Tfw lifting made you gay

>tfw lifting made you gay

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I thought that steroids made one gay?

All the guys I know that started taking steroids are big time homosexuals now.

you were always gay. lifting only made you strong enough to accept your true self.

Lifting made me fall in love with myself. Get aroused when I touch my chest. What do?

Fuck a guy with a body similar to yours.

Have you jerked of to your reflexion in the mirror?

It's not gay if she has a feminine dick.

No I'm not gay. I like women and myself.


gayest trips ever

>tfw this got me hard af

I honestly feel like, not lifting, but Veeky Forums has turned my "mirnin" into genuine homosexuality.

Like I was at the gym today and caught myself getting a chub looking at a dude in a shirt like pic related.

What the fuck, guys. What have you done to me?

>tfw gaying made me lift

What faggot gym do you go to if guys wear that shit?

>Started lifting to get girls
>Finally get /fit
>Get tons of attention from women
>Don't care about having a gf now and only want to make more gains

Did I make it?

Roids will bring out your sexaul tendencies in a bigger way so they were probably homos begore and roids nade them want it more

That's the gayest thing i've ever seen on Veeky Forums

>start lifting
>realize men are better looking than women

and where can i sign up

fuck with a mirror present, trust me

Jesus christ why can't I find a guy like this. Please somebody...

I will never understand how you can "become gay" after hanging out at the gym. 9/10 people there are complete dumbasses to one degree or another.

w-who do you want to be in the story, user?

Being surrounded by that much high test.

If you're not also high test, your test gets absorbed by the high test and they fuck you in the ass, literally.

There's a lot of sexual tension at the gym, straight or not, seeing people physically active is stimulating.

There's nothing wrong with having a gf and sucking a bit of cock on the side. Big glorious juicy cocks mmmm.

>tfw lifting made you crave the cock

Because you can't stop 'mirin dudes who are working out hard to better themselves.

Mirin'. That's true love right there.

Going to the gym didn't make you gay. You obviously had homosexual tendancies before that you just suppessed them. When you go to the gym you feel empowered, and more confident in yourself. You feel like you can bound with your fellow man better than before. These two things mixed together allowed you to express your desires and act on them. You can still enjoy woman, you've just opened your sexual palette a bit. Don't ever feel ashamed of wanting another person.

I'm not reading your gay fanfic

But it's hilarious if you read the first post, and then the last post. Literally 0 to gay in 60 seconds.


Good thing I don't lift and only come to funpost

You're already gay user. Just embrace it

>tfw have a weakness for feminine boiipucci

I've had gay guys come onto me, but sadly none of them are passable, so no Shocking Dillinger for them.

fuck Veeky Forums

full of poofters now

i only come here for CBT fap material

fuck a woman with a chest like yours they exist.

Veeky Forums has been gay since the beginning.

is that whats happening in the mens locker room???

fuuaark why tho

Yes. Everyday until you're not DYEL anymore.

KEK this

being gay made me lift

i wish...