Bitch hips

Hey Veeky Forums how do I get rid of my bitch hips? Ive been told its because of shitty genetics and that Im basically fucked, but Im willing yo try anything to get a manlier body shape, pls help.

Pic related

Work on your shoulders/back. It isn't that you have bitch hips necessarily, but you obviously have weak oblique muscles. So, do some crunches and squats to work away the fat and build upon the non-muscle you have in that area right now.

You aren't in that bad of shape. Work on your arms, too. You could make it.

work ur lats and obliques

That's not your hips. That's just standard body fat distribution for males.

You are literally just fat.

It's about symmetry and porportions. If your hips are big you need to build into symmetry, which involves bringing the other parts of your body up.

That body shape you have is a result of low test, bad diet and little to no physical activity. The majority of people share that similiar body type.

In your case you need to cut down to 12-13% BF, the lower the body fat the higher your test levels will get. At 12-13% body fat you then need to bulk to put on some mass. Focus on your shoulders and back (lats) basically do everything but really focus on the shoulders and lats.

In terms of getting a V-taper like for example zyzz of jeff seid, it isn't going to happen for you. The only possible way I see this happening is with long term roid use and a shit ton of shoulder/back work.

You can still however build a respectable physique with enough hard work.


Diet down to 12-13% hit the gym 3-4 days a week, keep the volume low as you will be in calorie deficit but lift heavy and focus compound movements. Maximum amount of sets around 15. Do a bit of mild cardio. Keep your calories 300-500 under your TDEE.

When 12-13% bulk.

>OP is fat
>"Ur fucked bro, you'll never get where you want to be without long-term steroids"

Let's all wait till he's below 30 percent bodyfat before declaring him screwed.

u should do a trap routine. start taking HRT and do a trap workout

First of all stop being fat and actually build muscle.
Dude you're like more than 20% bodyfat of course you are fat around the hips. Come back when you've got a good amount of muscle and are below 12%, I bet you'll look fine.

So V shape is really out of my reach? Sheeeit man... I dont really know my way working lats, i usually do 40- 50 min of cardio and upper workout 5 days a week

He is both fat and has wide hips. Are you blind or meming?

You're still fat. When you see abs, but still have no hint of a V, THEN be concerned.

chin ups and pull ups are good for lats. also lat pull downs obviously.

He's going to need a lot of muscle. That's the thing about wide hips. You can still look good, but otter mode isn't an option.

So i just keep working lats and upper back? Also thanks for all the advice and halp, even calling me fat actually helps. I also cant seem to get that middle chest line going on, I do a lot of press but still no hint of it

First of all, the fat pattern (and there's a lot of fat) is making it look much worse than it is. Will look better after you cut down. Can't even tell how bad it really is yet.

And other than that, the cure is just to work upper body (esp lats and delts) like a maniac to compensate, like other anons have said.

>I also cant seem to get that middle chest line going on, I do a lot of press but still no hint of it
At your level of body fat you won't see a sharp line unless you're challenging your gym bench records. Pic related, you look like you're above 30%.
How long have you been at this? Should try not to go over 20% if you care about looks.

You look exactly like me a couple months ago, work on your shoulders, upper back, and arms chest would also help to bring it all together, we'll all make it bro

I'm so happy I have narrow hips and wide shoulders

Thanks for the ego boost

Thanks bros, Ill start doing a shiton of lats and back workout, going for that 20% first. I really apreciate the help.

Well fuck you too and your dubs man.

I have even wider hips than you bro, don't give up.

I think you've got gyno too

>just fuck your shit up

OP, If it makes you feel any better I'm a skinny lanklet with wide bony hips.

Work hard and please don't give up

>do heavy weightlifting
to gain obliques and back+ shoulders
>optimalize hormones
by supps, working out, eating welland being well

>after 2 - 3 years start roiding
for more hormonal advatage and for boosted obliques and back/shoulder mass

I know that feel op


Your fucked.

>Posts dude with zero lats

Dude, are you blind? If that guy had lats he would look normal

We can beat dem shitty genetics bro

I certainly hope not, muh boobs dont feel saggy but I know theres still fat there to kill

I'm in the same boat as this dude but he's literally got zero lats and shoulders. Brb fucking my shit up lmao


do lateral planks.

>tfw somewhere between 20% and 25%


He doesn't have zero lats. He has high lat insertions which basically means you can't see them.

I have wide hips with high lat insertions too, but I have huge broad shoulders so make up for it at least.

Being at 15% still feels weird even after all this time. Aiming for around 9 or 10, just got back into working out.


>this is what i have to look forward to.

how will working on my lats help even out my bitch hips? Is there any way to add on a lot of muscle around my ribs so that my hips look not nearly as wide?

basically you need obliques to get rid of the hourglass, and lats so that your upper torso looks thicker than your core/hips

>tfw wide hips

I started off looking worse than you OP, and still have a long way to go. But there's hope.

but your hot asf

>p-post glutes senpai?