Official Saturday feels thread.
Share your feels, user.
>tfw no gf
>tfw stalling on OHP
>tfw fapped 4 times yesterday
>tfw had to miss gym session because felt drained
>tfw finals week
W-we are all gonna make it, brahs
Official Saturday feels thread.
Share your feels, user.
>tfw no gf
>tfw stalling on OHP
>tfw fapped 4 times yesterday
>tfw had to miss gym session because felt drained
>tfw finals week
W-we are all gonna make it, brahs
>Tfw its one of the biggest holidays in sweden right now and everyone is out drinking
>And im here pulling 4pl8 deadlifts
>fukin makin it brahs im going home and eating tuna alone while sven is busy at the BBQ lel fukin beta pleb sven
>tfw when I have a ton of things to do
>I can't get myself to get out of bed
>talking to grill
>things get hot and heavy
>weeks later
>she tells me, "have a ton on my plate, but i'll never take you for granted"
>still talks to me on occasion, but not really
>tired of things being one sided, so stop initiating contact
>she doesn't try at all
Welp, at least that clears things up and i can move on brehs. ;_;
Why weren't you the one that kept trying? If you did, what did you think you did wrong?
>send a facebook message to this girl I've been on several dates with and talk to every day
>trying to be funny
>probably made me look clingy in retrospect because she read into it
>she hasn't responded
This might be a blessing in disguise, though. I don't like this girl all that much so it's not a big deal but my lack of experience in dating is def frustrating and it sucks that it looks like it's going to end this way
I'm in love with a girl who has a boyfriend
send help
>have this weird thing with a woman that needed to get me a job or atleast help me with it
>didn't get a job
>she kept in slight contact with me
>she fell in love with me
>decide it's a fucked up relationship and ended contact
>she goes berserk and starts stalking me online and via somebody she knows that does something at a school I started taking a course
>finally find an internship
>she finds out where
>it's not so far from where she works
>walk out the door one day and see her car parked there, I knew because of the logo of the company
think nothing of it because it's a city and parking is hard to find
>the day after I walk out of the building with a female colleague and she's waiting rushes me screams "you're such an asshole" and throws cafe late on me
wew lad
He's probably getting fucked or cucked by an immigrant.
No need to be sad.
>move away from hometown
>girl i knew immediately adds me on facebook
>persistent, sends me her number
>start talking, she wants to meet up and says she's been attracted to me since we met
>except she has a boyfriend
>and no job, and lives 2 hours away
>i'm not even that attracted to her
>but she high test, boner raging
>mfw the entire time
Sounds like she wants you to fuck her because she's bored. I would desu fampai
>guy at the gym complements my traps
>see girl looking at my ass
>girl tells me I am the only big guy that squats at my gym
>she asks me to check her form from time to time
>asked me how she can get an ass like me
>gymnast girl usually comes with her bf
>bf isnt there
>she strikes up a conversation
>she is so damn cute, I keep smiling during our conversation
>she keeps smiling
>gymbro comments that I look like vegeta from DBZ with all my veins and retracted hairline
>another gymbro tells him he looks like krillin because he is so short
all in all pretty comfy feeling at the moment
>deleted all social media for 2 weeks because heading to cocoon mode
>been blowing off Oneitis at the gym with short answers and such when she approaches me
>she acts weird as shit yesterday kept looking at me like she doesn't know who I am
>decide to ignore her since she's probably just looking for attention
>decide to reactivate snap chat to see if anyone has snapped me while I've been gone
>oneitis has snapped me two times in two weeks
fug, do I keep ignoring her and go into cocoon or try talking to her again.
She's broken up with the guy a few times and gotten back together, but I ain't cucking him and I'm not getting involved with her just because of her tits.
Can't I just try to find Tinder qts to cure my autism?
Blogging thread?
>love of my life, went out together through college
>religious catholic family, when we met she hasn't had a single drop of alcohol, was also a virgin
>we break up, been ignoring her since
>years later we met again through old friends, realize I still like her
>we got to talk for hours, and she blames me for 'changing' her
>???? changing?
>check all her social media accounts
>she turned into a turboslut
Did I dodge a bullet? Or could she have avoided turning into a cockscabbard if I stayed with her and lived happily ever after?
its the typical "the grass is always greener on the other side" "I want to do everything" "you are holding me back" slut
you definitely dodged a bullet
Me too breh ;_;
Literally have more girls interested in me than ever before but I cant stop thinking about her
Just talk to her you fuck
I approached mine oneitis and got rejected, it sucked but I'm happier than if I did nothing
>tfw started from skelly, 6'2 130 lbs
>tfw gained about 70 lbs since i started coming to Veeky Forums about 50 of which has been muscle
>tfw running 4 day texas method and making steady strength gainz
>tfw acquired first GF last year and it was nice until she started making me miserable with gaslighting and shit
>tfw she would accuse me of looking and talking to other girls while i wasn't, and then started flipping out when i called her out for ACTUALLY hanging out with other dudes late at night while i'm sleeping
>tfw broke up with her, been single since mid-November
i'll just keep lifting until somebody loves me
Sounds like a low trust relationship. This is as much a problem for you, as much as it is coming from her. In a good relationship, ideally you want to emphasize the fact that you two trust each other. That it is important that you convey to her that you know she won't do you wrong and that the same standard is applied to you. You should say little comments about that here and there, and that it is the basis of the relationship. Once you start accusing each other, or conveying to each other that you don't trust one another, then it shows low expectations and will likely make her think about cheating. Same goes for you.
Anyways, it looks like it's over. What are you doing now to find new love, brother?
Me too, I'm forcing myself to hit on other girls because logically I know it's best to get over her but I still feel the feel.
>tfw content with no gf
>tfw about 1 month away from 10%bf from 30%
>tfw rewatching Fate/Zero
>its no longer summer
>constantly sick because its cold
what a bunch of malarkey.
>What are you doing now to find new love, brother?
Im not that guy but ive been in the same position and im telling you its nearly impossible to find new love so its best to stick to your guns and tough it out in the current relationship
I wish i had fought harder when i still had mine but i for some fucking reason didnt think it would be so hard to find a new girl, probably because a friend told me id be better off finding a new gf instead of sticking to someone who was as abusing as my ex
>i'll just keep lifting until somebody loves me
i'll surely get a gf at 2/3/4/5 right?
>Lifting 4x a week for the last 9 weeks
>Finally hit old rep PRs yesterday, pretty happy.
>Wake up today with the flu, feel like I go hit by a truck
>Have to wait a little while to try for 1RM PRs again.
>Just getting out of bed in a struggle
If you go that far you'll be receiving a bf I'm afraid.
Girls are slags.
Fuck bar sluts to keep your sex drive satisfied, wait til you meet a genuinely nice girl before you go down the GF path again.
>fapped 4 times yesterday
>missed gym session because felt drained
there's your problem
Dodged a bullet.
There's a reason girls have daddy issues. If they don't have a good (normal) upbringing they crave the things absent.
will he love me (like a brother)?
I started reading red pill material about halfway thru the relationship and it really made me question everything i'd been told growing up and shattered my fairy tale dreams, but what really set it off was discovering she was doing exactly what she accused me of.
I was using tinder before i met her and was somehow pretty good at it (had a lot of pics of me playing guitar onstage, got a few lays) even though i was skinny, beta, and always opened with compliments and shit. Retrying in the past few months and it's completely different being slightly more muscular and way more forward. Girls want nothing to do with you on online dating unless you're literally in the top 5% of looks and it's depressing. I've talked to some other girls i knew suggesting we catch up, and they'd show interest followed by not responding after i suggest a time/place. So i just started cutting contact with all of them. It's discouraging so i'm just gonna focus on my lifts.
Nice trips. I'm almost at 1.5/2/3/4 for maxes so I couldn't tell you
Haha same here in finland. 3pl8 squats today tho
>tfw i realised i've become a fat fuck
>tfw friendzoned by girl in a fucking terrible way and she'll never have feelings for me
>tfw no gf
>tfw ohp won't progress
>tfw biceps won't grow
>tfw no friends
>tfw drowning in uni work
Like a Father and a Brother
These comforts men offer each other
This manly love shall come to pass
When you're coming in his ass
Dunno m8's, I don't have any grill problems at the time but I'm seriously wondering if I'm screwing up my life
>graduate school
>work in tech ~2 years
>hate desk jockeying, quit yob to work on app startup
>team goes to hell, leave startup
>basically NEETing
>don't want to get desk jockey job
>not sure what I want to do with my life
>all I like to do is lift (which I'm not fantastic at, 375 diddly, 295 squat, 235 bench) and read
>literally lost and clueless
What do?
>think about qt that started convo with me in my dorm elevator a year ago
>too autistic to visit her room sometime like she asked me to
>doesn't bother me much, i have many memories like this
>go to gym today fresh off a prime high test thread
>the same qt starts doing squats right behind my bench on my last set of dumbell press
>glance at her and imagine talking to her for rest of workout
i don't think i could've become more maladjusted to society if i had tried, familino
>go on ski season
>finally break dry spell
>9 girls in 5 months
>feeling awesome
>get home, find a cock wart
one of the girls is coming to stay tonight, and I don't wanna tell her, but she's gonna expect to have sex.
what do?
>inb4 killureself
Work is always better then no work.
>What do?
What would you like to do for a living if i might ask?
>what do?
Use a condom? jesus christ, you humblebragging or just dumb?
Tell her you're sick, cancel, wait a couple weeks.
Now listen up cunt, I'm gunna learn you a thing or two.
>Go grab some apple cider vinegar, the legit shit, no dilutions or any BS.
>Make a little toilet paper folded square slightly larger than the wart
>Soak that badboy in apple cider vinegar
>Apply with a bandaid, change with fresh TP/ACV every 4-6 hours for 36 hours
>Wart will turn white then black
>After 36 hours just keep the area covered, it's now a wound
>Recovery time is about 2 weeks, just scabs up and falls off like any other scab
Work wonders for me and 2 I got on my groin from having unprotected sex, they haven't come back.
INB4 'hurr durr don't listen to advice from Veeky Forums'
Google this shit nigga, it deadset works.
Similar story, though in my case she is literally >10/10 would wife for me. Now she went for a year abroad on uni exchange program without her bf. I started lifting the same month she left. Anyway I need your advice, how do I cuck somebody?
>mfw she is coming back in two months and I am nowhere near looking big
You have plans on seeing her? Show ur dick
I realise that in hindsight, not dumb, just drunk.
Can't really do this, the warts under the foreskin.
looks like I'm off to the clinic on monday.
Well good luck in any case and dw, warts can be removed aparently
Know that id trade with you if i could, but living in celibacy has its perks too i guess
Cost of doing business man
The first thing you do is to realize that you have led your emotions take you in an unhealthy set of thoughts and behaviors that are not conducive to the betterment of your being. You do that by having a deep introspective analysis of the motives that led you to have such thoughts, if those motives themselves are reasonable and focused on getting what you want out of life. Do you know what you want out of life? Do you see yourself as an old man, dying somewhere and looking back at your life and seeing what you did? What do you think you'll be most happy about when you look back? What are some of the things that will make you feel like you've fulfilled or led a satisfying life? Identify those things and realize how your current behavior and thoughts will lead you towards those things. If doing that (cucking) to somebody is something that you feel is right and will lead you to feel satisfied in life overall, well then I would hope you put yourself in the other man's place and have empathy and respect. If not, then do what is right and really try to find more purposeful goals. The things is, sometimes we find it hard to create and follow the right path. It is not meant to be easy. But you should always strive to. Find what you love, what you're passionate about, find those things that make you happiest and follow them. Become diligent at it. Live your life through good principles of community and of good social benefit and you will see that it will reciprocate. It will feel right, and you will feel more satisfied, and it will allow you to find those other things in life that make life worth living.
tl;dr don't be dick, have respect. find more meaningful things to lead your life, and you will most likely find your 10/10 in a more satisfying way than cucking some guy.
>tfw diagnosed with latent tuberculosis
>tfw have to take meds that will fuck me up
>been lifting for over a month
>first time in my life that i had been doing it consistantly
>begin to notice results, gain weight in muscle
>gf notices
>get flu
>no meds nor flu shot, fuck me amirite
>bedridden for 5 days
>can hardly keep anything down
>hurts to move
>flu ends
>feels a bit harder to go down stairs
>go check on the scale
>lost 10 fucking pounds
>look like complete skellington
>5 days undid over a month of work
not gonna quit, but damn. you guys talk about sugary foods, girls, and other shit, but the flu is the real gainz goblin.
That's a good question. The thing is I'm not 100% certain myself. Presently I'd like to end up in some form of leadership role - I figured having the balls to start my own business would prove something, but I'm not sure how to leverage it to my advantage.
Part of the problem is I simply don't feel like doing anything. Just the thought of going back to desk jockey land makes me resent it. Literally being chained to a desk feeling like I have narcolepsy all day every day isn't appealing.
I was essentially celibate before season, you might not want to take advice off a man with a wart, but I put my recent change of situation down to not being able to watch any porn, and the confidence boost you get from doing something adrenaline fueled. In my case freestyle skiing. Gym is a great hobby, but action sports give you more self esteem than heavy deadlifts, trust.
Grow up. There are lots of dolphins in the sea, stop chasing an octopus.
What did you say/ask her senpai?
>seeing a girl since October
>get text from her in February I should get tested for chlamydia
>haven't seen her since
>still haven't gotten tested
>hoping it kills me
Maybe you should look into becoming a project manager or some shit like that, a consultant would also fit into the general desk jockey theme but youre not chained to a desk
I do martial arts so i got hobbies and its not a confidence thing its a lack of women thing
Last girl i met i asked out but she flaked out every single time, she was all into it and flirty as hell but same old girl thing as soon as i wanted to get serious she flaked and broke contact so i cant be bothered chasing after her teasing ass.
I appreciate your advice and its not worth less because you scored dude, get meds and keep on trucking
My man. Ask yourself this: Why do you think you get nervous about talking to her? What is it about the mere act of interacting with her that makes you feel like a little cuck boi? I will tell you. You fear the outcome of the situation. What if you talk with her and you stutter? say the wrong thing? act like a pussy? will she think you're weird? OH GOODNESS SHE MIGHT THINK YOU'RE A CREEP! You see what your biggest problem is, my man? Is that you are scared of the outcome. As long as you keep thinking about it, thinking about what to say, thinking about what will happen, the more likely you will convey this to her, and she WILL READ YOU, and SHE WILL KNOW that you are too much in your head, too concerned with how you think she might think of you, and she will back away. She doesn't want somebody who's emotional well being is dependent on what others think of him. BUT THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU"RE CONVEYING. You need to simply relax, breath, and not care about outcome. Seriously. Think this way "I know what I want, I am going for what I want. I know that this is the right thing to do, and if it works out, it works out, if not then life goes on". When you talk with her convey to her that what your well being depends on,is you doing what you think is right in life. An obdurate confidence who's deep core is at the essence of you being you. Be happy, because you are doing what you think is right and let the chips fall where they may.
There are people who are naturally good at conveying this, and have done it naturally for most of their lives they don't even know they're doing it. Use your autismo to your advantage and develop this framework of looking at the world, and trust me, my boy, it will get you what you want out of life in a more satisfying an happiest manner.
>seeing this girl
>just got out of a relationship
>not looking for a new one
>just want to get my dick wet
>sleep with this new girl
>things going well
>can tell shes catching feelings
>let her know how i feel about the situation
>she dsnt want to be fuck buddies
>ex got her hair dyed the color i like and set me a picture of it
>shes been a little flirty recently
>id love to go back 6 months ago and prevent the breakup
>but since we already broke up, not sure id take her back
>i say i wouldnt, but deep down, i might
>all my lifts went up by 5 lbs today
>and im on a cut
>so at least theres that
>best friend and his band playing at a bar tonight
>im going and hes brining all his hot single nurse friends
live and learn, we're all gonna make it… one day, somehow.
Oooh copped it cunt.
Rough times, at least you'll still be able to get it removed.
Thank you for that post, I wasnt really planing on cucking anybody, though. Girl who would cheat on her bf wouldnt interest me at all. Perhaps I am just not fit to become a Chad... Anyway now I am sort of benefiting from this situation, because prospect of her coming back gives me that motivation needed in the last set.
It's water weight m8 + maybe little bit of fat, it takes 2 weeks for muscles to atrophy
>haven't been to the gym in 6 days
>haven't squatted in almost 6 months due to bad knees
>I'm not going to make it
>everyone is out partying since its a may day
>im inside studying so I can get my worthless ass in uni
>bought a small bag of candy to celebrate may day
>candy tastes like shit and makes my head hurt
You should read this other post I wrote
Don't put your well being on this ideal that you've brainwashed yourself into (or by society, romantic movies, etc). Find that happiness within yourself, or just a sense of inner peace with you and the world. Focus your motivation on doing the right thing. That inner peace, on your diligence, ultimately on following that purpose in life.
>hurr durr there is no real purpose in life
This is true in a way, but that is the point. We are still humans with a brain who's structure is outside our influence, and we must work with it to create of our life experience the best and most fulfilling. Find these purposes in life, make yourself THINK that they will make you happy, and work at it hard, because they lead to that sense of satisfaction and pride at the end. It is up to you to be a sad faggot "living by" or to take life by the horns. It is not easy, you will fail, but you will get better, you will know yourself better.
That's all I got to say, gotta hit the gym and study for finals now. Love you, my brothers.
When I joined Veeky Forums I was a 19yo virgin who was looking for a 12kg dumbbell routine.
Now I'm a 23yo virgin with a 265 Sinclair and 155kg fs.
By 'ideal' I mean this idea that you need the girl to feel happy. That if only you had her, you will feel complete. Fight those urges and focus on more important things.
I'm out.
> mfalways
>bump up carbs
>maintain deficit
>feel 10x stronger on lifts
whoever suggested low carb was a good idea is a faggot
-more vascular
-muscles look better
>Fight those urges
Im not that guy and i wish you luck on your studies but those urges are hard to fight
How does one fight the sex drive? damnit, its too strong
when you are single for a long time eventually you stop caring
I dont even care about fapping. dick still works, but im not using it so whatever.
Single for a year and thirsty as fuck, school is going to shit since all i can focus on is the problem of getting laid
Cant fap either, start doing it and get sad because feels like its all im gonna get
They are always there. It's part of human nature. It is weird, but if you convey to a girl that you don't need her to feel happy, she will become more attracted to you, even if in your mind all you want to do is ravage her clothes and do her right on the table, in front of her family, in thanksgiving. You still have to show intent, that you're interested in her, but that what makes you happy is your structured well being. You gotta remember that women are insane in the head emotionally and they crave stability from a man. They don't want somebody to put them on a pedestal, or worship her, and that he will cry if she leaves. She's searching for confidence, somebody who can manipulate her emotions, someone who knows their self-worth. You see what I mean? It's not that you should not be interested in the girl at all. It's about how you carry yourself.
>Opened my ex-gf's (it has been 1.75 years) Snapchat story for the first time after actively avoiding it
>She is cuddled up with a guy
>Can't tell if new boyfriend or beta orbiter
>She looks so happy
>That was the face she used to make at me
>Tfw have been alone every day since her
God fucking dammit bros. I didn't ask for this. Yeah, she was a bit of an attention whore so she was surrounded by guys every moment of every day, so I should have expected this.
I just want a qtpigf who I can cuddle with and pound into oblivion. At least my gym manager mired me and said I had put on some weight. And I caught up in weight with the guy who first taught me how to deadlift. H-hold me, Veeky Forums.
For the first time ever I'm actually losing weight because of low carb. Also keto/low carb shit is strictly for losing weight not for putting mass. Your lifts aren't going to go up...I just need to flatten my chest asap.
Nigga if you're bulking you should have already been ingesting carbs. No/Low carb faggots are cutting
you shouldve deleted her bro.
>be with girl for 2 years
>she breaks up with me 3 months ago
>shed snap me stuff every now and then
>notice shed be wearing a hat or some shit she didnt own
>i can put 2 and 2 together and tell that it was some guys hat that she was hanging out with but conveniently he wasnt in the snaps
>after about a month see her snap story and its her hanging out with a guy at a bar and they are way too close to be jsut friends
>delete her off snapchat that night
>get a text a day later "so youre just going to delete me then?"
>respond "ya, im not a big fan of looking at my ex hanging on guys"
>"its not like that blah blah blah"
>best thing ive ever done. Mood got a little better a few days after i deleted her
a lot of people say you'll get lucky when you stop giving a shit
this is partly true, the only problem is putting yourself in situations to be noticed: and for me the gym isnt that place (im there to train)
>"maintain defecit"
Hes not bulking
im cutting
but I feel/look better with more carbs, and im still in a deficit, just adjusted my macros a bit
I was doing it on one I had for years on my finger. Took a couple weeks both times I had to apply it but it seems to have went away. There's now a bump there but not a visible wart a couple months later so debating if I should reapply.
Did it overnight every night. It was really embedded
I understand this and thats whats so fucked up because im doing exactly this (although here i spaz out toally) but its gotten me nowhere
Out there in the real world i act cool about stuff and its fun to see people get nervous around me and ask me how i do shit, compare themselves to me and congratulate me on shit but all i really want is a cute gf to sit at home naked on the couch with and watch game of thrones
>H-hold me, Veeky Forums.
I know these feels brother, all too well
Does it notify them if you delete them? I don't want to look like a little bitch.
i can agree with this. Everytime ive gotten a gf its been when i didnt care. i just kinda fell into it. Definitely gotta be in the right settings tho. Hang out with friends who have gfs in places where they bring their girls around. Go to bars. Shit like that
no. but if she goes to send you a snap and your names not there, she can tell.
Sorry senpai, didn't read that. Good on you.
id like to go to bars but by myself it would suck
friends dont want to do shit cause they are with the gf
>got a huge infection on the eyelid, do not want to witness the horror of getting it removed again
>have to go and make my routine medical checkup again, always extremely tense in the week where I wait for results
>university pretty much swallowed every part of my life
>get all my job applications handed back to me
>have not seen any friend for two months now
>terrible insomnia
>tfw no gf seems like a stupid feel to care about at this point, like being sad about the non-existance of Santa
>wake up half dead today, decide I want to get shit done at university
>drive along main road, already feel like shit and regret my decision
>space out and nearly kill some dude on a red light
>just get into a parking spot and pull out a book, try to calm myself
>bitch tears keep welling up, can not concentrate
>just stare into the sky for half an hour and think of better times
>drive back home afterwards
I am so tired guys.
Everything else is manageable, but the exhaustion just kills me
Don't give a fuck about that anymore. All I know is that I am at risk for falling into a hole I can't climb out of.
I have been making good progress in the gym and good progress in school (medfag). I need to get swoler so when I go to the hospital I can bang as many nurses as possible. That will get me out of >tfwnogf for sure.
Sounds like you're not doing much to meet girls. If you have the mindset right, then you should not have much problem trying to meet girls. I mean it. Try asking girls out, force yourself to talk to them, remember to not care about the outcome of a situation, convey that you're authentic, etc. Sounds like you need to put yourself in social situations in general. Force yourself to do it. Don't care about consequences. Think in terms of abundance, that you already have what you need to feel self-worth and that you don't show neediness.
user, I'm so sorry you life blows right now.
Sometimes life bes like that. But, you're doing it, you'll get through it. No matter how fucking bad you feel. Take those moments to pause and recoup. Shit's rough, but you're alive.
Seriously get that eyelid checked out though, man. It's easier to manage being miserable when you're not also sick/weak.
not him but
>ask girls out
I feel this only works when they are already interested
>tfw the guy you trained and taught everything he knows about being alpha and lifting things up, takes your gf
I feel cucked and proud at the same time.
Took antibiotics for strep throat and now I have the runs. Pic related
Create the interest. Create an appeal about your persona. Be intriguing. Show that you are the one person that can show her excitement and the change she desires. Point to her insecurities. Create a connection, as if you both know something about the world that others don't. Show intent, but not neediness. Stop looking for excuses. You're obviously not doing something right. Be honest with yourself. Don't be afraid to be introspective and change certain behaviors. Create a bubble of comfort between the two of you. Have a strong reality, she will be drawn to it. Trust yourself. Trust your abilities. Don't be judgemental, but appreciative of her. There's so much you can do to instill attraction from girls that doesn't involve directly talking with them. Create this aura and then attack. Don't be so self-defeating. Grow a pair, faggot.
That's a confusing feel, user. I think I'd also feel more proud than upset at loss of gf. Especially if he was a weenie to start out with.