It's not the weekend without one.
/fps/ Fat Hate Thread
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What the FUCK
>skipping leg day
Sounds like she has too much leg.
I know a fat "body acceptance" advocate from the college debate circuit. He is literally one of the largest people my age I've ever seen, anyone interested in reading his retarded posts and seeing his pictures?
If it's amusing, OC is always welcome.
I honestly hope someone finds this man and shoots him in the head.
Where do you think we are? Of course we're interested.
How do I achieve Triangle Mode?
He's trying to rebel against gravity.
It's funny that they have to use prosthetics and advanced special effects just to make a normal person as fat as him.
I'll start putting up his posts now. There's one where he apologizes to everyone for exercising and going to the gym because he feels like he betrayed the body acceptance "movement."
You're my nigga for the night.
just kidding, full body shot.
What am I even looking at? Did her foot snap off her leg?
that bulking tech
I think the leopard prints are socks. She fell and her leg split open at the calf.
bonus outrage, this person is also white btw.
Do it. Core dump, brother.
>dat hair
>dat beard
He really wants to be hated, doesn't he? He revels in his outsider status.
>button about to burst
here he is getting triggered over microagressions
fat and a cuck
What the fuck even is microaggression?
criticizing manspreading. think this dude can even spread his legs at this point?
You don't know what bulking is until you've met...BIG MASTADON
40 pizza rolls inhaled in under two minutes. What and be inspired.
He doesn't manspread because he already takes up two chairs
Jesus fucking Christ, these people exist. I don't find this funny, it's frightening.
here he is getting mad at uber for not accommodating his fat ass. notice how he is always (metaphorically) bending over backwards to apologize whenever someone's comment might indicate they disagree with him. guy has no backbone
Anything you don't like that you can blame on some *ism. McDonalds didn't put mustard on your burger? It's a microaggression because obviously blacks don't like mustard.
When someone says something that is not a big deal and will literally not change anything for anyone and is in all likelihood just a joke or people trying to break the ice but it still offends you anyway
Bloody hell...he's out of breath just from explaining what he's about to do.
That shit is annoying, though. Extroverts always act like being introverted is a disorder.
Oh ok so it's just a way for thin-skinned overly-sensitive people to say that they're offended by something trivial and inconsequential.
America's fucked.
>a disability
It is a disorder. Being afraid of other people isn't normal.
here he is getting mad at other people for trying to make language more inclusive for retarded people. these people eat their own and won't even count the calories.
also sorry for the shitty way of setting this one up, i didnt know how to get the full comment chain in there without zooming out too much
Toppingism is a serious offense, shitlord. Did you know how the ketchup patriarchy has been oppressing the pickle farmers of the world? Clearly not.
Well it DOES make you disabled
It's a completely reversible disability but a disability still
> these people eat their own and won't even count the calories.
Alright, this line made me giggle. Good fucking on you.
not that bad but for some reason this dude gets upset over really inconsequential shit
I think he just likes being angry
There are lots of people like that
>1400 calories eaten in 2 minutes
I'm genuinely impressed
guy can't look good no matter how hard he tries
Ok, this one I agree on. Petting and touching service dogs can really do a lot to de-program them and can fuck up the person's whole day because the animal doesn't work right.
So yeah, he's ok here. Petting a service dog is like stealing someone's glasses.
English is my second language and ive always thought i was good at it but i had no idea of this one word "ableist"
I still dont know what they are suggesting
How is this even possible?
Ableist is to disabled as racist is to race, like sexism is to sex. Hope that helps.
fair enough
a fan favorite
English is my second language too
It means it discriminates against people with disabilities
yesss more reality checks
Just looked up what manspreading is. I do this, my female friends got annoyed when we were travelling and eating out every night because I subconsciously take up a lot of room with my legs and elbows.
It is kinda rude.. didn't realise it was a tumblr thing now.
how to justify your inability to take care of yourself
you guys want me to keep going or have you had enough
Plain, unseasoned, boiled sprouts are AWFUL.
>Green eggs and ham Day
My girlfriend complains that I take too much leg room under the table and put my elbows on the table.
Thing is I'm a full foot taller than she is and can't fit my legs under the table
This one is kind of right
Makes me want to punch a normie in the face when they suggest this shit
Ah, so thats what it means
Thanks bros
Keep it to fat relevant things. The last to you've posted are actually true.
>make KFC great again
I think guys being all over the place is cute desu
Not sure why
yeah he seems more like a generic virtue signaller than a fat advocate
buying DLC weapons on steam
Problem is when they start using the terminology reserved for people who are legitimately handicapped they start to believe they are too.
>unironically using the word ableism
That went in like a full 8 to 9 inches. You'd have to have a Major League Baseball Official Bat sized penis just to fuck her.
ill try, but ill throw in more ableism stuff too since it's so intertwined wit that. he focuses more on general albiesm than fat shaming but that's in there too. i'll only try to post the most egregious stuff.
he looks like kenny in kenny vs spenny during the "who can carry the most weight" competition where kenny wore the prosthetics and fatsuit
That's her leg not her vadge you pervert
She does have a boyfriend tho
And a really cute face
Stick to fat. This is Fat Ass Tales, /fat/.
I don't think they're awful enough to make you break down in tears, though.
Don't feel bad. I had to look it up too.
Ableism is discrimination against people with disabilities, and the favouring of "normal" people who have "able" bodies. The ableist worldview sees disabilities as a bad thing - an error or a failing -instead of as a simple consequence of human diversity, similar to race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender.
Thus, the guy born deaf should not be 'fixed' by modern medicine because there is nothing wrong with him. You wouldn't fix a black man's skin, who why fix a disabled person's body?
very well
I'm not white and not american and actually a leftist yet somehow someway I'm cheering for Trump in this whole mess.
Must be the memes getting to me
>attracted to whales
Most native English speakers have almost zero idea what ableist means, especially in the convoluted ways that SJWs use it. Half the time when people are trying to accommodate cripples, the SJWs come out and say it's ableist.
No one really understands, not even the sjws.
I'm not even a red pill type either; I don't discriminate against anyone, even these people, but the positions they take strike me as bizarre.
> literally clapped
How to know when your friends are retarded
>The ableist worldview sees disabilities as a bad thing - an error or a failing
But it is isn't it? Your body doesn't body the way bodies are supposed to bod.
Nah son. Nature intended to have people who can't walk or see or hear. We just need to learn to accept that.
Seriously, her face is adorable
Look at her lil nose
thats quite a FUPA or FUDA :/
body positive post
That dog has seen some shit
Being deaf or being a dwarf is not a bad thing. It's just a different thing. So say the SJWs. Deaf people and dwarves and people with progeria are not tragic losers in the genetic draw. They've just part of the natural and normal genetic landscape that makes up our species as a whole.
What the fuck
Why is he choosing to stay miserable