Asians at the gym

>asians at the gym
Why are they so weird?

As opposed to elsewhere in society?

>see white people at the gym

>scrawny pale and short

>doing basic af routines

>getting redface and sweaty within 10 mins

no wonder Ive been bringing your 3 different of your yoga pants white girls home later to pound

who the fuck needs tinder nowadays


>fuck you whitu piggu go home! Asia take whitu woman all!

Sure pal

Im black bro

6'3 200

Hurr durr muh BBC. Get your inferioriTunes complex out of here you outdated piece of shit

>criticizes whites in an anti-asian thread
>calls people baka
>claims to be black

You're weird

I'm asian bro

7'7 570


Asians i know are friendly, hard working, sometimes even efficient. Total Bros.

Fellate a cactus.


I wrote s m h brah

>white women crave the BAC

>yellow team is at gym when I walk in
>10 Asian high schoolers, only two are jacked
>all but one jacked Asian are under 5'10"
>the two jacked Asians do the meme-iest workouts and are huge
>others do "normal" workouts but are scrawny as fuark compared to meme asians
>why can Asians do the weirdest shit and still get huge?

Meme-iest exercise I saw was flutter kicks combined with bench press with no weight followed by double kettlebell shoulder press on one of those half yoga balls

Im white bro 6'5 220 pounds baka stfu nigger go back to picking cotton, fucking baboon.

>>calls people baka
welcome to Veeky Forums newfriend :^)

I don't expect black people to call others baka. That's my point. I guess transracialism really is taking off.

baka is a wordfilter

welcome to Veeky Forums newfriend :^)

>pretty hot asian chick was totally checking me out in the mirror during my bicep routine in the free weights.

I would love to smash and even marry one, but I'm already pretty retarded and would probably produce a deluxe Elliot Rogers.

I think you make a typo: it's SAC.


What word does it filter? I MUST KNOW.


There are three asians that always turn up together wearing similar coloured compression clothing and beats headphones yet do routines which appear to be just made up as they go along based on eachothers suggestions.

Its fascinating to watch

i miss Ron Paul /b/ and cumdumpster and roodypoos


I had a good laff at this post

Wait... They were doing flutter kicks while benching?

Oy vey divide and conquer

Reminder not to fall for jewry

lmao all this triggered pigskin. Start a bait thread but can't take the heat. Classic

If you're talking about oriental Asians

Coming from a dude who legit is only racist against Asians, they are the most normal people in the gym

Some of the Asians that come to my gym are jacked as fuck but they are all very beta and short. Whenever I talk to them (just saying hi or asking if they're done with a rack) they stutter terribly and won't look me in the eyes. I'm DYEL too. Very weird!

They all seem to do meme routines too, I rarely see any of them doing compound lifts.

that would explain your sterling language skills

>Very weird!

Trump pls

there is one serious problem about asians

they leave all the fucking weights everywhere and don't re-rack. 4 dumbbells at their bench and 175 lbs on their barbell and just walk away