You Will Never Look Like This

What good is being ripped if you're face, persona, and style is all fucked up?

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a ripped ugly person is better than a fat ugly person. Life is inherently unfair, all you need worry about is being the best you can be

kek don't kid yourself OP. I'd look like that if I cut, it would take me 1-2 months tops.

is the physique on the right achievable natty in 3 years doing bodyweight shit starting from skeleton mode?

Lol shut up manlet

Probably but why limit yourself to bw?

No. If you want that physique youre gonna need at least a 2 1/2 pl8 bench and a 1 1/2 pl8 OHP while being like 7% bf. Starting from skeleton you can probably do that in 3-4 years if you have a lot of discipline and consistancy


>weighted dips
>weighted pull ups
>hanging leg raises
>handstand push ups

Literally all you need


I doubt it.

I'm of Northern European descent so I have similar build to guy on the right. It's genetics mostly. I don't know what your starting point is.

You'll need to a decent workout plan and lots of cardio. Do cardio every day. I used to do like 3 miles a day and had abs without flexing. But for retaining size, you want to run fast, not for distance.

Some people are born lucky some aren't, only pussies would stew in the vomit of their bad genetics instead of improving themselves however they can

>doing body weight shit
user. are you autistic?

what if i do weighted exercises like dumbell press/fly? then will it be achievable

my stats atm:


130 odd pounds

Just get a gym membership and work out properly

i would rather have a home gym and consult fit

OP self pitying piece of shit

you dont have to look like this to get laid or make it. Faggot. Go outside


kek even if you were cut you'd need to gain like 30lbs of muscle at least.

who is that

Handstand pushup is basically a 1xbw OHP.

then get a home gym, get a squat rack, a flat bench, and some olympic weights. you're looking at around $800 for a budget set-up.

you're not going to gain 30lbs of muscle doing push ups and shi

Not really. The ROM is significantly shorter and you get to benefit from the stretch reflex.

Sure but youre gonna need a full set of DB that goes up to 100lb each for the bench press
You might as well go to the gym

>flat bench

don't i need to do incline press though

this is true
plus there's a lot that can be improved with common sense

i already have most of that shit i just need some dumbbells and a bench

lol he looked bad but made alright music, then he looked good and made shit

It really doesnt matter there is like 90% overlap. If your chest ends up looking like shit once you are doing it with actual heavy weight you can try incline to see if it makes any improvement

>You Will Never Look Like This
Thanks the gods for that, they look like a couple of fucking tools.

so flat-bench dumbell press and regular bench press are essentially the same?

i honestly look like the guy on the right when i cut, although i have a bump in the middle of my nose it's not flat like his


>I honestly look like the guy on the right
don't we all dude
don't we all

i meant the face only i'm a chubby manlet rn

is this a good flat bench for a skelly beginner


I wouldn't buy it personally but it'll probably get the job done

can you recommend me one then

This. I'm Nordic too and we tend to be tall and have wide shoulders

>7% body fat

Why must you lie?

post butthole

What bf% do you recon the guy in the OP is? I wouldnt say any higher than 8%

Those guys don't even do the lifting required to get those physiques, that's because they are on cruise level steroids.

i got da bump on my nose too

>being this jealous with your feeble genetics

You forgot the steroids.

Why do people who have never even tried to put on muscle mass talk here?

So much this.
I consider myself ugly but im fit and i always get comments like "how come you dont have a gf?" "just show a girl your abs bro"

they're hot as heck desu i'd hang out with them and just walk around and deny women all day

would be cash as fuck desu

ok in that picture they look roided. in OP's pic they look pretty normal

ok thanks does it matter what dumbbells i get

lmao that pic is shopped by some fucking faggot


They are Zyzz size or bigger and probably don't even take bodybuilding super seriously.

learn to shop faggot
uneven shopped pecs
adonis belt looks drawn on paint lmao
these faggots believe anything

I thought you had a squat rack retard? Why do you want dumbells? Don't be a curlbrah. Get a squat cage, an olympic 7ft bar, and olympic weights. Do bench, squats, deadlifts, ohp. Then use the bar and maybe some light weight to do accessory movements like skull crushers etc. You can also just use a plate in one hand, hold it by the hole, and do lateral raises, shit like that.

don't waste your money on dumbells

i honestly really want to touch them

idk why i just want to feel them

Does the majority of Veeky Forums really believe that you need roids to achieve this body? This must be a meme. Do oly lifts and a training. Woah! A huge a core big traps and shoulders. NOT NATTY LMFAO you guys are so sad. How bad are your overall routines?

can't wait until faggotry is illegal again

You can get their bodyfat, but you won't keep the same muscle fullness naturally.

wow you just made my new routine
Ive been working on hand stands, and incline push ups, but I cant quite do the hand stand push ups.

>Does the majority of Veeky Forums really believe that you need roids to achieve this body?
You have to understand... They are all new/normalfags that have drifted in from reddit, /b/ and /r9k/. They don't understand shit because they aren't interested in learning and improving in the first place..
They are just here trying to turn Veeky Forums into another crab bucket like the places they themselves fled from because they don't like that this place has a discriminatory mentality that makes people better themselves.
They are like mudslimes or jews.

I mean look at this shit.. read it..

anyone got a source on the pants they're wearing here, cool AF

I see two manlets OP, the left one is 5'3" at best

just a heads up this shop sells similar benches for a bit cheaper they have $1 auctions and the last one sold for $52 and the one before then was $56

forgot link

Pretty much this. Genetics play a big role on the outcome but that's pretty much all you need if you're not into diversifying much.

It's fucking written on them - calvin klein.
I'm trying to think of something more homo than those pants but nothing comes to mind.

Wearing designer clothing attracts girls

look like a bunch of metrosexual faggots

How fucking bluepilled are the people in this thread?!

The reason why he looks like that isn't because of some fucking work out lmao, it's his GENETICS. Sure, he probably goes to the gym, but his FACE is a MASSIVE HALO to the rest of his body.

Hell, even if you ignore his HEIGHT and FACE, the main things that make his PHYSIQUE look so good are his SHOULDERS, his WAIST, and his ADONIS BELT. ALL THINGS ENTIRELY DETERMINED BY GENETICS.

i know no one will believe me and rightfully so, but ive never met a girl i couldnt fuck or a guy i couldnt cuck in the last four years.

im good looking, at least an 8/10, but i used to be pretty "beta" and insecure. when i could legitimately stop giving a fuck everything changed, turned out without the insecurity i was very naturally "alpha" and dominant without trying at all. given that people on Veeky Forums tend to exhibit a similar psychological profile the same could well be true of you.

"personality" (or whatever you want to call it) matters a lot. if you give off a warm, positive and masculine aura you will have women falling over themselves trying to get you.

I'm sure your oneitis doesn't think that!

WHY is it people think that WRITING IN CAPS makes your POINT any more RELEVANT?

Literally tumblr desu senpai

>"I'd look like that if I cut"
the Veeky Forums motto

lurk moar faggot

you didn't mention his FRAME

i laughed and then realised i've been saying this to myself recently

Yeah man if i've never seen my abs but if I just cut for like 2 weeks i'd have perfect insertions and symmetry bro it's just the fat hiding it

im not gonna become a faggot for a girl

So listen to his old music while you jerk off to his new pics

but my face and personality are pretty great. its my body that sucks (for now)

>I consider myself ugly but im fit and i always get comments like "how come you dont have a gf?" "just show a girl your abs bro"
heh, reminds me of pic related
i remember bruce telling the story of this photoshoot, at the end the shot of his ass looked better than all the ones with his face so they just went with it

goddammit forgot pic




Like 10%

dudes core is too big, my guess is lots of deadlifts or roids

you need to take up wake boarding at like age 6 and stick with it till college. If your unable to do this you won't get THIS look, but you can look like someone who lifts weights in gym.

Most people are average looking., and attraction from women is much more than looks. There is height, personality, humor, confidence, and penis size plus money.

This guy has a 7/10 face at best but he is considered one of the go-to hottest guys in the world by most american women. Why? Because he lifts and is on tv and has money.
As long as your face doesnt look like a fucking gremlin, you dress well and have a decent body women will find you physically attractive. If your personality is shit and you are broke as fuck then no one can help you

> penis size
Who brainwashed you into thinking average wasn't big enough?

oh snap

sauce naow pls

>That pic
Looks like supermang, am i rite?

it's almost as if you're looking at a Veeky Forums meme on Veeky Forums

>Life is inherently unfair

realistic advice is always the best

I've lost all sense of style because I've been in a relationship for almost 4 years straight, this is what happens when you find someone who literally except you for who you are.

I dress like shit now

why bodyweight, you could surpass it after 3 years at the gym
>7% bf
they are 9% minimum