I know I'll get flamed for this and everything but here it goes:

I know I'll get flamed for this and everything but here it goes:

I 100% want to be a Navy SEAL. What sort of workout plan should I look into doing? Nutrition? I legitimately need your help, Veeky Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:


Read "The Complete Guide to Navy Seal Fitness" by Stuart Smith

Its about functional strength aka compound lifts. Plus great endurance so lots of running and swimming.

Stay in school, bud. Don't throw your life away.

>Wants to be SEAL
>goes to Taiwanese dildo making message board

Yeah user, don't think you have what it takes.



>falling for the functional strength meme

Build tolerance to cold water, sleep deprevation, sand abrasion, and high rep moderate intensity work.

Read shit here:

Read. Not post.

fuckloads of cardio
fuckloads of pull-ups

>wants to follow his dream
>throwing his life away

>cringe again

You want to spend 99% of your time sitting on your ass waiting for the superhero shit to come down for you? No? Just want to shoot people? Join the Marines or Army infantry.

Air Force PJs are better, anyway.

>joining the military during wartime
>not throwing your life away

pick one, kiddo

Fuckload of cardio

Fuck that. You realise without a military you probably wouldn't be alive, right?

Its a necessary evil.

this is what naval special warfare reccomends to people who want to join them. read the whole thing.



and more:


lots of information. check it out.

Go for it. Ain't nothing wrong with wanting to be a commando. Good luck to you

You're welcome, buddy.

I Fucking love you, thank you.

Fucking this. Stew Smith is based as fuck. Former SEAL, and CSCS.

wow your so fucking mature, I bet you really know a lot about war and stuff since you are so smart. KILL YOURSELF

This is the only real answer.


Yeah sure, Irak definitely wanted to invade the US. Faggot...

Not even talking about that moron. If we didn't have a military we would have been invaded long before now.

okay former navy seal here. get real about your fitness. if you want to be able to join the navy seals you want to be strong and be jacked as fuck but be able to do a lot of volume.

i was a navy SEAL... did a lot of shit man, went on a lot of missions, but the whole time retained my strength. I ate well, and trained hard on the days that I wasn't out on missions.

in our gym on base I struck to a simple routine in the weightroom and thats how I maintained being in shape as a navy seal. I started following this routine 6 months prior to going to to BUDs and I was very ready for what I was about to accomplish. I followed a simple PPL(push pull legs) routine that you can find here: reddit.com/r/Fitness/comments/37ylk5/a_linear_progression_based_ppl_program_for/

good luck soldier

>this guy

Pls give fake stories.

You mean sailor, right?

yeah, all that and he blew it in the final line.

forgive me

Don't do it. Go to ranger school or marine recon or special forces. Anything but seals. They literally set you up to fail because when you sign up to try it and fail they get to throw you wherever they want so if you're lucky you'll spend three years as a janitor. But most likely you'll become EOD

Which is bad why?

navy eod is almost entirely sof support these days. sounds like a pretty good second place.

yeah just been beating my wife sorry mistype
>this book

>I want to be a navy SEAL

what did you just fucking say to me, you little shit?




There's no advanced regimen that you can follow that will make you cut it, it's about conditioning yourself to go and go and go and go and go

just take every day like "I'm going to do this until I throw up then breathe for a minute then keep going until I pass out" If you can do that you have a good chance at cutting it.

You Fucked it up. Come on man.

it's better to ask this in /k/ user-kun.

Every now and then someone asks something like this on /k/. There was a trip on /k/ named RickyRecon who used to be in the rangers, if I remember correctly, and he worked with CAG type guys. He said they fell into two categories: the cardio "ultra-marathon" guys, and the gym rats. Either one was fit as hell regardless but mental fortitude, ability and intelligence played just as much of a role.

usmc infantry here, aint shootin shit.


recon doesn't do shit, they're glorified infantry like scout snipers are. best option is to go 03xx and try for A&S after first deployment.

>recon doesn't do shit, they're glorified infantry like scout snipers are
How would you know that, since you are neither recon or SS?

>best option is to go 03xx and try for A&S after first deployment
Have you done this? If you haven't, how do you know this and why are you recommending this?

yeah get your shit together

/r/ing angry navy seal pasta

Do some serious soul searching man. If this is something you know you want and can obtain then never quit. Wannabe PJ here.