lol ks memes
Oh if you just want to experience anal sex I'm sure your bros Veeky Forums can help you with that.
does long does it normally take to convince your gf to finally do anal?
>it's knowing that men uglier and more beta than you have nice, cute girlfriends
3 years, 4 months and 16 days
on average
this question doesn't make any sense, she's not your gf until you've done anal
bros im srs, I want to take my gf's anal virginity but im not sure when most non-sluts do it
>tfw I do anal too early
ill think less of her and ill panic if we break up and she gets another BF that she'd be down for anal ASAP especially if she enjoys it
>tfw anal too late or never
Im a beta cuck
I already got her warmed up to the idea of anal (she said she'd do it if I stayed with her long enough)
there is no too early, if you both want it then do it but the bigger issue is your worries about her fucking other dudes after you break up
why are you thinking about that, you're with her now
its about the ego m8
I'm honestly thinking about just losing it to a prostitute at this point.
Why the fuck is it easier to talk grills into anal than into going to the gym? Its fucking good for you just do it god damn
As with lots of things.
right time is now.
give her oral and then rim her and shove ur tongue in, she will be willing to try it after a few go's on that
What's the honest appeal in anal?
I've never done it, and I've never really wanted to. Like, why on earth would I want to get my dick covered in shit? Or even if she cleans her ass out first, then I just have to wait while she douches out her asshole, and then I get to fuck a slightly tighter, but probably way less joocy hole?
Fuck, I just can't imagine the fucking smell. The whole idea just turns me off.
Is there any reason people like it other than it just being taboo?
Its complete dominance if you fuck a girl in the ass.
Doesn't work like how you think it does pal, unless she doesn't wipe properly or she desperately needs to shit, then there's a pretty good chance you're aren't gonna see any trace of shit.
lowtest beta detected
Because it's painful for her
Vaginal is better, literally designed to feel good for both parties. Anal is just a meme form of sex that's overrated because it's taboo.
What appeal of non-oral sex?
I've never done it, and I've never really wanted to. Like why on earth would I want to get my dick covered in Vaginal mucus? Or even if she cleans her vagina first, then I just have to wait while she washes out of vagina, and then I get to fuck a slightly tighter, but probably way less juicy hole?
Fuck, I just can't imagine the smell. The whole idea just turns me off.
Is there any reason people like it other than it just being taboo?
>imblying I didn't already convince her for anal
im just wondering when most people do it
samefag Anal is something everyone must experience once.
Vaginas are designed to take dick and are built to feel as good as possible while fucking. Asses are only tight at the entrance and then there's nothing, vaginas are designed to massage a dick along its entire length.
ok yes it can be messy. that is a real downside.
But its an amazing experience and feeling. The vag is just nowhere near as tight. And women orgasm way way harder with anal.
Its honest;y nearly a deal breaker for me when a girl who io might have a relationship with cant take it or doesn't want it. Its just that good.
Yet somehow bumfaggots still get off with no alternative hole.
there's two types of women in the world
Those who love Anal
And Those who haven't been convinced to love Anal yet.
You can get any girl to love anal, each one says they don't want it at first.
>women orgasm way way harder with anal.
She was faking, anal provides no sensation to women other than pain.
I should trust some random dude on the internet more than my GF i've been with for 4 years.
well ya. If you have learned nothing else from Veeky Forums...
>tfw every girl ive fucked ive also done anal with
It happens in the moment nigga, if you can get her to that point where she will do anything you tell her to, youre golden. But that means not being a lazy jackshit. Put some effort into turning her on (yes this means you have to get to know her a bit you twat).
>In the moment anal
sounds like a great way to get shit dick
You seem to be doing it wrong then m8
There are no pleasure receptors in the ass
sure m8, thats why bumfaggots and my gf likes when I fuck her ass
>implying its only the physical sensation that gives sex pleasure
found the virgin
Why did they spell the word beta as (beta)eta?
Whats stopping you?
>implying its only the physical sensation that gives sex pleasure
Exactly, any please is purely psychological because it's taboo
no senpai there's more to it than that, the bum is actually sensitive and thus can feel pleasure.
Sex is mostly psychological. Otherwise we'd just jerk off.
I agree with you user I've never done it and sometimes when I'm having sex I see her asshole and just ask why would anyone do that
Have you had someone penetrate your ass? I know men are supposed to get pleasure from prostate but what about women? They don't have one.
Tell me all about the mythical pleasure receptor, Dr. Neuromancer. I've never heard of them outside of buzzfeed articles and American education.
no because Im not a submissive faggot who likes dick in my ass but many girls like their ass eaten or fingered for a reason
>for a reason
But if you've never experienced it how do you KNOW it feels good? If you ask and they say it feels good, you still don't KNOW that it does, they may lying.
yes because woman like lying what they like being done on them.
Great fucking relationships you've been in.
In that case I can confirm that anal feels good.
Not really that great desu senpai pussy is better
Did you follow the conversation or just shitposting now?
This right. Anal IS overrated.
This is true also.
But this is the point. Anal sex is psychological for women. They can fell the D in the ass but NOT like pleasure so you need to get your gf to be prepared in her mind to 'feel' that pleasure. I don't know if it has to be related to some kind of submission situation for her or what.
Analets detected
>when will they learn
> implying the taboo isn't the best part
Anal was better in the old days when everyone was Christian and sodomy was a sin punishable by genocide. In those days both of you knew what you were doing was wrong and eternal damnation waited for you the moment your dick was inside her ass. And you'd get one hell of a kick from all the sinning as you were both convinced you're copulating with the devil.
Now anal is prosaic and common. There is no damnation, God's dead, and the devil retired to a small farm somewhere in the American south. No one cares if you put it in her butt or vag, hell I've even had girls say shit like "I'm off the pill, just put it in my butt" like there's nothing to it. Truly anal is dead.
Now the only way to enjoy that sort of degenerate sinful sex with another person is to engage in incest or ntr. But that's not available if you don't have siblings and there are too many liberal free love hippies who can't be ntr'd
Thats why you get the non-sluts so the conquest/taboo of getting her to do anal is alive
it aint no fun getting a slut to do slut stuff