>see a very qt girl a the gym a few times
>ask some of my friends about her and find out her name (it's a small town)
>become even more interested because of the stuff I learn about her from my friends and Facebook
>finally talk to her about a week and a half ago
>she seems nice, and already knew who I was
>she even remembered something I did many years ago, although in my opinion the thing in question was pretty embarrassing
>think about her constantly after this
>go to the gym a little bit later that usually, because that way I'd be more likely to meet her
>don't see her again, until today
>when I look at her, for some reason - without even talking to her - I know that she's not the kind of girl I've dreamed she'd be
>don't want to talk with her again
>feel angry and disgusted, not just at her, but the whole world and humanity
>don't feel like doing anything
Explain this shit, Veeky Forums. I hate emotions, because they make no sense. I have no sensible reason to feel this way.
To keep this Veeky Forums related, what is in your opinion the superior triceps isolation exercise?