Tommorow gym is closed
Tommorow gym is closed
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What is "tommorow gym"?
>Tommorow gym
stop bullying
wtf? is it a holiday somewhere in the world or is your gym just shitty and closed on saturdays...?
anyway, just find one that's open and pay for a day pass if you need.
That's some fuckboi shit right there. I'm pretty sure no one in my nation is aware of this stupid off day.
where do you live?
>Tag der Arbeit on a sunday
what the hell m8 I want my day off
Pakistan or Sudan?
I guess its china for fucking sure
Here too, that's why I worked out yesterday and this morning.
Get cucked fags
lolwut, my gym is definitely not closed for this
or any other business that i'm aware of, for that matter
nice tatami mat
flooring gonna get rekt
Nah, lots of places are still open even though it's a national holiday.
Dont be a faggot and go some sport outside.
>gym rats that never see sunlight and have endurance for 6 repsonly pretending to be "fit"
I will go for a run. Thanks user
>cast iron plates, the cheapest kind
>no weight rack
>mattress against wall, you sloppy disorganized cunt
>deadlift "platform" is right next to a fucking glass door
>deadlift "platform" is just two $5 pieces of foam that will fuck up the floor
mum and dad were a little proud when you begged them to buy you that but they'll take it all away if you damage the house kiddo
don't listen to that faggot, i have a backup 24/7 gym
find your backup 24/7 gym
At my backup gym i have made friendos everytime i go there
Nobody works at my gym, so I have nothing to worry about.
My place is rekt overall m8,and I bought it with the little money I had,also have a oly dumbell and and a homemade chin up bar.
why not just buy a door frame pull up/chin up bar they cost like £10?