Why are americans so obsessed with having defined jaws?

Why are americans so obsessed with having defined jaws?

this is not the case in europe

in america, attractive males on tv pretty much always have slightly angular/square face shape with clear jawlines viewed from sides. it looks very blocky and ugly

t. european visitor

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Shut the fuck up you filthy mouth breather.

because in Europe all the alpha men are bearded Muslims you degenerate faggot

i disagree.

european males look intelligent and lean

american males look aggressive and bull-dog like

but he's british isn't he?

So you post a British actor?

And all the alpha men in US are black

>tfw USA only has a 60% white population

I don't think you'll have to think about what European males look like in a few years m8, you'll be more worried about what European women's children look like

>60℅ white population
kek wtf are you talking about you innumerate potato

USA: 200 million whites

your nation? lol