I need help Veeky Forums!
How do I make my Auschwitz wrists and forearms bigger/stronger? Feels like they're gonna break every time I lift.
Pic related it's me. Been lifting for a month.
I need help Veeky Forums!
jesus fuck. You need start farmers walks asap. Hit the 3 variations of wrist curls daily or u wont be able to progress because of bitchgrip
Your wrists aren't a muscle. Can't make those bigger. You can work your forearms though. Farmers walks, heavy deadlifts, and forearm rollers will work them.
reverse curls
Does this mean that I am doomed to have girly wrists as long as I have low bf because of shitty genetics? Sucks man...
karate gripping jars and wrist roller helped me immensely. inches of gain very quickly
not really do the wrist curls and they will get bigger. Also i would say its mainly u not eating that is the reason ur a girly looking trap. AND DONT FUCKING SAY U HAVE A FAST METABOLISM YOU STARVING ETHOPIAN OR I WILL SKULLFUCK UR IGNORANT CORPSE AFTER CRUSHING YOU WITH MY GLUTES
Work on your bicep/triceps and forearms and you'll be fine.
>genetics aren't a thing
my metabolism really is fast you faggot
Do you really think I'm gonna eat more? Do you know that more than 50% of the world population is starving right now. You selfish morons just keep eating while people that weren't as lucky as you are dying.
Joke aside, thanks everybody for the advices, I'll work my forearms more.
jesus fucking christ I shit 3 times a day and I dont look like I escaped a thai prison.
Where were your mothers growing up?
Where we you grandmas teaching you to clean the plate?
Metabolism literally affects 400 calories a day tops. Thats an extra bowl of porridge you whiny little aushwitz starving jew.
fuck you fatass faggots
I'm looking for advice not NEETs jealous of my gains
youre getting advice you twiglet.
Fucking eat
Our understanding of human physiology tells us that you are wrong and arent eating enough stickboy
I am eating, you dirty permabulking faglord fuckshit
"high" metabolism means burning a few hundred more calories than the average person, you fucktard. I guarantee that you'll see gains if you start eating a lot more.
I am eating enough already, fatass.
Trips of truth.
thanks, fatasses got BTFO
Hammer curls, wrist curls, reverse wrist curls, and wrist rollers
I was about to rip you a new asshole via the internet, but you were joking
I was a former skeleton like you, but the difference between you and me is I didn't make threads bawwing about muh high metabolism, I stuffed my face like crazy and actually got gains.
Have fun being a little bitch cunt who's in denial m8
You probably just think you're eating enough because you get full too easily, or you're just eating vegetables or some shit. Eat fucking pizza, burgers, sandwiches, cheetos, etc. until you fucking know 10000000000000% that you're getting more than enough calories. Disregard healthy eating until you gain weight.
>I stuffed my face like crazy and actually got fat
Fixed that for you
fatties when will they learn
>samefagging this hard
God damn OP you're some special kind of faggot
dirty bulking faggot
squeeze the fuck out the bar and take some creatine, protein, or juice if you really wanna get big
>OP gets advice
>"stfu you fatties i eat enough but i have high metabolism!!"
The equivalent of a HAES tumblrina
seems like you buttblasted fatties need HAES
OP here, just wanted to say that this was my last post and then some faggot started pretending to be me. I'm outta here now.
>Inspect element
>maximum damage control
let me guess, you finally googled how building muscle actually works?
Op enjoy your ban :^)
Lel you dun goofd :]
just keep on lifting, you don't change overnight
i always think mine are tiny but i looked around in the gym earlier and realised everyone else's were a lot smaller
you'll never bench 5pl8 with bitch wrists but they make your forearms look bigger when you have some size on them
stop anytime
your wrists will get thicker by age and there's nothing wrong with small wrists cause if you get swole it'll look aesthetic as fuck cause the forearm/wrist ratio