See a very qt girl a the gym a few times

>see a very qt girl a the gym a few times
>ask some of my friends about her and find out her name (it's a small town)
>become even more interested because of the stuff I learn about her from my friends and Facebook
>finally talk to her about a week and a half ago
>she seems nice, and already knew who I was
>she even remembered something I did many years ago, although in my opinion the thing in question was pretty embarrassing
>think about her constantly after this
>go to the gym a little bit later that usually, because that way I'd be more likely to meet her
>don't see her again, until today
>when I look at her, for some reason - without even talking to her - I know that she's not the kind of girl I've dreamed she'd be
>don't want to talk with her again
>feel angry and disgusted, not just at her, but the whole world and humanity
>don't feel like doing anything

Explain this shit, Veeky Forums. I hate emotions, because they make no sense. I have no sensible reason to feel this way.

To keep this Veeky Forums related, what is in your opinion the superior triceps isolation exercise?

lying tricep extension

I concur

With a bar?

Could be an autism flair . take 2 of deez and call me in the morning

I like full ROM tricep pushdowns. Tricep extensions just feel awkward to me, they're probably better though.

Close grip bench because skull crushers fuck up your elbows and can't be loaded that heavy.

You made a whole bunch of assumptions and created expectations for yourself all or most of which were failed to be met by reality. You did this to yourself. Also youre a guy and like most guys you suck at dealing with emotions.

Nice trips, but I didn't even talk to her today. I just saw her from across the room and then these feels hit me.

Dude are you out of your fucking mind? You hate the world and refuse to talk to her because of a fake/imaginary scenario or hunch that she is not some type of way even though you don't know her one bit.

Time to end it?