Did getting Veeky Forums cure your depression?

also post cool art if you want

Nothing cured my depression.

nope just body dysmorphia

Not really but I see it more as a "benevolent cycle". Sort of the opposite of a "vicious cycle".

The vicious cycle is that you feel like you can't make any progress or positive life changes because you're too depressed. Because of that you get even more depressed... we all know how it works.

I think getting fit helps you see that change is possible and get into a positive mindset that can help you fix other things in your life and mentality that cause depression.

Depression is for life embrace it

Nah, it helps me not to think about it that much though

got more art




Exercising makes sobriety bearable

Now I just have body dysmorphia on top of all my self-esteem issues. I was literally more comfortable in my skin being dyel.




for a solid 2 years all I did was play mmos, smoke, eat fast food, and sleep

the gym literally changed my life, I like what I see in the mirror now. and while im not drowning in pussy yet, I dont lift for girls: I do it because I want to be at my best.

if girls come, then cool. if not, im still going to better myself.

Not really, probably because my depression isn't really about something transitory. I do feel better nowadays then I used to, but it hasn't "cured" it.

It's helping me recovering from OCD.
You get these things for life but yeah, it does help. I obviously get medicated but my psychiatrist said I'm pretty much on the outs with it. Getting Veeky Forums is only accelerating the progress.

Here have a wallpaper, senpai.

it never goes away. you have to grit and bear.

Learn to tough it out like a man and keep going

if i can do it, you can, user

I honestly don't know if I'm depressed as I've never been diagnosed.

I just feel like I'm way to hard on myself, and just use it as an excuse to not interact with other people in my life. Lifting has just isolated me further, cause I felt like I've started stalling really bad as of late, dropping weight even though I'm close as fuck to a six-pack, I just feel so small. Like I need to use roids or something and that would actually be a viable option if I follow all the options.

Adding to that, my oneitis was treating me like garbage by the end of our relationship, or maybe I just see that cause she put herself first and was obsessed with her classwork. Either way I was brought down really low while in that relationship, like I was constantly on eggshells and anytime I tried to have fun or be me I'd just get shut down. So her dumping my ass was probably the best thing that could have happened, and seeing as I didn't even bang her and got laid soon after with a new girlfriend, shit should be good.

Then she smashes in my window a few weeks after she dumps my ass. And I still want to bang her, even though I'm not even a virgin anymore and she's not even that attractive.

aaah, repin...

> Though i jog through through the valley of cardio, i shall fear no gain loss...

I have anxiety, depression, and adult ADHD to top it off.

They're pretty much with me forever, but therapy+exercise+research have allowed me to really take control. I know when to recognize my symptoms now, and lifting/running keep me from getting stuck in cycles cause no two days are the same. The endorphins help out tons.

My advice is to recognize that depression is a part of you, read up on it, learn to recognize your symptoms, and talk to other people who have it. It's super common, user, and millions of people have overcome it. You're gonna make it

Why would I want to cure the one thing that makes me feel whole?

no, i worked my way out of depression and existential dread. lifting has helped.

>depression makes you feel whole

what meds are you on because depression does the polar opposite to me

i am trying to comprehend how being depressed makes you feel whole, for me it included a nagging, hope-sucking emptiness

It didn't cure my depression but it's effectively working as doping that's making it more tolerable.

There is a comfort in the darkness.

protip: stop calling it "my" depression

this makes it a lot harder to let go of

t. mindfulness pro nitpicking on semantics to appear clever

Literally this. Remember therapy works only as much as you put in.

To all those reading this thread and wanting to change remember that true change starts right now. Never tomorrow or another day. Remember that depression is a self fueling animal that feeds off depression. Get yourself off the loop and remember to take it day by day.

>were all gonna make it

The closest thing I can think of is Buddhism. I was into it, then I stoped
> gonna pick up Nietzsche to be the ubermensch

Lifting didn't cure my depression, but it gave me a channel through which I experienced success, and then it transferred into other areas of my life. Lifting didn't make me a better person, but it gave me the confidence and the mental capacity to make myself a better person. If I can pick up 400lbs, then you bet your fucking ass I can get a B in Calc 108.

From there, everything fell into place. I tried to be nicer to people, to help people if they need it. I do things for me now, instead of others. The book 'Meditations' by Marcus Aurelius helped me through a lot, it's a must read for any disillusioned soul.

Just love yourself in general.

no really, it helped me. if you stop thinking of it as something that's attached to you, you can pull yourself out of the mindset that it's a part of you. feeling low shouldn't be a part of your ego, but your strength should be.

yeah i thought so too but then i realized i was full of shit

the light feels much better. vitamin D nigga.

No meds. It's just always been there. It's reliable. All sorts of other shit comes and goes. It lets me do what I want. I just don't care. If you don't find comfort in it, there's something really wrong with you.

like i said, i did find comfort in it... but it all started to seem really silly. i saw the rest of the world around me changing, adapting to a more positive world-view--it was especially prevalent in the music i like. i was conflicted at first, but then i actually started to write lyrics/sing and the transition i made from the dark, self-pitying lyrics into stronger, more positive ideas is still one of the most amazing things i've ever experienced.

i find greater comfort in loving myself and knowing that i'm loved, too.

No, meeting her started my depression on top of being broke.

I posted this.

>therapy works only as much as you put in
this applies to recovery in general. It's an active thing, like standing on a slow conveyor belt.

>Lifting didn't cure my depression, but it gave me a channel through which I experienced success
THIS THIS THIS it's so easy to forget what it feels like to achieve something, and you feel like a failure when that happens. There have been days when picking up something heavy is all I achieve that day.

Any of you guys get put on meds for depression and it just made everything worse? When I went on them I couldn't feel anything anymore.

Do they only treat symptoms and not the source?

>Do they only treat symptoms and not the source?
Pretty much. You still have to do therapy, find out what worsens the symptoms.

Ideally, an antidepressant will allow you to feel 'normal' levels of happiness,sadness,etc so you can start working on your life.

If you've been on them for some time now, and you think you're reacting strangely to them, talk to your doctor.

Take it from a guy who was '''''''''diagnosed'''''''''with '''''''''major depressive disorder''''''''''':

Depression doesn't exist, harden up

Are steroids a better mood elevator than anti-depressants?

not at all.
if your depression comes from body issues maybe.

I was told by a psychiatrist I had a major depression while I was doing forced inpatient habitation and feel the same way as you that it doesn't exist. I am just really bummed out I'm fit but I can't get a girl. I actually look good too.

cured my depression

gained crippling dysmorphia though

feeling good overall

Post moar like this

Depression is a spiritual issue.

It's a sign from "the creator" (take your pick) that you are straying from the path of enlightenment. It's not your fault, it's a product of post-modernist culture.

Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, whatever. Seek beyond the physical world and find meaning.