Piana slaps around Jason Genova

Piana slaps around Jason Genova
lmao rich knows about order 66

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He was scared shitless

holy fuck lmao

Lmao rich had a tight grip on his hand

Fuck that lil jew prick con artist cucked over by oldschoolbikini he deserved it


Hes no little man or Little Bo Peep bro. Don't fuck with him bro. You don't want to fuck with fucking him. Bro he ain't no little man bro. Hes bigger than you, he's like 230 and he's fucking taking supplements. Don't talk shit bro in the morning, fucking please. You're messing with a fucking Internet celebrity.

>when meme meets meme
Kek Rich fucked him up. He's a bit too soft on Janoy desu

What had he done?

fuck, that was not cool.

Unsub pianauntil he apologices....

wondering the same. what's this "order 66"?

That faggot deserved it. He went up to Piano's house which his address number happened to be 99, but had it switched to 66 and called in 66 pizza to his, hence order 66.

Jason Genova is obsessed with star wars and talks about liking the dark side and sith lords.

Piana is obsessed with Jedis and thought Jason was fucking up the social media for star wars, this was when the new movie came out. Rich was afraid Jason would fuck up the social media, drag the movie down, and they wouldnt make another Star Wars movie for awhile.

Rich is fucked in the head, he does whatever it takes.

Am I the only one feeling bad for Jason? Like seriously not only he is shit on by youtube and in his general reputation but fuck in this video he w as under strong pressure.
Was that a tight grip from Rich Piana? Man you can tell Jason was losing it, not because of fear but because of surroundings too.

If that was lets say... Cain Velasquez on Jason's place...I wonder what would happen to that Mr.Piano.

lmao. is there a video?

>Rich is fucked in the head, he does whatever it takes.

Whatever it takes to leave humanity behind! CMON

Both these posts are trolls

Yeah, it's fucked man. He gave him a stern talking to, Jason was shitting his pants even before the slapping. I doubt he's really had to deal with much physical confrontation in his life, let alone from a fucking huge guy like him, what is he like 300lbs? I reckon Jason's mother is going to be mad as hell when she sees this which she more than likely will

Ricardo seems like such a snake in this vid

disgusting, order 66 this fucking reject

Who is this mental kid and why is he getting slapped around by Rich?

A disabled guy who posts bodybuilding videos.
He is being slapped around because Rich is a bully.


heres what happens when someone ALMOST pianas size picks on him

Rich piana is such a fucking faggot feeling big wih his bloated synthol arms

What the fuck is this shit. This actually made me mad. Jason is a stinky prick but he doesn't deserve that shit, he has the mental age of a child and that was clearly fucked up on Rich's part.

It's fine to humor the Genova, but this shit is just fucked up.

That video is literally high school playground tier.
Jason has an excuse since he's legit mentally challenged but everyone else, shit man.

You can tell Jason is scared as fuck and has no one around he can trust or fall back on to get him out. Shit's fucked up, where was Nate?

No, everyone is pretty mad and Jason is apparently upset about it too.

what did genova do to rich piana? did he order 66 him like whats happening to blaha? i cant tell if he deserved this, he was definitely scared shitless.

He did order 66 him but it was ages ago.
Nothing on the scale of Blaha. desu Blaha dug his own grave with his retarded shit.


Im a pretty good judge of character and this confirms what I've thought of rich based on how he interacts with sara and other people.

Rich 100% abuses sara. You'd be a fool to think otherwise.

Why are you all defending Jason?

Sure he was pressured into a "friendly" slap box match -

But it could have been worse. If you fuck with the wrong people you're going to get your shit pushed in. I wouldn't fuck with Jon Jones on the Internet and then come up to him in person trying to be friends.

Jason set himself up for this one, and while it is awkward to watch, I don't feel bad at all.

Because he's a mentally challenged kid who made a 10 second video saying Ordah seexteesix Richa Piano."

He didn't deserved to get slapped around by someone twice his size. There was nothing friendly about the slap box match, Jason was clearly scared as fuck and Rich was being a bully and slapping him hard for no reason.

>people hating on rich piana for playing around

The fuck? were you all raised by single mothers or cuckold fathers?

>Playing around

is that what your boyfriend calls it when he does this to you?

and the problem with that is.................?

If anyone is at fault it's the cunts who are enabling him. They're the real bullies.

This is your response?

Jesus Veeky Forums has really gone to shit

>for no reason

Obviously there was a reason. If Jason had some balls and half a brain he would've apologized online before trying to approach the man.

it's a typical case of a Keyboard warrior who thinks someone won't do anything in person.

I guess he is socially retarded or whatever so it's kinda shitty, but Jason could have done many things on his end to avoid the situation entirely. Namely not approaching rich piano

>I guess he is socially retarded

You dumb fucker he is mentally disabled and has the mental age of a child.

>it's a typical case of a Keyboard warrior who thinks someone won't do anything in person.

You clearly don't know anything about Jason Genova, he isn't just some random socially awkward guy, he has legitimate mental retardation.

this made me feel bad

he is not autism bro

This is why internet trolling doesnt translate very well into real life, faggots. Because you end up getting slapped up.

Seriously. To see a man that concerned about his social media accounts is pretty depressing.

same desu. Never meet your heros my dude.

pretty much. if he behaves like a bratty little boy he needs papa piano to slap some sense into him.

jason is slightly retarded but he's not completely incapable of learning so maybe he actually did learn something.

>not completely incapable of learning

you obviously don't know the Genobli

well, he learned how to benchpress so that's something.
he's just too lazy to apply the shit people lay out for him.

Rich is a piece of shit as well but

>Talk shits online
>Retard thinks his immune now
>Gets the shit slaped irl

Jason is a good boy he din do nuffin wrong

This is hardly talking shit though.
Think he mentioned him in some other ones but he just wanted senpai to notice him.
Fuck Piano.

This. Rick Piano is living the life Jason wants. I'm sure Jason looks up to him in a lot of ways. Imagine how crushing it would be to meet your hero and then he bitchslaps and bullies you.

>looking up to Rich as a role model
lol what is wrong with Americans ? What is happen to your nation?


Those fuckers are making mad money on someone who should be in a mental ward.

What do you think would happen when you piss people off.

Give the poor fucker his meds and be done with it.

Gym culture really is for braindead cunts.


Slaping a mentally challenged dude, seriously? Fuck man, I thought Rich Panini was better than that.

I wish i was there helping Rich slap this monkey ass retarded white boy.
Jason needs to just go away

Damn you could tell Rich was actually kinda serious, I feel bad that Jason got slapped around but he reaps what he sows pulling that shit.

Bunch of monkeys

am i the only one that realizes rich was being both a dick and playful?
He seriously didnt hit him hard at all.

I've been watching Genova since early 2012 now religiously. It's such a rollercoatser ride of feels. One week you love him, next you hate him. But, he didn't deserve to be slapped around. In fact, ANY respectable man with good intuition would have picked up on his socially inept and mental cues and would have acted cool. Look at Lowliner and how he reacted. Piana is a full of himself fgt that wouldn't dare doing this to anyone but someone larger than him. Jason does some fucked up things that piss me, and everyone else off weekly but this is messed up.

Again, you can discern pretty fast who's 'innocently stupid' when meeting people. It's called sizing up. He sized up a make-a-wish kid and slapped him around, basically.

> reading thread while video is buffering
> expecting gruesome blood filles video
> bones shattering
> order 66 on the rise
> watch video
> patiently waiting for violence
> video ends

You guys are all delusional for saying grand piano is harsh... he's got more test in him than this entire bored combined, he's a walking chemical research facility... and you call him angry for wiping the tears of a potato kids face

Everyone saying this is acceptable obviously came from a violent upbringing and probably copped a lot worse and now thinks that normal.

Fucking pathetic, you of all people should have learned that shit like this isn't acceptable.

To say
>eh bro he just fucking around with him it all cool breh

Shows how much of a uncivilized monkey you must be and says a lot about you as a person in general. If you look in the background you can see Rich's crew and even they're looking uncomfortable as fuck about what's going on.

I fucking hate all you niggers on here who come from abusive households who go on in life and repeat the process over and over because you think it's normal just because your fucked up parents physically abused you for years of your life.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if Rich beats up his wife.

Why do you think you belong here? Kill ypurself reddit boi

First for Jason killing himself

Jason is depressed and crying bro not cool

>knows he is a retard
>knows how to play the retard card
>knows how to play the victim
Oh wow who would have guessed, how does people even stand being in jasons company?

Please be trolling....

no, he has a point

Why would I be trolling? That is exactly what he did when he sent dick pics to that 14yo girl troll
>pls guys im r-retarded, its not my f-fault buhuuuuuuu

>How about we slap box for about 5 seconds?
>Yeah alright
>You wanna slap box?
>Like 5 seconds
>Okay? Not going to press charges?

>We good?

At what point can you say he knew exactly what he was getting into? He can understand and use English fine knew what he was agreeing to

He has no point, Jason is not a intelligent snake trying to play the retard to avoid consequences, he is literally retarded.

Can you not read his body language/facial expressions? He said yeah, but he obviously wasn't sure what was going on.

Shit, you can feel the cringe rising dude.

You never seen Jason before? He shuts down when he's stressed and either just lies or keeps saying yeah to whatever he's asked.

>play the retard to avoid consequences
But thats exactly what he was trying to do when he said "I thought it would be funny" as to why he did that to Rich

Lets take an extreme example, jason kills your wife/gf after a normal verbal fight. Do you think jason should get a lower punishment because he is retarded?

>Do you think jason should get a lower punishment because he is retarded?


t. Criminologist.

Probably not, but then again I would also want to kill him myself had he really killed a member of my family, that doesn't mean I should kill him.

>rich takes control of the situation despite getting suprised
>not petty enough to get into a fight
>admits bodybuilding has nothing to do with fighting
>other guy acts like an autist and even does some weird thing where he lies down on the ground and jumps back up
>other guy sounds like he's struggling to make shit up umm, uhhh, ya feel me uhhh yeah...

that's the first few minutes, the rest is the other guy trying to get some kind of laugh out of the situation but fails
rich ends up inviting him to lift with him
lmao great prank

If he can't interact in the normal world and be held accountable to his words then he needs a carer, someone to make decisions for him. Its not up to Rich to know some random guy's body language and mental issues.

I know it isn't that simple but still

The thing is that you don't expect physical violence for someone saying words, even less when they have a clear cognitive impairment. Jason is not a menace to society, man.

You go around slapping kids that insult you? Someone with Tourettes?

holy shit, piana is such a fucking pussy

>let's slap each other around
>don't press charges pls!!!!!

pathetic as FUCK

>guy looks like a kid in contrast to piana
>rich tries to be alpha even though he fails at it

>guy looks intimidating to piana
>piana is a bitch

Rich is a faggot.
>Slap boxing
>Don't press charges
>Slaps him pretty hard

He's too much of a faggot to hit him normally without the pretense of slap boxing or he could just not slap the retard.

piana is looking sickly, is he about to die or something?

is the guy really a retard? how the fuck can piana get away with this shit?

>Implying he didn't die already and went past humanity

Do you even meme?

This so much

>Jason is not a menace to society
He becomes a menace when he fucks with peoples incomes.

Well, is not like he beat him up unconscious. It was a pretty light slapping.

>He becomes a menace when he fucks with peoples incomes.

Panini himself stated in Facebook that they both benefit from their social media drama.

That's what I got from it too. Way to be chill and de-escalate.

Rich has legit reasons to be angry at the shitlord though. It's not just "order sissy six" video. Back then, piss trooperswould fucking RUIN a channel. His social media is his buisness and the retard interfered with that. How is Rich supposed to know, or give a shit about every aspect of janoy's psychology ?

Plus, janoy's being a little fucking cunt for a few years now, not just a deluded kid like in 2009,he deserves worse.

He's not gonna get away with it.

Idk wtf it it is with youtubers and not knowing how to act as a public figure. Like nigga, seriously, you're out there in the public eye and you're gonna pull shit like this?

Rich is just as retarded as Jason and deserves the backlash that's about to hit him. Legit, most of his subs will probably find the misfits channel and decide to go against. All he'll be left with are the 5%rs.

Someone link this to Jason Blaha I wanna see him make a video response

that guy was almost crying he was fucking confused, that hurt to watch.

Take it easy, i am sure this will have the attention of the entire community in the next few days. There will be 100s of vids.

Naa I don't think many people are as retarded as jason.
He just seems to have a hint of intelligence from the jewish values his mother embedded in him.

social media accounts = revenue for these people

he's fucking with his food and housing at this point.

the true face of fear.

Yeah, Jason was literally holding back tears. Everyone else surrounding them also look really uncomfortable (besides the autistic cuck faggot filming and giggling)

I guess this is "normal" behavior in the hood with niggers and mexicans?

Gettin' C's of those exams I see.

What on earth is this, squaring up to some dude because he's juicing?

Piana just looks like he wants to go home.

For those who are uninformed, Jason deserved this. Jason deserves a lot more. A quick list of things Jason has done in the past few months:

- Sent two videos of himself jerking off to an underaged girl
- Scammed $100s of dollars from fans through his failed t-shirt "company"
- Uses his mental disability to get out of all trouble
- Sold preworkout to an underage boy who took too much and ended up in the hospital with liver failure
- Exposed himself to a group of children on a playground near his house

And the list goes on. Personally I'm happy to see this retarded get slapped around.

who the fuck is that nigger and why the fuck does he appear in front of every bodybuilder acting like a fucking child, jesus what kind of fucking problems does he have