Any tips on how to get a qt.314 korean gf for summer brehs? I need this pls.
Any tips on how to get a qt.314 korean gf for summer brehs? I need this pls
From what I've learned on various imageboards and the one half-korean girl I was in oneitis with for 2 years; I have no fucking idea.
pls help
but seriously I think native Korean girls are attacked to wealth naturally due to the culture they are raised with, depending on where you live and where they are raised their expectations for men are going to fluctuate, but from a more genetically based standpoint I can tell you they are typically quite volatile and bubbly personality wise, and seek excitement and uninterrupted fun like the majority of teen - mid thirties women do, therefore you must act as a beacon of excitement in her eyes. You will need various interests and hobbies as a result of this. due to their small stature they will literally not go for anyone close to their height and seek chad-like genetics which is why tall white guys often score.
this is probably the most autistic thing I have typed out yet
tall rich white guy here
maybe that explains why my gf is korean
I'm pretty sure your summary fits ALL women who are superficial.
If this is the only criteria you know, you really need to get out of your area and find korean women or any woman in another area.
It's all in the science bud
>due to their small stature they will literally not go for anyone close to their height
most Asian girls don't care as long as the guy is just taller then THEM desu.
Grow an 8x6
Well in my case at the very least she wanted 5"10+ as a 5"2 girl, while I am 5"6 and this isn't just speculation she literally said this to me upon rejection "Sorry I want a bigger guy, you're too small"
Move to Korea. Its easy-mode out there
How long have you been on Veeky Forums?
I've notice it's fucking ALWAYS the womanlets that want super tall people. I'll make up some bullshit about something something crossing out her bad genetics but it's most likely insecurity.
kek dating breeders
>wanting a korean girl that needs 100 facial surgeries to look "pretty"
I've been working out for like 3 ish years and on Veeky Forums for like a year. I don't get it man but I think it spawns off of the idea of making up for genetics in a more practical sense, in terms of searching for "protection" in the height and frame of men which they strongly associate with masculinity.
be rich.
don't have major 'faults' in your looks.
this means things like being bald, being slightly overweight, certain things being wrong with you face etc.
koreans are superficial as FUCK so play on that.
>tfw no a v e r a g e korean gf
>tfw no avg k gf to call you oppa
Why live?
be tall white male and out of Auschwitz mode.
You can get a shitty azn gf that way ehile all the ones worth dating won't look at twice at you.
>have white friend who married a average korean girl
They introduced me to the qt that I've been going on dates with recently.
>not attractive
>not Veeky Forums
She said 'you're too strong' to me today though.
what if you just want average?
I know this is just a meme and all, but I really doubt I will happen. Asian grills in general like Asian men usually. When its a white guy, you seem to need to be absolute top tier. Whether theyre fob or not, they think of Chris Hemsworth or Brad Pitt when they think of white guys. I dunno why, but its usually just how asian girls are if they are self respecting and arent degenerate as fuck. Now i aint some redpill retard or bitter robot, its just what I know for a fact and have seen+experienced.
*it will happen
Go somewhere with Koreans and work your magic. They're not really different from other sluts.
Also knowing the difference between Japanese and Korean women would be beneficial.
wrong webm but whatever
>wrong webm
Looked right to me.
>eek excitement and uninterrupted fun like the majority of teen - mid thirties women do, therefore you must act as a beacon of excitement in her eyes
This is the worst. I'm tall, good-looking, fit and wealthy, but girls act like I'm some huge letdown because my main hobby, writing, requires a lot of alone time and doesn't generate a lot of excitement despite all the other normie stuff I do.
The ride never ends and nobody ever makes it.
If you really want to get in Korean girl just go to hongdae and gangnam
I'm Korean
Then you should kill yourself painfully for not striving for the best you can be. Your partner is a mirror of yourself.
Writing is great though, it isn't meant to be a girl woo-ing hobby (unless she is into literature) its a largely personal, introspective experience even if you never write about yourself.
Someones going to come along who loves writers.
>I'm tall, good-looking, fit and wealthy
You've already made it.
>Your partner is a mirror of yourself.
I'm okay with being average if it nets me an average korean gf
>join the army
>get stationed in korea
>acquire soju
That girl is definitely above average
>muh benis
>he doesn't know about avg k grills
> korean
> qt
May as well just get a flesh light m8. They're both made of plastic and silicon.
I dunno, just bitter because my ex called me boring when we broke up even though I was a socially active college athlete who was down to go on spontaneous trips and surf.
She meant in the sack, m8.
Dem fuckin' tummies breh....
Summoning feelbrah
Hyeri needs to go back to long hair, or dye it that bright fake-blonde if it's short.
What are my odds in Busan?
>friend from childhood had always disliked Asian grills
>gets stationed in Korea, he's the medic in his company
>soldiers always showing him there bumpy rotten cocka because they fuck "juicy" girls raw
>he laffin
>I just want a v e r a g e Korean gf
>tfw Asians rare as diamonds in my area
Asians in my area make me diamonds. Weird how that works.
Do fun thing to get your creative juices flowing. Then bring them along and get their juices flowing.
Fucking minah Hnng
jesus all their faces look horrible its too much
must be nice living in a fantasy
Would still the whole right column.
Asian guy here who actually gets quality Asian girls to ask him out and such
I'll give advice
1. be good looking as in the idealized white man face
2. be financially well off (most expensive are japanese, cheapest are filipinas) if you want the green card girls
3. be over 5'9
4. be a 6 in the scale of assertiveness
5. don't be black
6. don't be below a 5
9. if one rejects you, move on to the next one because Asian women are literally the most common type of female on earth and are pretty much worth pennies (to me, at least).
don't ever get hung up over Asian girls who think they're all uppity or such, because they're really all femlets trying to put down white girls 24/7
now I grow a beard, wear whatever I want, and generally give zero shits on attracting asian grills
pic related- basically the direction i'm headed right now
As much as I am neutral towards koreans
girls don't do their face for an all girl school
>don't be black
i mean, you can go for the extremely liberal Asian girls but they're literally white girl ripoffs and you might as well get a white girl
or be financially be well off and import one from asia
the only exception is if you're literally a 9/10+
black brother, make sure to prenup, hide your shit, and protect everything you have because these girls will suck you dry and i've seen way too many black guys fall for the asian girl meme and ruin their lives
Nope. Every asian girl would get a white guy if they could, the only thing that stops them is insecurity. Getting a white guy is too competitive.
Asian girls like 2 things
a v e r a g e
I'm korean. Just be rich and educated if you want a Korean girlfriend. Also, don't be black or messycan or very fat or very ugly. Basically, they are gold diggers and vain. Keep that in mind.
I just got told by a 5'1 girl that I'm too short for her. I'm 5'7.
no big loss on my part
>smokes (has the voice to go with it)
>has recently had a DUI
>not very pretty
still I feel a little hurt, but I mean it's the same treatment I'd give to a overweight girl.
>make sure to prenup, hide your shit, and protect everything you have because these girls will suck you dry
can confirm my friend lost everything to his japanese wife, his house, 15k bike, no custodial rights over his daughter. Poor guy lives in a small ass town home now and only makes enough to scape by because of child support.