Did your grandpa even lift?


>Manlet genes

Keking at ur shitty family faggot

Be nice mate

He lifted his ruck when he fought in the jungles of 'nam but no otherwise he did not.

Yeah, both of them actually. Both were in the army. One of them entered the army at 18 or some other young age and killed a lot of japs in China. The other one was really tall and had good bone structure, his wrist was like almost twice as thick as mine. He was also in the army and taught kungfu there.

Le reddit post.

He had a farm so he had farm strength

he's 71 now and still pretty fucking strong. especially his grip

My grandfather on my dad's side wore jumpsuits as everyday wear, in retrospect he was kind of an angry drunken potato but he said "nigger" in public a lot so it was ok

My grandpa was a carpenter and in his spare time liked to box and beat the shit out of anybody who felt confident enough to step up to him

But he was mega rich so he didnt need to lift to slay pussy

You would have to have been on the site to know it was posted there so shut the fuck up faggot

Reddit posts faggot shit like this every day. You don't have to go there to know that they get hardons over black and white pictures of parents and grandparents.

>tfw I will never have big sexy calves like tjat

why even live

My grandfather fought in ww2 and took part in the storming of Normandy and came back with no problems, so he was quite badass in his own right without lifting.

My gandpa was too busy in Korea blowing gooks' heads off to lift.

My grandfather was at pearl harbor on USS Arizona when it got bombed.
He was just a typewriter worker, and when all of a sudden it was time to abandon ship, he told me he had to swim a mile avoiding tiger sharks, gunfire, drowning victims, etc.
He was one of the last surviving members, he died 3 years ago at 93.
Without even being my grandfather, he was the most honorable and humble person I've ever met and had a firm handshake.
He was a cardio bunny afaik.


my grandpa's dead

I like how most of these stories mention one cool grandfather so evidently the other was a spectacular faggot

So did he do anything else during the war

My paternal grandfather was a prodigy baseball pitcher in high school, according to my father one MLB team tried to draft him but he turned them down for reasons I cannot fathom. Then he went to fight in WWII with the Coast Guard, didn't see a lot of combat but the military back then trained soldiers much harder than they do now. As an adult he was over weight, but I'd say he lifted.

My maternal great-grandfather was a Green Beret in the US Army, did two tours in Vietnam when he was around 35, give or take.

Why are men such pussies now?

my grandfather was a marathon runner actually so he didn't lift but he was an amazing athlete. also represented my country several times in running competitions across the globe. he now works as a judge in national competitions.

No, he got honorably discharged because of injury I believe.

how do you know that?

>maternal great-grandpa served in vietnam
>vietnam war was about 50 years ago

>prodigy baseball pitcher in high school, according to my father one MLB team tried to draft him but he turned them down for reasons I cannot fathom

This picture was on imgur front page 4 days ago.

My grandpa lifted coal in a Nazi labor camp. Does it counts?

My grandmother's son's dad is dead.
So is my other granddad.

They're both DEAD.

my grandmother fucked up and had my mother at 18, and he wasn't some kid fresh out of high school when he went to Vietnam.. he was actually 37 and went again when he was around 38 or 39.
The man was amazing, I don't really expect anyone to believe it but I don't care if you don't either. Here's a photo of him I have. The kid on the left is my dad, no idea who the girl is.

How is that ok?

Are you lost boy?

Are you lost cuck?

He was a double agent translator for nips/murricans.
I wonder how it must have felt cucking both sides.

Nah but he played football at a pretty high level and used to run home from training with lead in his backpack lmao
Also beat his dying wife though so not really a man I aspire to be

He didn't need to lift, he came from an extremely wealthy family and was a playboy

Kind of wish all that wealth hadn't disappeared in a revolution so I could have had a taste of it

Ja, he shoveled jews.

Professional soccer player in Germany.

>tfw my grand children will see that their grand-pa was aesthetics as fuck

my grandpa is a 60 year old manlet and still lifts more than most people on this board, myself included

>mfw untermensch genetics

apparently yours didn't


My grandpa is 89 and still jogs this very day. He likes walking from his house to the beach, almost 10km.
He started 40 years ago with some friends and together they formed a small club.
I feel bad for him though, he told me that in it's prime, the club had around 30 people running every saturday, but now there's only 4 people left because he saw all his friends die.

>Why are men such pussies now?

No wars to fight in. Well, none that there's a draft for anyway.

Old farmers (and I mean OLD; 70+) are often shockingly strong. And I don't think they're topping up with testosterone patches or HGH shots, either.

How do they do it, Veeky Forums?

Strength, provided you don't get seriously injured or whatever, is one of those qualities that sticks around well into old age if you keep using it. Even if you've lost a lot of mass.

Lifetime of using their hands and bodies for labor and stubborn appliances. My grandpa is 70+ and he's got farm strength. I remember once trying really hard to open this stuck latch, and he just comes and flicks it open like it was a light switch.
I've also noticed farmers tend to have little patience for stuff, at least in my family. There's rarely any finesse or careful maneuvering around problems, when something is stuck they just fucking pull on it with everything they've got, like they don't have time for that shit. This gives them insane quick twitch muscle fibers in their arms.

dat dere oldman strenght is for real

he died when my father was young by korean war without any pictures. I wish i had a chance to see him.

>granddad was a dutchfag
>survived WW2, he was 18 years old in 1945; trough a neighbour I heard he was in the resistance, but he never talked about it.
>gets drafted to fight in the Dutch Indies (now Indonesia)
>almost all his friends that survived WW2 died in the Indies

Imagine surviving a friggin war, only to be forced into another one on the other side of the world. And now, more than 70 years later, the government that sent you into that war admits that it was wrong to start a fight over there.

He died at 91 or 92 about 5 years ago, he built his own farm and readied the fields himself and ran it until he had a stroke. He was probably quite strong, since we are big people in the family, but it is hard to see if he had physique

My grandpa was one of the best wrestlers in my country (not the murrican tv soap opera) but he had some problems with alcohol and died 10 years before I was born.

Idk, did yours?

His core looks tighter than a 12 yo's pussy

yep, thats me in the middle, grandfather on left, father on right



Literally midgets, why the fuck arnt manlets banned?

Got you beat.

My grandfather actually died in Auschwitz. He got drunk one night and fell off a watchtower.


Holy shit you sound like such a try hard redditor trying to fit in. What a fucking retard. And btw yes you do have to go there to know that. I definitely didn't know that and don't care to know that. Stfu.

No, but I imagine that lifting was a lot more of a luxury back when my grandfather was young.

These days most people just take it for granted, but you probably didn't have a lot of time/money to stand around lifting heavy shit and eating a bunch of food if you grew up during the great depression.

Now, even if you're relatively poor, cheap gym memberships, and the low cost of food basically means everyone can be in pretty damn good shape if they want.

>why are men such pisses now?

What are you even talking about? We could destroy your grandpa's army generation in a second. No comparison.

Are you mentally retarded?

Of course a modern military would wipe the floor with an army from the 40s...

Average guy off the street though? He would get curbstomped by a guy from the 40s.

this joke is almost older than my grandpa tbqh famalam

He lifted babies into the bomb shelters when Gerry was overhead

He was a construction worker and a football player so sort of.

>those calfs
mirin hard

Your dad is three time world champion weightlifter Pyrros Dimas. Okay user, sure. I'm disappointed that all you faggots who say you "lift" didn't recognize this god among men. Pitiful really.

Pic related. If you live a sedentary life, you not only lose muscle mass when getting older, you actually have less muscle fibres.

Those men have worked their whole lives, they not only have insane grip strenght, they haven't lost that much of muscle mass and kept strong tendons.


>tfw grandpa died before I was born
>tfw dad divorced when I was a baby



HELP ME Veeky Forums

What a retarded thing to point out. Are we supposed to force fatties to work out for the sake of a theoretical situation? Also people back then we're shorter. So it would be skinny fat manlet vs tall whale. Really though why even give a shit. When it comes down to military strength (which is what actually matters) we are way stronger.

Find a strong male role model in your life son. Doesn't need to be a relative.

At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

>he visits sjw websites

requesting more pictures of grandparents/parents who were built back in the good ol' days when white men weren't all sissies.

Love looking at this shit

One was a coal miner so probably not outside of work, the other a petrochemical engineer so maybe/probably not.

Oh man, I'd suck your grandpas dick


>you not only lose muscle mass when getting older, you actually have less muscle fibres.
Muscle fiber count doesn't change you big ol' goofus.

Paternal grandpa was a marine in WWII. Then went to kansas at the end and became a rancher.
Probably didn't lift, but was strong af

Maternal grandpa definitely didn't

Maternal GF: a big and bulky man who worked for two decades protecting coffee plantations in Brazil at gunpoint and machete in hand. Survived several shootings and because of banging local married women had to fight a half a dozen gun duels against pissed husbands.

Paternal GF: tall and muscular country laborer from Spain, poor as a church mouse, still managed to bang half of the villageĀ“s women. The richest family's daughter got pregnant so she could marry him despite not being noble.

Both were muscular as fuck.

>grandpa was in nam
>not in wwii
damn im old

My grandpa was a rich alcoholic boxer that beat my dad on a daily basis, once my dad grew big enough to defend himself he stopped fighting him because gramps got scared of my dad, now that grandpa got a divorce living in an apartment and is poor as fuck as has a fucked up liver from years of drinking.

Fuck my grandpa, he never even met me or his own grandchildren and gives no fucks about my dad nor my family, ironically he cares about his daughters who arnt even his blood related children, his daughters came from the local priest believe it or not, also grandma tried to poison me when i was a little kid.

Unrelated, almost got kidnapped by an asian lady when i was a kid if it werent for my grandma on moms side coming to beat the shit out of said asian and taking me back.

I'm actually Vietnamese the generations of my family had kids pretty young. My dad had me when he was 21. My grandpa was part of the ARVN.

grandpa worked in a brick factory for 30+ years. Even today, at 86 years old, his grip strength is stronger than mine and he still has large biceps. One time I shook his hand and he legitimately death gripped it for about 15 seconds and I couldn't break it. I'm not insanely strong but I can deadlift 5 plates, and I use 125's dumbbells to bench. Can't wait till I get old and strong as fuck so I can throw my sons around.

This, shit. Mine was at least in Korea.

My Grandad was a mysterious man. I know he fought in WW2 and later became an infamous poacher under the name "trapper Dan". I asked my great grand mother about it before she died. She said he was "a Nazi that fell from the sky" She was crazy though, So I assume she was just mad because he wasn't Catholic.

Pretty damn handsome desu

Did you inherit the facial sthetics at least?

Nope, I look like a potato. Got his hair tho, just like the pic, blonde and wavy.

yep. I'm honestly not sure why anyone would use the same picture.
grampa was a skinny clerk. I could probably clean and jerk with ease.
he's the reason I'm rich though, so hey.

Both Grandfathers were in the military so I would assume so

One was in the navy
The other was a colonel in the air force

My maternal granddad was a farmer. My paternal granddad was a coal miner (belt and powerline mover). Both were strong as fuck. Both could kick anyone's ass, which both did when each one kicked a lifter's ass when they tried to hit on my grandmom when they were younger.

>He was just a typewriter worker, and when all of a sudden it was time to abandon ship, he told me he had to swim a mile avoiding tiger sharks, gunfire, drowning victims, etc.

Sounds like he was a pussy.

did you at least inherit the sociopath-ness?

There is no way of answering that without sounding like an edge lord or a liar but, yes. I guess so

My mother's father died when she was very young (also when he was very young - he had a heart attack in his 40s).

My father never talks about his father, and I'm sure there is a reason why.

Be blessed that you guys have grandfathers (and grandparents). Call them now.

My grandmother is now 96, and she's still kicking, but she has some very advanced alzheimers.


>roommates always texting me imgur links of gay Reddit stories
Fucking annoying