Is rippetoe on fleek

Why is Rippetoe so highly lauded? He states that:

a) squatting with an arched back in order to break parallel will strengthen the back muscles


b) dropping the barbell on the eccentric phase of a Deadlift is for pussies who want attention.

is he just an old hick who can lift gud? i feel like his methods aren't safe.

Other urls found in this thread:

I lifted without coaching for 15 yrs.
Won every DL meet I entered 7/7

Saw a papa Rip video, change my form according to his technique.

Snapped my shit with 40% of my max.

Haven't been able to DL in 2 months.

He is an overrated, theoretical mathematician only worshipped by traps

What's wrong with a)? Arched back just means
lumbar and thoracic extension, aka correct form.


How could following Rippetoe's recommendations cause you to snap your shit

what could you have possibly been doing beforehand

>Snapped my shit with 40% of my max
You are 100% lying and i want you to die.

Why did you take your trip off Trappy?

>a) squatting with an arched back in order to break parallel will strengthen the back muscles
Doesn't sound like a good idea
>b) dropping the barbell on the eccentric phase of a Deadlift is for pussies who want attention.
100% true

Haha idiot

Doing the eccentric phase of deadlift is 100% necessary, otherwise you are half repping

I'll take stuff that never happened for 500 Alex.

>eccentric contractions are not important

i never understood this

if i arch my lower back to break parallel, will that hurt my spine? Or is it correct form and stregthens my lower spine?

It's fine as long as you don't lose tightness when you ascend.

I'd like to believe this but I can't. You could do rainbow deads at 40% and be fine.

Rip isn't right about everything (no one is), and he has his opinions. But you're taking stuff he said completely out of context. He drops the barbells when deadlifting himself. He was just making a point for beginners to avoid doing retarded stuff and being loud in the gym for no reason.

As for point #1, please explain what you're even talking about.

None of the serious lifters I have come across recommend his techniques for beginners.

It is literally just beginners recommending him to other beginners.

The dude has been in it for more than 20 years.

His book is one of the most praised routines for American football players.

Take a wild guess faggot.

Mike T does. And plenty of others.

Only people who say they 'don't recommend it' are either clueless or simply doing it for publicity.


>Jim Wendler is a beginner

is this pasta? Pretty sure I've seen this before

Le squat mornings face

He is not advocating to round your back if that is what you believe. What he says is that your back do not need to be 100% straight up in a squat for it in order to be safe. He explains it in his book, you should read it if his concepts are unclear to you.

And the eccentric part of the deadlift is still part of the lift and you should control it on the way down as apposed to just drop it. You'll get better gains that way. In bicep curls if you curl up and then just drop the weight and let them fall down then that is a very good way of getting tendonitis and other injuries.

>Marty Gallagher
>Bill Starr
>Ed Coan
>Kirk Karwoski

that's nothing. how about this sad fuck

>Bench: 135
>DL: 585

And what about this one!? lmaaaao SS victims

I've never seen or heard of any athlete that promotes this guy.

The only people that sing his praises are others in the strength world who NEVER EVER used his techniques but instead cross promote to latch on to his publicity.

They promote him but NEVER EVER use his techniques or gained their strength/size by utilizing his knowledge.

Mark Rippetoe is a more active version of Jason Blaha with more drive to obtain success.

>udder perfection
gets me every time

Also dem hair growth gains

Rip is a smart guy and Veeky Forums is retarded. The videos on his channel of the literature review of sully are also great. Stop hating the man just because he's popular. Jonnie Candito hated on him too and more and more he adjusts his technique to what rippletits always said.

>Captain "45 flying at you" Karwoski

No thanks

no shit you genius

that's not after he finished SS, you fucking retard.

max hair gains

>I don't know shit from the real world besides what I read on Veeky Forums, but here's my uneducated opinion on what the people out there think

I know plenty of bro split lifters who are much weaker but far more aesthetic than him

On fleek is an understatement my friend.

If you gomad and you're already fat, you haven't read the book and are pretty damn retarded. GOMAD is the last resort for hungry skellies.

>more aesthetic than justin

Please. Post pics of them.

>inb4 pics of roiders

That's two pictures of Roger Estep and one of Doug Young.

that's years after he finished SS. You're not even trying

Then why did Rip call the book "Starting Aesthetics"?

>justin is natty

fucking newfags. I hate summertime on Veeky Forums


>justin isn't natty

Nice meme


It's all about marketing.

"Every new lifter needs to buy SS"
Then onto the next

"After SS you can buy 5/3/1"

All about $$$$. Wendler even said so in a seminar.


once again, that pic is years and years after he finished SS.
this is the kind of physique you'll get from doing only SS

How new are you to lifting?

What's the joke here, facts are for fags?

Started in 1993.

>you will never be this new ever again

No one is falling for the bait, but I'm sure if you keep posting it someone eventually will.

I bet you even bring your own weight stack selector pin to Y.

His techniques are literally:

1. Do compound barbell lifts with correct form.
2. Add weight progressively.
3. Eat right.
4. You'll get stronger.


The crazy thing is those ARE controversial statements.

>Jocko Willink
Highly praises SS and Rip on his podcast. Not exactly a "top lifer" but not a beginner.

Name one nationally competitive athlete he has coached in any sport.

>squatting with an arched back in order to break parallel will strengthen the back muscles
correct, and I see no problem with this if you have the requisite strength and mobility to do so. If you start flexing the lumbar then don't do it, but if you can maintain the position throughout the whole lift its fine

>Dropping the barbell on the eccentric phase of a deadlift is for pussies who want attention
he's a powerlifting coach, most powerlifting coaches agree with this

I never truly appreciated how much Justin's dog FUCKING LOVES SUNLIGHT

>he's a powerlifting coach, most powerlifting coaches agree with this

He doesn't coach athletes though.

But Justin Lascek has competed before AFAIK.


> Do compound barbell lifts with correct form

He tries to use that there science to reconfigure every god damn lift & modify it per his advanced physics degree.
Overthinks & tweaks it.

How many elite athletes are a direct result of his training?

"This industry is about cross promotion. If I'm on good terms with Mark, that'll help sell my book because he'll say good things about me. You don't make enemies in this industry. The #1 thing I have learn is networking. Thats how you sell yourself and your product. "
-Jim Wendler


>this is all SSfags have to offer
>literally one decent looking guy who has been lifting for years
>most of that time NOT doing SS

>moving the goal posts


>literally one decent looking guy who has been lifting for years
>most of that time NOT doing SS

No shit son, you're not supposed to do SS for years. It's STARTING strength.

>Not buying Starting Strength 6th edition and doing the Advanced 2nd stage modified microloading phase for 14 months

GOMAD? Squat every workout? powercleans for beginners? 5x5 for beginners?
He is massive faggot master troll that wants boys to get fat, have nice glutes and thighs, and snap their shit up.

>not subscribing to the Wichita Falls weekly

this entire thread is retarded.

>5x5 is dumb!
no its not, 5x5 rep schemes are the most tried-and-tested rep schemes in all of programming history.

As a weightlifting coach, I've yet to see 5 programs that don't use sets of 5. Are they the be-all and end-al of training? hell no, but for the beginner they're easy to remember and they strike a good balance between hypertrophy and strength.

>just doing 3 lifts is dumb!
maybe, but to reiterate SS is a template at its core. I have new athletes use a wide variety of exercises but you know what is always in there? a squat, a press and a pull.

not everyone does - I didn't. you get fat if you eat too much - GOMAD is excessive, but you'll progress for ages

SS is a foundational program designed for athletes that need to improve their strength and power output. SS will do this. SS is NOT a program for aesthetics - don't be a retard. If you want to look jacked for the beach then go to and use any of their bullshit pump workouts.

Sheiko does

lol didn't read


You can't grow 12+ inches of hair in four months. Hair grows at an average rate of 1/2 inches every 4 weeks.

>As a weightlifting coach

And Jason Blaha is a fitness expert. Just because you say it, it doesn't make it true

You know those pics are trolling, right?

>dropping the barbell on the eccentric phase of a Deadlift is for pussies who want attention.
but thats true. the only time you should be doing that is if its your 1RM


The point is: they're bad trolling.

>tfw did SS
>first time ive made progress outside of the bench press
>actually can run for the first time with my fatty body
>tear out my knee trying to be a big badass
i am literally a walking meme

you're not walking with that knee

>theoretical mathematician
Kek. Obvious but effective

>dat hourglass figure

> arched back
when has he ever told anyone to do this?

There is another reason people drop it, there grip strength sucks so much they can't hold it on the way down as well.

arched back does not mean what you think it means btw

Bec deadlift is a grip exercise

I agree, user.

Eccentric training is often used by S&C coaches because it's been shown to increase strength gains by up to 30% more than concentric reps or some bullsheet. There's no need to drop the bar ya stupid dumb dumbs, all it does is damage the floor, annoy people around you and minimise your gains

Strong b8

>No citation


>Studies show you're a fucking retard.

S&C coaches actually prefer it the other way around, at least for strength gains. The eccentric contributes a ton to soreness and recovery requirements but jack shit to strength (and doing an eccentric-focused cycle is a good way to tank your max in the short term).

The fuck happened to the lighting in that room? Look at the difference of skin tone and colors on the wall

>all the anti-SSfags thinking they know better than Big Rip

Top lmao

Post your physiques and lifts

I'll bet anything you can't hold a candle to Rip when he was in his prime
>pic related

Not the citation I'm after, but the 30% figure I was told yesterday by one of Australia's top S&C coaches (my teacher at uni). Something about the longer time under tension causing more actin and myosin heads to bind, producing greater force, and creates more muscle damage or some bullsheet.
I believe I read something similar in the ACSM position stand for resistance training (it recommends eccentric reps of 2 seconds or so for hypertrophy). First relevant reference that I could find from the position stand was this which shows greater hypertrophy in people doing eccentric reps

You'll notice everything you've cited thus far (and pretty much everything you're likely to find) is about hypertrophy rather than strength. There's a reason for that.

what the fuck is that body type
and ss gave him gyno gg

Everyone who complains about SS making them 'unaesthetic' should just do Greyskull LP

The only reason SS would make someone look worse is because their lower body becomes disproportionate to their upper body, and the Greyskull LP addresses this problem and adds in more reps for hypertrophy.

Or they just have shit genetics and fall for the GOMAD meme.