Have you found your life partner yet, Veeky Forums?
Have you found your life partner yet, Veeky Forums?
i realized the only person I truly love is myself. so yes.
No. I'm a solipsist.
i gave up on that a while ago but i guess memes are my life partner if i did have one
yes, and it's amazing.
No, I realize my I don't want to move in with and spend my life with my current gf. She's insecure and jealous and gets really bitchy about shit. I realize most women do this but she's worse. I'm going to break up with her soon. Recently turned 27 and she keeps asking for more commitment which is living together and that's a no go
Yes, many times, but they never thought the same about me
Yes, but she dumped me last Valentines Day.
>I'm going to break up with her soon.
Why waste both of your time by delaying it? Do it now.