Preacher curls stalling at 70 lbs. Wat do?
Preacher curls stalling at 70 lbs. Wat do?
Kill yourself
It's a fucking curl who cares
get stronger
just fucking curl more u dingus
quit trying to treat fucking curls like a compound movement
Fair enough
Do other work to supplement.
>Preacher curls
enjoy ur torn bicep faggot
>preacher curls
>Wat do?
You need to stop doing that faggy bullshit exercise and start curling in the curl rack.
why the h8
Squats and pullups you fucking pleb
Dont be one of those fags u see with a 70lb bar swinging around trying to curl as much as possible
squat and pullup supersets GO
the more mass you train, the better.
Just squat once or twice a week bro. Even bench pressers squat.
>on a preacher curl
Who the fuck cares m8? It's a fucking curl you don't worry about progressive overload on shit like that. Kys senpai
Stalling? Are you 1 maxing on curls?
>tfw preacher curl 1rm is only 70lb
>Kys senpai
Seems a bit excessive breh.
Chin ups.
It's a fucking isolation exercise, what do you expect? Don't try to progressive overload every workout for your isolation exercises, because it's not going to work. Try squeezing out an extra rep or two, that's progress.
Sounds good, thanks senpai.