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Is a bicep tear just caused by basically curling your arm while doing a deadlift or too much weight?

Can you prevent it by doing just double overhand grip? Is it bad to do mixed grip because I've been doing some mixed grip deads lately and I don't wanna fuck my shit up

Usually its caused by either starting the pull with a bent arm or trying to bend it mid-lift. Its still quite a rare occurrence.

You won't tear a bicep with double overhand, but you probably won't be able to use anywhere near enough weight for most purposes.

Yes, you can prevent bicep tears by doing double overhand grip. However, standard double overhand is the weakest of the 3 deadlift grips.
Mixed grip - strong, possible bicep tears but probably won't happen so long as arms are kept extended.
Standard double overhand - weak, won't result in bicep tears. Probably need to use straps.
Double overhand hook grip - strong, no bicep tears. What powerlifters use, hard to do.

Can still happen without curling the supinated arm

Not a lot of powerlifters use hook grip, because it tends to be slightly weaker than mixed grip.

It also hurts like a motherfucker and tends to kill your thumbs.

I'm at 1.5x bodyweight (x 8 reps) on the deadlift, standard double overhand grip, and haven't had to move to mixed grip yet. Not saying I'm awesome, just saying. I feel like this both improves my grip and acts as a safety valve to make sure my body can handle any weight increase

Well what do I do then.
has me terrified of doing mixed grip

Be a pussy like the rest of the civilized world and use straps.

Realise that a torn bicep on mixed grip is actually really, really rare (likewise injuries from hook grip are freakshow cases). Most powerlifters go through their entire lifting career without ever getting close to it and they're doing more reps and more weight than you'll likely ever do.

Same here, I rarely ever use mixed grip and the only reason is because of bicep tears, also double overhand gives better lat activation on deadlifts. The way I do it is that heavy pull ups and specifically working out my fore arms with wrist curls and finally static holds with the bar. All these 3 things make sure that my grip strength increases along with my deadlift.

Speaking of rare shit-happens injuries, you should see what happens to someone when one strap breaks mid-lift.

"If you can't grip it, your body's not ready" --Matt Wenning of elitefts, regarding straps

Bullshit. I am genetically cursed with bitch hands that aren't ever going to keep up with the rest of my body.

Stop you're scaring me.


>you should see what happens to someone when one strap breaks mid-lift.

I'm in the same boat. I managed to use a hook grip finally. If you aren't going to compete, use straps. If you are, learn the hook grip. I have short thumbs and managed.

This is fucking horrifying.

Felt bad for the guy at the olympia doing the flag pose thing. You work so hard to build a beautiful, strong body and than shit like that happens.

Also how do you heal a torn bicep.

Important to add that a lot of these guys are on steroids.

The muscle growth outpaces the strengthening of the tendon, and in turn the muscle rips the tendon off the bone.