Live my entire life with very few friends, never had a gf

>live my entire life with very few friends, never had a gf
>got off /r9k/, lost 70 lbs by eating better and walking
>find a love of reading, get mental gains
>got a job at mcdonalds despite only having a GED and no prior work exp
>job is easy as hell
>coworkers are friendly
>qt cashier laughs at everything i say
>took her out tonight, she's fun and easy to talk to, made out for 20 minutes
>this girl makes me feel so good it hurts
>thinking about how i used to be, I can't help but shed tears. and I feel sincere sadness for all the other young men who are like how i once was

I rarely post, but these feels are so intense I had to share with you guys. this is honestly the first time I've felt happy in years.

share your good feels with me brehs

Other urls found in this thread:

I forgot the subject: Good Feels thread

good for u dude you've done better than most people here

me for sure

Keep up the good work. Just make sure you pay attention and learn how women's minds work as you go along. Social gains.

Good for you lad.

Unfortunately I'm not gonna make it.

great job OP, I'm lovin it


You can do better.

Engineering degree but no job since being made redundant. Absolutely desperate for work, but unable to find anything, have spoken to all my contacts and nothing has turned up. Online applications are like throwing my resume into the wind. Every bit of advice I've gotten from more experienced engineers has been useless and seems to only be valid when times are good and you can get a job.

I feel absolutely worthless and like my life is going nowhere, like everyone has boarded the train and I'm left here standing at the station watching them go.

I know being sad about it won't get me anywhere and I need to keep looking, try some different strategies and all that, but I feel like bitching because it's genuinely getting to me.

Everyday i've been less worried about being lonely, about not ever having a gf, or a kiss, or just not social interaction aside from my parents.
And i'm happier that i'm living kinda emotionless outside of house, also went to the cinema to watch civil war, pretty gud


this is supposed to be a good feels thread, you guys are making me sad, we're all gonna make it

There's nothing good in my life, sorry.

>helping planets turn into moons then eventually to normal sized space rocks
It's a good feel

Just wish I could make them pay for it somehow

big makes are $1 in about a month


sorry to hear it man, if i could transplant my happiness into you like liver i would.

>work at MCD's
>there are businessmen with hot wives and 300k salaries who kill themselves
truly happiness is all about perspective and enjoying the moment rather than getting caught in the hedonic treadmill. share if you agree, liek if you cry everyteim

Maybe you should go back to r9k, because that's where you belong, considering that this post is not Veeky Forums related at all.

breh, I feel you. I'm in accountancy, had a great job but then lost it. Now I've started working again because I skipped all those idiot online application websites and just straight up called a lot of smaller firms. Got hired next week. I don't know if that's possible in your situation, but if you can call smaller firms like tech consultancy firms or whatever and just say "I'd just like to see if you're in need of a xyz-engineer at the moment and express my interest in such case."

I've started playing WoW again on a private server so I can relive Burning Crusade. I haven't been this happy in ages.

>this post is not Veeky Forums related at all.
getting in better shape improved my life, and I wanted to share my progress and good feels


Good job OP, how old are you?

Another McDonalds working, reclusive, 'knowledge-addicted', lifting NEET here.
It's a good life, very cruisy. I want to even drop out of uni so I can work at McDonalds and earn money for doing little work and flirting with 16 year old girls.
Enjoy it while it lasts, and good luck with that sloot

I feel happy for you man i really do, it cheers me up knowing someone has made it :)

Unfortunately for some of us it is too difficult to get their life together.

Also expanding on this post, as people probably think I'm stupid for wanting to work at McDonalds instead of getting a decent career.

>2pm: wake up
>2:30pm: make breakfast, eat breakfast, shower, shit, shave, leave for work
>4pm: get to work, boss around some 15 year olds, do fuck all 50% of the time, listen to spotify and make a burger every now and then
>7:30pm: on my break, eat subway
>8pm: the fun starts, during close free nuggets/drinks/coffee, do 4 hours work in 2, stand around for the other 2 listening to music and flirting with co-workers
>12am: store is closed, make pre-workout burger out of stuff we haven't sold (also $20/h, so this 'work' netted about $160)
>1am: finished work, showered, head to empty gym and lift as loud and as stupidly as I want, take all the dumbbells, literally my own gym
>2:30am: shower, post workout feed while in bed watching netflix, jelq, snapchat sluts that are awake, read books (i was mostly into spirituality/philosophy)
>4am: meditate for a bit, watch the sun rise and fall asleep to repeat this process

I cannot wait unti Uni breaks up so I can do this again...


>go on a date
>bowling first then off to a local live band
>she meets up with a guy she hasn't seen in a long time
>she ends up running off with him while I'm sitting alone in a near-vacant venue
>tired of this shit, so I find her and tell her I'm leaving
>"user, I'm sorry. I haven't seen Tyler in forever!"
>take off
>have had strained contact since
In done trying to date. I'm done showing interest, putting in the time. All of it. Third date, with different girls, that have ended in shit.

I'm just tired of being alive

We're all gonna make it breh. McDick's is a good job. One of my ex girlfriends has been there since high-school, works as a manager and has a nice life with her husband. She's happy as hell.

I personally work in a call center setting and it stinks, but pay is well. Going back to school in the fall and getting Veeky Forums over the summer. Glad to see another user getting along with life.

>lose weight
>get fit
>start reading
>get more confident
>start having more attention from women
>still autismo
>feel more and more detached from society every day

Sounds like a comfy af situation breh

This time a year and a half ago I was on a downward slope of a depression with no friends, no gf, shit grades and no hope of getting better. Somehow though in the time since then I have made two good friends, a beautiful gf and my grades are looking up. I'm still not out of the woods yet and there is always room to improve but I'm getting there fellas. I can't help but feel sorry for all the guys who are in the same position I was back then though, its fucking miserable.

I share your exact feels op

Kill yourself

>in uni
>very good grades
>6'2", 200lbs, 22yo
>only guy in class who lifts
>hang out with most popular kids
>have many girls interested in me
>they all think im a chad
>tfw life is like it always should have been

But it wasnt

Little do they know I was a friendless NEET for 3 years after highschool. I did go to uni but I hated it and I didnt talk to anyone and it was most miserable time of my life. Just fliating around waiting for someone to ahow me the way. That someone was Veeky Forums.
I literally went from being a 'that' wierd guy to being a 'that' cool guy every guy wants to be and most girls want to fuck. I want to help those poor souls who are going thru what I went thru few years ago but they reject every opportunity I give them. Maybe they need to learn on their own but most likely they wont because playing video games and fapping to porn is much easier

I know that feel.

>lost a lot of weight
>tried my best to go out and socialize despite being very awkward
>became best friends with a "Chad" (who is also smart, likes science and video games)
>learn how to be social and confident in myself
>the people in my community start wondering why I never have a girl
>women started treating me differently, smiling more, laughing at my jokes, open body language
>girl that I've known for a year and a half suddenly is flirting with me

I think this is it fellas. I've gone from being too scared to talk to potentially getting laid.

We're all gonna make it.

>on vacation
>twist my right arm
>my left arm is bigger then my right arm
>cant exercise cuz my right arm is fked
>hurts like hell
Inb4 do cardio
However at the airport this qt was mirrin my biceps and some random bitch took a picture of me at the pool
And that with dyel gains from 1 month lifting with high bf%

TL;TR mixed feels bruhs but the weather is good

Have you considered working in Kurdistan? I know that my buddy's father handles contacts with firms there that needs engineers. Try making friends with a kurd with family there and see if they can hear around in the Irbil area. It's something like 68K per year there with little tax.

Saw her yesterday , feels badman thread now

You Will find that qt that is right for you , believe Me user

I'm pretty tired of it all, too, but I might have a mental illness, so idk whatever.

I'm an 18yo how finally scored his first date ever. That's an pretty good feeling

>>tired of this shit, so I find her and tell her I'm leaving
should have just left instead of finding her