Is this program any good? I'm in skelly mode right now and am bulking and I don't want to fall for the SS meme

Is this program any good? I'm in skelly mode right now and am bulking and I don't want to fall for the SS meme

That's essentially SS.

Swap skull rushers for lying tricep extensions. Do them on days you press and curls in days you bench. Once you read this message close the tab and don't come back for a few months. Certainly don't read this thread anymore.

That's what I started on. I loved it. A little more upper body focused than SS which would have been my other option.

The real Phrak's Greyskull doesn't have the accessories on there you just add them yourself but that's not a big deal at all.

If it looks good to you I would go for it.

It's fine. Just remember to eat enough to gain a pound a week or so and don't worry about your abs disappearing.

Haha good man that

OK got it thanks

We'll this one doesn't have you squat 3x a week so I won't go into trex mode

OP here. How long should rest times be

Well you could always read the book