What's more valuable to you Veeky Forums? Strength or Intelligence?

What's more valuable to you Veeky Forums? Strength or Intelligence?

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intelligence, strenght comes close though

>implying there's one type of intelligence
>implying strength and intelligence are not mutually exclusive to each other


you can always gain strength but you cant gain intelligence

Intelligence. But I'm grrrl so I'm never going to be truly strong anyway.

You're never gonna be intelligent either

I'm doing a PhD actually, but nice try buddy.

>Children are born with everything preloaded.


>Lul I'm so wise, I crushed your feeble line of questioning

God you're the worst kind of faggot. Do you want to be smart or have big muscles; it's not fucking hard

>being a teacher's pet makes you intelligent

Nice try cunt


What field?

>implying there's a correlation between strength and muscle size

First the question was strength, now it's about having muscles. Pick one.

Fucking wreckt

It's amazing what sucking dick will get you.

Actually, you're the worst type of faggot. I bet you don't even lift and you judge anyone who is fit to be unintelligent as if proper training and dieting doesn't require any form of intelligence.

Without INT you would just be a buff retard so

most traits are hereditary. especially intelligence has no proven environmental factors (apart from the obvious malnutrition, injury, disease)

>haha guys im a woman

>im also smart too, please notice me



>Do you want to be smart or have big muscles

so big muscles it is


Considering neither of my parents have any formal education I now suspect that I'm either adopted or my mums a whore.

>Currently doing minor revisions having passed my viva in december

education does not equal intelligence

and intelligence is about 50% hereditary, the rest is still unknown

That's such a fucking vague question, seriously why the fuck people even ask such stupid questions. Apples or oranges but worse.

Then part of it needs to be luck.

Otherwise we'd not own a lake.

Which do you prefer: apples or oranges?

Oranges, personally. Though I often pay a premium for little, easy-peel oranges. Full sized ones can be a pain to open compared to an apple that you can just bite into.

mutations, alleles

maybe better nutrition as well

it's easy to forget how shitty food was just a couple decades ago


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Apples go better in pies while oranges make tastier juice.