Any homegym masterrace mexibros here?

Any homegym masterrace mexibros here?
Where did you buy your equipment and how is it holding up?

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que pedo puto

nel, no es costeable un homegym acá en la tierra de narcos, con tantos gyms de mensualidad de 300-400 pesos, es mejor ir a uno que comprar todo el equipo y tenerlo en casa

ademas de que te distraes un poco viendo una que otra nalguita en el gym



I fart fucking

nel , is not cost one Homegym here in the land of narco , with so many gyms 300-400 pesos monthly payment , it is better to go to one to buy all the equipment and have it at home

besides getting distracted a bit watching an occasional nalguita in the gym

Hola amigos. De donde son? Antes vivi en mazatlan

OP aquí
El pedo es que no me agrada el ambiente de mi gym pero es el más barato y cercano que hay, además encontré una barra a unos 1100 en mercadolibre y solo necesito eso, una banca, un rack y peso (soy pagüerlifter) así que me interesa más tener mi equipo en casa que ir al gym a escuchar a los ángeles azules mientras todos me ven raro

Yo soy de Mazatlán

De Tepatitlán

Pero esas barras no valen madre, busca a los de Hercop en Facebook, están más caras pero lo valen


fuck off

audifonos.. y creeme que a todos los demas les vale verga tu entrenamiento, mientras no estes estorbando ni nada, cada quien esta en lo suyo

Me suena a shill, además no tengo facebook

>be hispanic-american
>mom, aunts, and grandma have told me to never date a white grill
>first question my mom asked me is if the girl I was talking to was a gringa
>they told me they can't cook for shit and they'll fuck me over when I least expect it

Is it true Veeky Forums

Ni los conozco, pero son los únicos que sé que hacen buenas barras aquí en Mex, pero si quieres compra la de ML

Los consideraré man, gracias

Es esta, la compro Veeky Forums?

What they should have said is don't date American girls. Regardless of their race.


A que escuela de secundaria te iste? Yo fui a anglo moderno

lol "buy"

>move to nation
>despise the natives

This is exactly why the wall needs to be built.


If it weren't for race mixing Mexicans wouldn't exist

Youre the rape babies of Spaniards and Mayans


Monterrey papa


I might be a dirty mexican living in the best city of mexico outside of the capital, but if there is something I hate more than curlers in the squat rack, is "mexicans" americans that weren't born in mexico, don't have a mexican culture but decide that they represent all mexicans

Es tuyo?
Dónde conseguiste todo?

The illegals are worse, they have no right to be here

Considering that Hispanic women are fat as fuck and genetically malnourished midgets I don't think you should be taking food advice from them.

>mfw they sold their land and lost all battles

I agree, but apparently it is a sin to say that because "we" depend on the dollar coming from them.
I only support Trump because his actions would force my country to actually do something to create jobs and revive the economy instead of taking the american cock

It would also help you by taking away power from the drug cartels, they'll lose a lot of money when they aren't allowed to operate freely as they do now

que shinguen a su madre los chicanos

'Nalguita' , te la mamaste

im married to a white woman, she does all my cooking. fuck latin women

>filthy jew mongrel thinks is nordic master race

Learn to English you inbred salavadorian!

te lo puedo confirmation, mis padres son de Jalisco pero yo nací en Portland Oregon. Te puedo decir con certeza que yo no me considero Mexicano simplemente porque yo no crecí en la cultura. se me hace muy hipócrita que muchos de los gabachos aquí se considerable súper mexicanos, pero su conocimiento de la cultura mexicana y nivel de hablado/escrito en el español es pésimo.

Todos los mexicanos son unos indios, ignorantes, violadores y asesinos. Dont lose your head brayan


How do I into Juan Solo mode?

Mi papá tenía estas pesas arrumbadas de cuando era joven. Yo las restauré y quedaron chidas.

>not shitskin

Chapala master race reporting

looks nice user, I'm getting claustrophobic by the size of that room though.

Yo vivo en California, por eso teng to do lo Que quiro!!!!

Es narco

A que gym vas?

Voy al gym del hospital Zambrano, les dan descuentos a los estudiantes del Tec.

Voy al que esta en el care
>uanl master race

>thinks he's white
>he's not de LOS ALTOS

Go fuck yourself, you ignorant moron.

>if there is something I hate more than curlers in the squat rack, is "mexicans" americans that weren't born in mexico, don't have a mexican culture but decide that they represent all mexicans

I agree and full heartily understand where your coming from para decir la verdad familia. 2nd gen Mexican American here and I really can't connect with my family that still lives there or that immigrated here. I feel like if I ever go back there and visit, i'll likely be awkward and some mild level of tension since i'm probably seen as more "successful" and given a better chance than any of them. The only thing i can really connect with other mexicans is the geek culture like playing King of Fighters and degenerate chinese girl cartoons. I can't say i represent anyone other than myself. I would say i'm half mexican, half american because of my ancestors were from mexico yet i was born and raised in Freedomland to a middle class family so my whole upbringing was mostly based from american values.
But i see some white people as fucking cucks and not sorry for how big of pussies some guys my age are.
>i can't offend anyone cause i'm proud libcuck so i'll let tryone and juan sleep over in my wife's bed tonight. They surely mean good

bought equipment off the black market, drug cartel raped my wife and daughter and burnt my house down while i was selling leeks in the market

Hermosillo, Sonora. Voy al Total gym

Fug man are you me? I can barely connect with the second gen family that I have.

La verdad es que sí, tener un homegym aquí sale caro, yo hice mi squat rack con bench con algunos tubos que compré en esos lugares de fierro usado.

Lo que mas te sale caro son los discos.

Torreón Masterrace

los discos te los pueden vender a 20 el kilo, no es tanto compa
rola las fotos de tu (guillotina) rack

Dude, i'm planning on going back very soon and it's been like 10 years since i last went there. It's gonna be awkward af and scary since i might go to Morelia and i really don't know spanish for shit.

Ahora esta muy sucio porque lo deje de usar, y empece a ir a un gimnasio.


alv we, cuales son tus pesos?
la pura barra?
esa madre no me da confianza

>mexican level of autism when resorting to hiding your location

what are you afraid of, the cartel?

kek, los discos de ahí pesan 5kg aprox.
También fue una de las razones por las cuales lo deje de usar, ya podía cargar mucho mas de lo que tenia.

>esa madre no me da confianza
Parece que no, pero esta muy firme.


>m-muh injuns!

America as it exists today is a European invention.

how big of a presence are they in your region

>Is it true Veeky Forums
> Anonymous 04/30/16(Sat)13:39:24 No.36985884 ▶
>Ni los conozco, pero son los únicos que sé que hacen buenas barras aquí en Mex, pero si quieres compra la de ML
> Anonymous 04/30/16(Sat)13:42:48 No.36985921 ▶
>Los consideraré man, gracias
> Anonymous 04/30/16(Sat)13:50:35 No.36986029 ▶
>Es esta, la compro Veeky Forums?
> Anonymous 04/30/16(Sat)13:52:58 No.36986061 ▶
>File: YourGym.jpg (47 KB, 600x444)
>What they should have said is don't date American girls. Regardless of their race.

it's true dude im a mexican and my fiancee is white she sucks at cooking and has bad taste

bitch said she didn't like chorizo pero cuando le dimos queso fundido hasta pidio mas

I was joking, the cartel is almost non-existent here.

>cartels are browsing Veeky Forums and worried about some faggot's shitty home gym

1st gen american here. It's only bad if you don't use the opportunities your parents fought hard for you to have. Chicanos that fuck it up are bad.

Its basically the golden rule of don't be a shitty person.


what happens

Uuh, sometimes rich kids get killed/kidnapped.

It's not usual tho.

Fuck Chicanos
not sure if I hate the self-hating mexicans or them more

I'm definitely doing that I wanna be a Physical Therapist and ending up transferring to a very nice Uni. Making my parents real proud.

maybe they are, what else is there to do waiting for your drug mule to shit out the pellets of heroin he ate 1000km across the border.

Tejanos are the shit

Good people

Fucking Chicanos are shit heads


Ahí viven puros güeros de rancho incestuosos que tienen la piel rosita por el sol. Parecen puercos.

Y yo dije que LOS ALTOS es blanco, qué tiene de diferencia?

Chihuahua parienton

esque porque, porque tienen que ser tan egoistas y tener que sobresaltar su presencia, desagradable presencia, no tiene nada de orgulloso ser mexicano, al menos ser un puto corrupto o alguien adinerado que supere el promedio mierda de vida mexicano, pero probablemente ni eso son, asi que porque no mejor hacer lo mas razonable y dejar atras su estupida "identidad nacinal" yo soy mexicano y no me enorgullece nada, por algo todo aqui es anonimo, dejense de mierda y vayanse al puto facebook a chingar que son mexicanos o hacer las tipicas estupideces de estos, haganse el favor a ustedes y a todos, por eso espero que trump gane, porque los idiotas mexicanos siempre estan hablando mierda de los gringos incluso sin saber lo que dicen y nomas alguien famoso(futuro presidente) les dice sus verdades y le hechan su mierda, que decepcionante para la raza humana son

hola torreon, a cual vas?

Beach body allá por la saltillo 400

Y tu?

te apoyo, mexicano aquí, más que nada vine para ver si me encontraba un gym bro pero eso si, los mexicanos son mierda, lo digo y lo diré, el que ama a mexico odia al mexicano

si tengo mi homegym pero todos los dias salgo a correr al tec

ags mastur raec

pongan su dieta mex
Comen fuera o en casa?
>tacos en tortilla de maíz porque la de harina engorda

Frijoles 24/7

>esc no puedo pedir camote en el mercado porque se ríen de mi

White girls give good head though.


>using these in the same sentence

En mi casa:

Mi día normal
Desayuno: Nada
En la tarde: Media taza de arroz precocido con atún herdez
Noche: Pechuga de pollo con media taza de arros

GET OUT SPICS, WETBACKS, all your gym shit is jank.

>afraid of being called a faggot irl when he goes to Veeky Forums

avena con frambuesas en la mañana
un guisado en la tarde y casi siempre arroz en un lado
lo que caiga de aqui a la cena
más guisados como albondigas ylm
esta muy bien así la verdad, mucha variedad, nunca aprecie que bien nos da de comer mi mama aquí en la casa hasta que le entre al estilo de vida Veeky Forums y pos ya puedo apreciar la comida de mi mama más allá de la que me trago si no me daría hambre

6'2 Mexicano Master race reporting in.

Where do you bench press?

Que pedo OP

Soy de Juarez, yo tengo un homegym para squats porque no tengo amigos. El gymnasio cerca de mi es probable mejor para hacer ejercisiso.

Filthy mexicans inferior race

> chicano

> implying your immigrant parents didn't give you some equally stupid "american" name.

Nice try, Güilian.

there's no such thing as a mexican race - it's a national identity not an ethnic group. you're a fucking idiot.

a-any B.C bros h-here?

and you're an inferior spic

go eat a burrito

Yeah, tell that to the ignorant as a fucking rock salvis.