those plants got to your brain lel

Babies are supposed to have solid foods introduced within 6 months

Most meat eaters are B12 deficient you fucking genius.

Go away, sheep.

You would too if farmers didn't feed animals b12 supplements. B12 was originally found in the soil, but due to the nature of modern agriculture isn't. So, in fact, you too need supplements but the animals you eat are fed these supplements. Let that sink in.

Oh look, all the foods you scum can't eat :D
They should also get all they need in their diet from breastmilk
If the parents had a NORMAL diet, the baby would get all the b12 it needed without need for supplements
But hey, you people are so stuck up you try feeding your fucking dogs and cats a vegan diet bc, why the fuck wouldn't you try to fuck up a baby as well

Dogs are carnivorous, so feeding them vegan diets is retarded. Humans are herbivores. But please, continue to generalise in the same way Vegans generalising that everyone who eats meat makes you butt blasted.

Because the studies are vague. The average vegan is much more health conscience than the average meat eater. Also, if your fats are less than 30% of your diet, what's wrong with that? Same if your dietary chol and sat fat are under the daily allowance, then what? Too many variables, nothing set in stone. Vegans aren't medical doctors or nutrition gurus to say the final word. I'll still adhere to the ADA guidelines.

> needing a list of reasons a mile long to explain why eating unhealthy food is good for you


You lost me at "health conscience". Sorry.

And how the fuck are they vague, lmao. You literally didn't read any of them. You didn't even bother to skim through any of them. Fuck people like you god damn it you're a fucking plague.

Evidence supporting an omnivore diet

> Meat tastes good and it's good for you

> humanity

I a black hole is just a collapsed star (of a very particular sort anyway), why is its gravitational pull so much greater? How did its mass increase that much?

Mate that image is so fucking wrong just to prove your point lel.
Stomach acid in humans 1.5-3.5 ph
Biggest masticatory muscle temporalis
Not an expert in teeth
Small intestine is about 7m, which means it's about 4x body length
Check your shitty images if you wanna preach how humans are herbivores kek

Will you retards please stop taking the bait? Why do you think these people are still here?

It has nothing to do with mass, it has to do with density. You'd get a tiny black hole if the Earth were compressed to the size of a coin.

It takes a very, very big star to create a black hole.

>How did its mass increase that much?
It didn't.
>why is its gravitational pull so much greater?
This is also wrong. If our sun were replaced with a black hole with the same mass, we would experience the same gravitational pull. It's just that all the mass is now in a small place, so gravity is only "stronger" when you're closer to it, i.e., closer than the original sun's theoretical radius.

Holy fuck I've been away for three months and we are still on this?

the thing is it's shrunk to nearly singular point of extreme density. As you know, gravity decreases with square of distance from object. So when the whole star is still alive, at no point does the sum of its gravitational pull from all its atoms add up to any extreme. But when it forms a black hole, you have all the mass at pretty much one point, and when you get close to that one point, all the gravitational pull adds up to much greater number.

Yes, but that VERY VERY big star didn't have the gravity to prevent light from escaping, right?

I'd much rather reply to these kinds of shitposts than vegans desu

>As you know, gravity decreases with square of distance from object.

What if I measure distance in parsecs? Will gravity decrease more slowly as I move away from an object?

Checkmate, atheists.

It's not a shitpost, I'm just not smart.

Equal distribution. Why does a chunk of metal weighting 100t the size of the titanic float while a chunk of metal 100t the size of my car sink

If you are one metre from the surface of our sun, it is so big that the mass is all spread out, so you are 300,000km from half of the mass, this weakens the gravity

If you are one metre from a black hole you are one metre from all of the black holes mass, so gravity is strong

>what is buoyancy

>I'm very tolerant. It's cool if you do that thing, as long as it's never shown in public and I never have to be exposed to it at any point in my life. Other than that it's totally cool with me

That VERY VERY big star has a lot of shit going on inside it that could disrupt light flow, but as far as gravity is concerned, no, nowhere near enough gravity to lock the light in, because the star's mass was spread out far enough so it wouldn't be dense enough to form a singularity. The thing that kept it from becoming too dense is the fusion reaction going on inside it. When fusion can no longer occur, then nothing is left to fight back against gravity from compressing the fuck out of it into a potential black hole.

Anything can become a black hole, just compress all its mass into a small enough space. Like the Earth into a coin.

That meat has B12 doesn't necessarily mean it's absorbed well


I don't think anyone has really got to the crux of what you're asking. A black hole beyond the event horizon (point of no return) it takes an infinite amount of energy to accelerate away. That's how come light can't escape. This event horizon is thought to define the boundary of the black hole, and anything beyond it we can't really talk about (eg is the singularity a point or spread out or whatever, that information may be lost).

Why can things like black holes form? Because gravity is a force that has no apparent opposite. There is only positive gravity apparent. And it acts over large distances. By amount of matter needed to exert the force it's actually very weak, much weaker than electromagnetism say. But because it attracts all matter and there isn't like a reverse mechanism we get it build up and up and form things like planets and stars and sometimes black holes.

but wouldn't the density of the star/black hole you're close to not matter? Because Newton's law of gravitation?

F = G(m1m2/r^2)\

- t. not a physics student

That's the point. Gravitational buoyancy

R is distance in that formula

Still more pleasant shitpost than the vegan BS this thread is about

I'm about to blow all y'all minds. That equation for gravity, ALREADY assumes everything is a black hole. For example, when you use that equation to calculate what g is on Earth, you're assuming all the Earth's mass is in a single point in the center of the earth, and you are just one Earth radius away from it.

Newton's laws work with point masses. So density doesn't matter, only centre of gravity and mass.

>I'm very good at attacking my opponent's arguments, as long said arguments are a straw-filled analog with weaknesses I have constructed. Other than that I will also format it in a drawn-out greentext.

I'm digging the science talk, nice change from the shit usually seen on this Congolese token exchange forum.

>Okay, let's give this a chance.
>Even though OP is being a faggot in the thread...
>more than half the links YT videos, blogs, non-scientific-journals, activist websites
>scroll scroll
>90% of studies listed either about vegetarianism or simple reduction of animal products or health benefits of increasing plant-based foods for average individual
>literally common sense
>plant-based, plant-based, plant-based,...
>Nigga didn't check data collection criteria for any of this...
>Filtering this shit...
>Left with about 10ish studies
>Compares to high-carb-diets...
>compares to high-carb-diets...
>compares to average American...
>compares to average Afro-American (known for horrible diets)
>Compares self-reports to average Americans...
>Also fish-eaters comparable all around...
>Oh, a review article.
>"when supplemented with..."
>"when supplemented with..."
>"supplemented with..."
>self-report pilot study...
>One study left
>Raw food diet compared to average American

Dear lord. I'm not opposed to vegan diets, but the clinical research is still retarded as fuck. Not a single study comparing a healthy diet with animal products and a healthy diet without animal products.
Vegan diet is better than a shitty one. No fucking shit.

OP, learn how to critically read studies.
If you want a good reason to go vegan, forget about ethical and health arguments and stick to the only one that actually has any hard evidence: Ecological and economical.
Because as long as people have a solid base diet (rich in veggies, fruits, grain, nuts and seeds) everything else is negligable at best.

I'm not vegan because you post vegan bait general multiple times every day you fucking faggot


also we evolved to not be herbivores, fuck off OP.

Believe it or not, for the vast majority of our evolutionary history we've been herbivores

Vegans are cunts tho

ITT: vegan calls everybody names and is a big mean bully

Except basically every predator since the Cambrian period?

Human ancestors as recent as Australopithecus afarensis were herbivores, big cats have been carnivores since ~6 million years

Nah, since the first life forms were technically plants, even the first "predators" were herbivores.
So the Cambrian period is waaay later.

(Deleted comment because obviously not ALL life forms.)

Oh, I guess also technically carnivorous plants would also be the exception. But no idea when those first popped up.

Your continued and determined misunderstanding of evolutionary history is baffling. You should read a book between sets

My great uncle got his thumb bitten off by a pig

Fuck animals

vegans are fucking stupid

>look at me im a vegan i save the environment and the poor animals

Every other fucking day a new study proves animals or vegetables procudes the most co2, but fucking vegans think vegetables have no production, its like vegetables appear out of nothing on their plates

vegetables or meat, the reason the environment is suffering is because of the amount of shit people populating it i.e. niggers and asians

so you save a poor pig or cow, who the fuck cares. Have you ever seen a pig or a cow in real life? they are disgusting shitting all over the place and they are not intelligent animals they dont have feelings only instincts. They dont feel sad because they are about to die, even they are even put down in the most humane way there is. People in the middle east treat eachother way worse than western treat animals

vegans thinks that if they stop eating meat, exotic animals like rhinos will be saved or some shit, i dont know. The animals you eat only exists to be eaten you fucking mongoloids

if you want to save the animals you should instead focus on wild animals in captivity

Vegans want to be vegans because they have never been loved, so they try to find something in life so they can tell themselves that they are good people.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop promoting your fucking cancerous bullshit

being vegan is PLACEBO

Or this is the same retarded semantics discussion taxonomists have been having for centuries.
Consumption of photosynthetic life forms constitutes herbivore in my book. Not in yours. Grats.

Because I don't give a fuck whether or not animals have feelings
Because it's the easiest way for me to get protein and fat into my diet on the necessary scale
Because I'm only in my mid-20's and healthy enough to not give a shit

I'm not on OPs side, but you are an idiot.
Nobody with a brain is debating that animal products have a much bigger impact on the environment than proper cultivation.
You realize animals have to be fed, right?

Just reduce your meat intake and try to buy locally. It really isn't that difficult.

youre fucking retarded, thats what everyone is debating right now

enjoy your 2kg shit taste meals faggot

Not that guy but he clearly said vegetables. Grains are pretty efficient (and that's why we feed them to cows) but vegetables take lots of water and have a short shelf life (of course some are worst them others), buying a cucumber is similar to buying bottled water in some places.

Some foodstuffs are just easier to intensively farm at any given time. I think for almost any measure potatoes beat any grain, the for efficient grain it's corn or go home. If you take out carbs or calories (as you can't live off macros alone) apples and grapes and peas are up there too, Australian apple orchards are able to match or beat potato yield on a tonne/acre basis. You don't farm wheat in your back garden generally because yield is poor and is only efficient to farm witb lots of it grown over a massive area.

A lot of the veg that's hard to grow on a large scale like that is usually more expensive and is usually very efficient if grown in your back yard. In fact you can beat corn production efficiency using the three sisters method of companion planting.

>Gravity is a force
It isn't.

t. physics grad

>resorting to baby talk

Why do they always do this? There's literally no other defense they use.

Shouldn't you be getting triggered at UMass or something?

It fucking is though

Just because it can be explained as a natural consequence of the curvature of spacetime doesn't make it any less of a force, especially in the way we experience it.

Do you think you're smarter than everyone because you spew counterintuitive bullshit that's supposed to get everybody to drop their jaws in awe? Did you graduate from the University of Popular Science and Culture?

your low test is showing. calm your tits.

>I'm not crazy! A vast majority of everybody else is crazy!

Not a vegan. Not even vegetarian. Just a concious consumer. Which costs you nothing, apart from minimal brain function.
Doesn't matter either way. nature.com/ncomms/2016/160419/ncomms11382/full/ncomms11382.html

Look, I'm not arguing everyone should go vegetarian or even vegan. But there is no debate as to the impact of the meat industry compared to your average plant cultivation, which in and of itself is also carbon neutral and will probably be totally carbon-neutral within the next two decades or so (affordable electromobility inbound, prepare your anus).
There is a reason insect-based foods are becoming a serious consideration.

But again: All this really means is that the average consumer ought to reduce their animal product intake. And everyone agrees on this anyhow, since the average consumer is an overweight fuck on three medications.

Everyone has to stop being either a snowflake or a spiteful child about everything.
We know what's up and it's up to everyone on how they want to behave as consumers and how far they want to take it. Vegetarians/vegans have to stop doing that holier than thou BS and people getting butthurt over wannabe-hippies have to stop being spitefully destructive and/or ignorant.

This thread reads a whole lot like the average political discussion on the internet, which devolves to name-calling between regressive leftists being brainless SJWs and flag swinging redneck-hearted doing the opposite "cause 'Murica!".

Pls tell me more about garden-farming, senpai.
I need to further detach myself from society.

Hey guys, it's the OP. Sorry I haven't been able to respond to your what I'm guessing is probably 95% retarded bullshit. I'm juggling school and work right now so I don't have much time for this and honestly wasn't expecting so many passionate responses. I'll try to address everything by the end of the day. I apologize for the wait time.

>either in highschool or a student


Because i dont give a fuck being miserable eating shitty ass vegan foods so i can live 5 years longer. Vegans are even worse than fat people.

Read a book, srs

There's actual predators in the Cambrian period eating other animals, that's over 500 million years ago, the first evidence of human ancestors as predators not herbivores is less than 3 million years ago.

I think you lost the point.
I said pretty much every animal has had a majority of herbivores in their ancestry
What exactly do you think we are talking about?

The implication of your post is that big cats are no more adapted to a carnivorous diet than humans are

My original post is that user is wrong in saying
>we evolved to not be herbivores
I said
>most of our evolutionary history is as herbivores
You misunderstood me here, the only applicable period to this discussion is modern human ancestry ie the last ~50 million years. Human ancestors split off from other animals around here in the fossil record, we were primarily herbivorous until as recent as ~2.5 million years ago.

I should have been more clear so you didn't think I was talking about stromatoliths

> ITT: meat-eaters getting mad because they don't want to accept the fact that their diet contributes to global warming; deforestation; poor animal welfare; financial inequality; and loss of species, primarily because of "muh tastebuds"

ITP: vegan-shotposter getting mad because they don't want to accept that fact that nobody cares

>financial inequality

whoa-hoa-hoa, buddy

all right, hit me. how does me eating meat contribute to financial inequality?

enjoy having wrinkles at 20 and looking like a slave miner from Tajikistan by the time you're 30

Buttfrustrating vegans by not caring about the environment is just an added bonus.

>implying meatlovers care

>because you are like Steve jobs
>Steve jobs was rich and ate meat

close. my name is steve but i'm a manlet

I struggle to believe how little some people care about their surrounding environment. Your literal existence is dependent on the basic exchange between carbon dioxide and oxygen in your system and plant life plays an integral role in this.

> ITP: vegan-shotposter getting mad because they don't want to accept that fact that nobody cares
> nobody cares

If nobody cared:
(1) no one would've conjured such a thought in the first place; and
(2) there wouldn't be more people than myself who care about other inhabitants of the Earth besides themselves (vegan or not).

Also, I'm not vegan.

Transnational corporations avoiding paying tax.

I'm not even vegan.

ITP: "vegetarian" shitposter getting mad because nobody cares "apart from him"

>have irl waifu
>literally 11/10 thin and naturally fit all her life
>big animal lover
>posts inane cutesy shit on fb all the time
>kind of a weirdo,no bf,barely goes out
>goes vegan,falls for the healthy seeds meme
>see her the other day
>getting fat rapidly,full high test turbo mode
>she'll probably get grossly fat until I could ever approach her
>tfw I won't be able to save her by switching her to a low carb moderately high protein and fat natural diet

This. I didn't give a fuck about veganism until the retards started spamming Veeky Forums multiple times a day. Now I hate veganism and even if it let me live to a hundred I wouldn't do it just because of you fucks. You must be false flagging, because there's no universe where your incessant shitposting convinces anybody to go vegan.