Meanwhile, in bizzaro Veeky Forums

Meanwhile, in bizzaro Veeky Forums...

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I just squat the bar for 1 whole rep! I'm so proud of my gainz

>tfw gf

hey guys, I actually got healthier with my non-vegan diet, and my lifts went up

>spits out semen

Stop drinking so much milk, just eat bananas every day and do bodyweight stuff.

>be me, pajeet
>doing starting shakti for 5 months, gallon of paneer a day
>qt radhika walking down dirt road near training club
>grab heaviest mugdal to impress her with mugdal swing

>dislocate my shoulder and elbow and pass out


You can add weight to your deadlift for the rest of your natural lifespan without fucking your back up.

>OHP Progress
Hey famalam, just trying to improve my overhead pulls. Any tips?

I've been doing curls for 8 hours a day, arms wont grow. What do?

You need more tika masala, my friend.

Holy shit that DYEL Ranch Piano made another vid.

When will skellies learn?


I, for one, enjoy the rise of multiculturalism in my gym and the opportunity to interact with people from around the world during my workout

i wish people would stop reracking their weights

Im glad I read the sticky

Who /calisthenics/ here?

Oh my god I can't stop laughing

You still fuarking mirin u skinny fucks?! Yah kunt i told you sadkunts id be back brahs

satanic trips confirmed, zyzz is back

Is his the gang rape class at the Pajeet Institute of Atrocities to Humanity?

how do i into bearmode?

>stealing threads from Veeky Forums
Reported. all these threads belong to @lhpnse

well guys i neck nal squated for the first time and I blacked out now I am in the designated street
I can't feel my toes.
Fucking thanks you fuckwits.

I tried 100kilos ass to grass and before I knew it I was in an ambulance.


Should have learned how to bail safely brah

Just left the box. SS is the best xfit routine out there.

>only 1 donut
>gonna make it

me, ama

Jason Blaha is a well adjusted human being, and his fitness routines are top notch

This is why manlets are masterrace

Calisthenics brah here

Is that nigga swinging propane tanks around?

>That massive fucking dent in the wall
>The one advantage of being short

My gym doesn't have jori clubs.
Can I just do more dumb bells?

Any more pics of this hotty?

Good for you lad!

I spend more time doing an effective training program centered around the core barbell lifts with minimal assistance exercises, than I do staring at my ribs in the mirror!

Fat people are human beings who deserve respect like anyone else. Based fatties!

Planet fitness was packed today all 10 squat racks were taken and i PRed on the bench at 300.



>those feels

why you needed to do that

4 scoops? that's fucking madness man
what I do is 2 scoops because that's what everybody does

I recently realized I was lifting to be someone that wasn't me, so I stopped. I'll never live the zyzz lifestyle and that's perfectly fine. Now that I focus on being myself I make friends really easily and went on a few dates already. Those didn't go well but that's ok, I'll find someone that's right for me eventually :)

>sexually attracted to women

I swear I've seen at least two people doing that 'exercise' in the last month
what is that even supposed to work?

>not lifting for girls

I'm comfortable with my height and I recently had sex with a woman

Guys have you heard of this really cool dude called Brian Silva? he's probably the most Veeky Forums dude on the internet right now like holy shit those aesthetics

Dude, I'm so jealous. It was Mandatory Pizza Day at Gold's today, I only managed two and a half large pizzas and was the laughing stock of the Smith machine area :(

I want to be fucked by another man, full homo

Ok guys, Thin People Story time!

>be me
>saw a thin person doing something

This just happened, it sounds unbelievable I know but I swear this isnt pasta. Anybody else got any good /tps/?

Pretty impressive but that kind of look doesn't work with women nowadays. What they really want is the massive roided up look. The bigger you are, the hotter.

>tfw when lifting and Veeky Forums made me straight


These could be weapons from a fantasy game.


Shitting lanklets how will they forget

Guys, my calves got too big (I was only doing 250 calve lifts in the leg press).

How make calves smaller?



The 2nd coming of zyzz confirmed

Manlets keep on learning

>He doesn't gain with propane
No chance you'll make it bro

G O - G A Y

Of course I poo in the toilet, what kind of question is that! Where else would a person take a shit?

Fuck, no wonder people roid

Saturns black cube ov death controls the flat earth dome matrix

This is the ultimate red pill

These threads aren't cancer

I saw this guy at the gym with this awesome looking bane mask on. He kept checking himself in the mirror and dam dude. I had to find out where to get one!! Can't wait till I'm that badass guyzz!!!!!!

>tfw leg day, you go to the squat rack to do squats but there's a guy doing curls so you tell him to keep up the good work, ask where he got his cool basketball shorts from and head to the leg press instead

Fuk off satan.

this is NOT funny, my fellow man

This is bizarro world. It's bad to have sex consensually.

>using barbells
>expecting gains

use kettlebells you pussies

I lift to perform better at an actual sport and not because of my insecurities
I realize lifting weights doesn't help social interactions and isn't a proper way to attract girls
I have a gf and not because I wanted to prove something to myself and other people but because I'm normal and it's a normal thing to do
I had a father figure when growing up

>go to planet fitness today
>wanna do starting curls
>see this tall, muscular, cumskin squatting in the curl rack
fucking natties i swear

I'm so sick of those fucking betas watching me while I fuck their gfs

I just started GOMAD + SS.

witnessed. also dont play with my feels

All aboard the gains trains bud

I just wish people would stop squatting in the curl rack.

Sup /fitness/? A girl turned me down for being 6'2 when I asked for her number, and said she only dates manlets.

What can I do to decrease my height naturally?

Why is everyone on this board a fucking curlbro?

>Not being fat
It's like you guys don't want even want to get laid. No hetero.


>being fat
>want even want to get laid
pick 1 divided by 0



Is there a loo there? Or do they just go next to the mace rack?

You mean vegan, you fuck

I'm glad we're all heterosexual males here.

They speed up in the corner of your eye while you read another post

I seent it thru my optic lenses

I totally have a gf! Tfw too many grills talk to me

Gf survived the car crash

if only...

What are some cost efficient high fat foods?

when u in the club and your jam comes on