
>He fell for the mo strenk iz mo mussul meme.

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me too at first

now i train at 80% RM for 4-5 sets with 8-9 reps, anything wrong with that for maximum gainz?

Yeah, no way you're getting 9 reps at 80% of your max...

It's not a meme, and it's possible to get stranger without getting more muscle mass at first, because of your central nervous system getting more efficient, but eventually, you won't grow stronger without more muscle mass.

Explain pls. How/why you won't grow stronger?

I guess it's different for everybody, but breh I've been doing 3x3 on the compounds + my own accessory work and hasn't stopped increasing weight in over 2 months.

ex-anorexic as well

because you need more muscle to lift things.

Youre an idiot, mass and strength are unrelated you fucking faggot.

The number of muscle-cells has a set limit. You don't magically create more when you lift, they just expand after being broken down. So you don't get "more" muscle.

>9 reps at 80 %
I dont think you know what the 80 % stands for

>implying you could get as strong as a strongman without getting more muscle mass


Right. They are very related, just that there's a margin where you can get stronger by coordinating your CNS. It's mechanical: more strength = more muscle.

More muscle mass, dumb fuck. Not "more muscles". Pay attention.

>muscle = uncountable
>muscles = countable

Muscles refer to the numerable muscles there are; those don't appear of disappear.

Muscle refers to the substance of it, the muscle mass.

Jesus fuck, youre on the internet right now, just fucking google it, thats all it takes. Why argue without checking your facts? Your ignorance is absolutely baffling, I hope you get hit by a buss.

Your body is efficient, so it will first try to max out your current muscle fibers by firing more at the same time. After that stops working, your body will start building more muscle out of necessity.


RM 100kg, 80% = 80kg


yes google says you are a retard

>muscle mass and muscle strength are positively correlated, independent of the associations of age and gender with muscle mass and strength.

Just one of many sources that confirms what everyone already knows.

If you can do 5 sets of 9 reps at supposedly your "80%" max, you are way underestimating your true 1RM.

you stfu, nu male faggot

can't really test RM because of home gym, so i just guessed it

1RM vs RM

Hes refering to 80% of what he can do 8-9 reps with.

Nvrm hes just dumb.

I have home gym and I can test my maxes.. not that I do because Im too busy training

Yes, both are positively correlated, obviously. Increase the one, and the other will most of the time increase accordingly, like the linear model shows. But just wanted to point out that, like bulgarian style training shows, you can have increases of strength without necessarily an increase in muscle mass. I can also think of cases where there can be an increase of muscle mass without (or even a decrease) in strength.

but not too busy shitposting on Veeky Forums

balding weak faggot


You're a fucking idiot, man.

I see, makes sense. But I have never seen it referred like that before.

How about no. Pretty sure _most_ people WILL start building muscle long before they reach their maximum efficiency if their diet is in check. If you are saying that the body will not build muscle unless you have reached your maximum potential (as in motor unit recruitment effieciency) for that muscle mass, then that's clearly and provably wrong.