/owg/ - Olympic Weightlifting General

Weightlifting General
A thread for the discussion of the sport of weightlifting and all things related. Keep the insults and shitposting to a minimum.

>If you are new to weightlifting please read these first and check the other sources they link to before asking questions:
chinfl.blogspot co.uk/2013/07/how-into-weightlifting.html

>helpful blog on some technique quirks:

>The information that you are looking for is probably in the above links.
That includes routines, shoes, information on the lifts, etc. Check out the pastebins for literature or the reddit faq for general information.

Included in this youtube playlist are videos related to weightlifting which you may find useful or insightful:

>Commisar's notes on the dank, zesty Meme Method (DZMM)

old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


>mfw i'm finally getting a home gym


one for you guys

shouldve done sum bb work

broad bone?

is wrist kill???

I think he tried to make a comeback but it didnt happen


making a joke because the bone snapped.


good one

wait did he snap both his radius/ulna?

not my fault you didnt get it and think bb would have helped.

you're a fucking retard if you think his bone snapped and think bb wouldn't have helped with what happened to him

Watch the webm and see why it snapped in the first place.
He tried to save the lift when it went behind his head, no amount of bb would have helped you fucking newbie.

nah, his elbow

>He tried to save the lift when it went behind his head

he regularly misses his jerks behind you fucking newbie who dont know what he talmbout lmao

lol alright

hehe i know

Why are we the only people keeping this alive right now

bcuz u r a gay

im making PRs left and right, i dont need this place no mo senpai

You lift at a crossfit gym or a weightlifting gym?
I can't pay this 120 a month anymore senpai, especially with no coach

no i go to calstremf

what's the 120 for

Its just to lift whenever I want basically.
Used to have a coach, but they moved over the winter so no point paying that much anymore

posting clarence until we get to the front page

got powerlift 2.0s today and i was walking around the house in them, lower back felt activated as fuck after 5 mins

check em


why does he 'sit in' to the squat at the end?

it would be weird if he "stand in" to the squat bro

not 100% sure tbpf senpai
could be because of long femurs combined with going as low as possible?
posters like you are the reason this thread has gone to shit

>posters like you are the reason this thread has gone to shit

says the guy who just bought his wl shoes


lol fair point, although at the gym i go to you rent out wl shoes for like 50 cents a session so it's not like i started last week f a m

>not like i started last week

so two weeks was enough to make you an authority in these threads since you can make webms huh

don't be upset. look you're derailing the thread again

ur the fucking faggot everyone hates just cause you dont post with a trip rn makes u think i dont u

but i do

i don't really post that often senpai i think you have me mixed up with someone else

does Clarence juice? I don't see how he can be so strong and not want to compete

>could be because of long femurs combined with
stop giving answers to things you know nothing about


there's no way he could be natural especially with robotic knees

post wl waifu

sickening jerk

felt pretty ez but my extension isnt full and my elbows didnt go up like i wanted

jerk was just unstable

couldnt stand with 145 :^(

that's the most exaggerated scapular retraction I've ever seen

Hey bros im a powerlifter but I was hoping for some advice on Oly lifts. Im trying to work on my Clean and Jerk form but im not sure how I should be progressing in weight since im not a dedicated Oly lifter and only do it once a week. My form gets bad if the weight is to light and so ill bring the bar higher than I should, and my hip thrust becomes nonexsistent because im sort of rowing the bar since its so light. Obviously if its to heavy my form breaks down.

How should I go about getting the form down since I dont have anyone to coach me on it? I could always post again for a form check I guess

My coach had me go really heavy really often when i was starting to make me get more consistent, but obviously he was there to change things i needed to change.

Sounds like ur both idiots senpai

Idk bb seems 2 work 4 me

Saved from hell.

How do I use my glutes from the bottom of the hole? I can't make my body understand

rip spine

How do I get my hips mobile lads

dropbox link not found.

dont be sedentary

Dead thread, dead sport.

where u guys at

Did I fall for the meme shoe?

They're sexy but you will look like a dick if you don't have a good total

My jerk is 17.5kg behind my clean

How do I get confidence to have same tech with Max weights as I do with lower ones?

repetition and consistency

I just came across this badly-formatted, oddly specific website


I want to take the advice but this guy's power clean PR is like 110kg or something?

anyone know anything about this?

probably because activating a muscle for the first time when you're in the hardest position on the squat sucks, just don't hyperextend your lumbar and you'll be fine

jesus christ

that reverse curl

>can out squat Rob Blackwell
>don't even lift as much as David M from CS


david seems like a reasonably good lifter

becuz ur tech is shit

you deadlift the bar up thats no good

There was no hint of reverse curling that ya moron

Penny finally dropping?

Seriously, durkz, mate, if you just took a few months to retune your body to actually performing the lifts correctly you'd actually see some dece progress. Three no point in having a 220 squat if you can't even clean 150 consistently and proficiently.

david is good, lots of the new cs kids have decent tech like i've been saying for the past few months

that includes me btw :DDD

his best snatch is 137.5, best clean off blocks is 170

best bsquat is 210 he struggles to dl 170 off the ground lol

That's interesting. Have their methods changed much?

Shame they are known for ugly lifting with worse music and a bad attitude

I also don't believe you have good tech ;^)

I already know you have a bad attitude tho

yeah, since torokhtiy came there's been more focus on using accessory lifts to fix technique rather than just cuing the athlete to do shit differently like they have before torokhtiy

look at devin, stephen ngo, david, kristen they all have been lifting for less than 3 years and have decent tech, idk what you define as good but i think a 120 snatch is good tech for lifting under a year?

calstrength's accessory lifts are always shit though

what do you mean? programming wise? they dont appear on program we do it based on what the lifter needs to focus on

like i said we've been doing what torokhtiy taught in his seminars, even the kids you dont see in videos that aren't weightlifters learn faster due to that

not everything we do is shown on film

I don't believe u snatch 120 8-)

But srs if you do yeah that's very good m8 most people don't get 100in a year

What age and weight? CS seem to be producing some good young lifters, desu they need to. Donny and Jon norf for all their critics were good but they need something proper coming through, Nicole lim and Scott hisaka are just Instagram personalities

A lot of the accessories they do are useless and dont transfer to the lift


im not stephen btw, and not gonna tell u age and weight cause that's gonna identify me lol

how do you even know what we do? it's not shown on film, they dont film accessories and most of what's seen in videos are two days out of the 6 days the team trains, mostly wed and friday. technique is stuff is mostly tue/thurs and some sats

from what i've seen it's mostly not useful

but i dont really do any accessory besides squat and rack jerk

you need to do some rack holds your upper erectors are weak as shit

your either the devin guy or david m

wouldnt surpise me if you are david coz he looks like an autist desu

U the fat guy rnt u

i added them in ye. twice a week


here's one

like i said you wont be seeing them since they are not filmed

yeah that's ok

lol that kid dont come to cs anymore his brother jaden is a beast tho

devin hasn't snatched 120, david has been lifting for more than a year

>im not stephen

Shut up, Stephen.

People unironically go to calstrempth?

they produced national medalists unlike u tho

just wait

that means shit in the USA lol

devin looks like a bigger autist tbqh
Isn't that the best weightlifting place in the USA? Or are there other ones that are better?

Oh gosh you're right user
Never making fun of calstrength again

p-podium gold

I don't even hold usa wl in high esteem but now you're just insulting us

>I don't even hold usa wl in high esteem

exactly, cause you're so new it's hard to appreciate what usa wlers do

i used to hate usa wl too then i started competing and realized i'm shittier than these people i hate on, then i dont hate on them nemore

I have no idea about weightlifting training centers anywhere in the world man.
What's with the shitting on accessories, don't all the WLers do them? Do you even do pulls?

The OTC is probably 'the best'. Cal Strength just has a high profile from their self-promotion.

>The OTC is probably 'the best'
It's the olympic training center, it's supposed to be the best. I'm talking about places anyone can join.