be nice to each other
/plg/ - powerlifting general
1st for licking trappy's feet
any sneak peek into what the sabre method philosophy will be based around ?
Please tell me what an autistic skinny black person prancing around has to do with powerlifting, you aspie faggot.
>this natty lifts more than most roiders
>b...but muuh untested feds do not count
holy fuck he has upped the dose, niggas bigger than ever
low quality bait
Just finished this week's last training, WEW lads, it's harder than I thought, but so worth it.
I don't have to hype myself up because most sets are quite easy and it lets you really focus on proper technique which will help a ton, I'm sure of it. The problem is that I train around 150-170 minutes with short rest periods and without wasting time, it really kicks your ass
he is natty
Just remember whenever things get hard you can always inject your way out of the difficulties
bloody hell, who is that girl?
>tfw no Veeky Forums chocolate gf
pretty sure I've seen her on the victoria's secret instagram page, try checking there
sure thing, bud
Bodyweight ATM?
not lifetime natty
ahahahahah :^), but I need it to live, wut do
around 95kg, will compete in -93 in mid june, I'll do a short cut in a few weeks
I want this to be my cum containr
Reminder i havent even had this wahlander for 2 months
>150-170 minutes with short rest periods and without wasting time
wew lad
my rest times are long as fuck, would take me a day to get through
>those manfeet
>non lever belt
it is a man
Jazzma Kendrick
>i_heart_jazzma on IG
Is that a double prong or QR?
Wtf did you do to it? I have mine for over a year now and it is still in mint condition.
Squat 3-4x a week. Diddly 2x a week.
was a leather outer the only option?
What's even the point in trying anymore?
His nipples look puffy?
Must have forgot to take his AI
I don't know? Used it?
Failed a 175kg deadlift lads. Might take up rock collecting.
just live through gibbs
he was close to getting 330kg, will probably get it at world Tbh
no they don't
the guy I posted went from 74 yo 93kg in 1.5 year btw kek
>just live through gibbs
No I'm 5'6 and I'm gonna end up in the 74kg class because I don't want to be chubby
no ass tho
>the guy I posted went from 74 yo 93kg in 1.5 year btw kek
says he is an 83kg Tbh
>No I'm 5'6 and I'm gonna end up in the 74kg class
same and im almost scared to leave it lol but i believe we can make it to the 83s one day lad
>says he is an 83kg Tbh
>but i believe we can make it to the 83s one day lad
this guy is one inch shorter and 161 in his latest pic and is xbox huge
formcheck please
Does anyone know what could be causing slight pain/uncomform in my right glute after squatting?
sit back (lean torso forwards), get wrist wraps. pain can come from the little hyperextension you do when you ascend. btw I got malware from that link
It's just cosmetic wear anyways, and you might be pulling it too tight.
>webm for retards
>please get it
No thanks, I dont want that malware on my computer.
wtf this site fucked my computer up
Anyone seen rasputin lately?
When I started lifting I swear I had long arms. (Started at 16)
Now I'm older my arms are short???
Stronger back keeping them back? Finished growing?
Deadlifting has gone from a walk in the park to maschossim.
What do I do? My squat is 20kg stronger than my deadlift,
I got malware wt
What the fuck this installed a virus on my moms computer
How do i fix this? She needs it for work.
Doing some weird ass squat routine where I warm up with a plate for 8 reps then I go 8x1 2 plates, its my max and I know im weak, then front squats for a plate and a half 3x5. Felt some new found strength in me so I pushed my 8x1 to 8x1 with 3x1 235 lb back squats. listening to Natasha Bedingfield the entire time mustve been the reason why I was able to squat so much for me!
Wew lads, done with freshman year. That went by fast. Now for the cut and 5/3/1 to start.
Found him posting outside of plg again lads
Yes your arms shrunk. Can't do anything about it you're basically just fucked.
Rip. Are you American? How much did that cost in burgers?
How do I lengthen arms when deadlifting. I feel like tensing lats bring them back.
Should be pushing shoulders down and abducting your scapulae. Think of pushing them away from your ears
free version is good enough for 99% of cases
download, install, click "scan now", go grab a drink or something.
wanted to get rid of the virus not add another one
thanks a lot dickhead
sleeping with a black chick has opened the floodgates
starting to find more minorities more attractive
This has just made it worse. Now I have TWO viruses
Wtf now my moms laptop had 2 viruses, asshole
>taking the obvious b8
norsie, how do i meet girls if i only lift and work? teach me senpai
I've found myself looking at cholas and being like "yeah I could see how you could be into that" keeping pulling at that thread and suddenly it's not a sweatshirt anymore
>tfw this ginger, fat piece of shit is getting laid and you're not
>one of the few Norwegians not getting shitfaced tonight
Who here /achiever/?
I don't even want to drink.
Big paper/ project due? I'll be buried through next week, got an exam on Monday, paper Tuesday, project and exam Wednesday
I wanna puke thinking about it
hobbies my mang.
but if you don't have time, idk :(
yeah, thats kinda where i'm at looking at >ginger
>piece of shit
>getting laid
Lmao yeah thats pretty pathetic :D
In for sabre test results
Tbf she's pretty cute even if you're not into that. I've gotten to the point where I have been attracted to some pretty beat tattoos on knuckles caked on makeup Mexican chicks. I just love Mexicans man, as long as they're not harry.
If I put on 200 pounds will the wimminz flock to me, like they do to you?
bombed lad
And poutine
poutine not tommorow?
no, and most likely will be a detriment
i think we've been over this, most women are actually very unattracted to me. I'm just un-ugly enough that for a select group of females that find
>dad bod
>traditional manliness
attractive, that i fill a super niche thing for them and thats why they like me as much as they do.
mexicans are the next minority on the list i suppose. still relatively not into them
sabre you better have gotten PRs on all 3 lifts or I'm gonna kick your ass
Big paper due the 6th (have >3k words (probably too much and too bad), need 5k with airline quantitative analysis and discussion), exam the 2nd. Didn't start reading until six hours ago because of working on the paper and procrastination.
Exam the 9th and the relevant literature is.. vast, to put it mildly.
Let's puke together brother.
>not into them
I'm giving you a side-eye rn m8.
I love kinder
The chocolate, r-right?
how extremely obnoxious
all boardie wanted was a quiet coffee and gets harassed
not even verbally that would only last a second but now he has to carry the harassment around with him
yeah. googled it but didn't find anything, assume it has to do something with kids?
It's deutsch for children, yes.
You're not the brightest kid in the classroom now, are you?
Hey I'm a norwegian not getting shitfaced today
my penis is all itchy tingly
I was feeling good about myself today so i took a picture of myself shirtless.
LOL nope, still fat
Why is Stannis in GoT so bad at war? I thought hes talented
Is he the one who fucks the fire lady or the one with the son who cuts people's dicks off
fare lady
I don't know what this means
fire lady
meant to type fire lady
its been a long week
>still relatively not into them
You think she turned all old cause she gave her life to Jon snow
You should kill yourself
>dfn jeg skadet meg i dag
>dfn forste mote neste uke
Går helt sikkert over om noen dager, men fortsatt
This post gave me malware
post them here dickweed
What's even the point anymore?
What'd you do tho?
this ain't /int/ commie