Do you really gain all the weight back if you starve yourself? Even if you stay within your maintenance calorie intake...

Do you really gain all the weight back if you starve yourself? Even if you stay within your maintenance calorie intake? Or is it all just mom science

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yeah if u binge eat like most people

thats like saying

>do you really lose all your muscle after you go to the gym

yeah if you fucking stop going

You're body will overcompensate and want you to eat more but no, you will not magically get calories. Look at anorexics, they stay that way dont they?

But what if I don't binge
I lost about 19kgs somewhat starving, eating less than 500 cals or nothing at all strictly since March but been doing it since January (fucked up a bit)

Now if I go back to eating about 1300 cals (my maintenance calorie intake) would I gain weight? Did I completly fuck up my metabolism

I'm not anorexic, I can't wait to start eating again



does no one fucking know?

Not if you have the willpower
But most people are failures and give in to the hunger

>But what if I don't binge

lol exaclty how much faith do you have in your will power?

test it if you want, but it's pretty damn inevitable

You will lose wieght but its unhealthy as fuck. I did it for a month and lost about 30lbs but ended up fucking up my knee because I was so weak and tried playing sports in that state.

Best thing you can do is change your lifestyle, get a single burger not the combo, eat an apple not the snickers type of stuff. Thats how you lose it and keep it off.

After 60 hours of fasted state there is only a decrease of 8% in metabolic rate. By no means am I recommending you lose weight through that much of a deficit though. You're gonna lose a shit ton of muscle with whatever fat you lose, AND you're gonna enter DYEL skinnyfat mode. GL OP

I'm consistently eating under my maintenance while doing daily calisthenics, 6km hill runs 2-3/wk, and 0.5-1hr hiit every day... Last 6 weeks minimum 10% under my RDI, averaging 30% and some days as much as 70% below... Want to do intermittent fasting but I end up accidentally eating lol

Haven't weighed myself yet, but 32 used to be pretty tight and now they falling down, 30 was cut off circulation now pretty loose... Want my abs to show and they do now but not really as much as I thought they would, unsure how long it's supposed to take to get body fat down that far

The same faith a suite bomber has faith in Allah, I already lost all the weight I want to lose. Does that mean I can eat normally? Or build it gradually??

That's bullshit mom science, the only reason we have fat is so that our body uses when it's starving. Muscles losing instead of fat is a meme

You won't gain weight if you control your intake, but I can assure you this will be far more difficult than you think.

Also you're doing so much damage to your body you can't imagine.

What's the point in starving yourself? Even if all the weight doesn't come back, your skin will end up sagging from such rapid weightloss.

Just lower your caloric intake to a level suitable for a human.

Eating is just a biological function, meant to keep you alive and produce energy. Stop being such fatasses.

Top kek

Take a biology class m8. Muscles require a lot of upkeep, and when you're in a famine you can bet your ass your body will catabolize that muscle to lower maintenance requirements while recovering some calories from them.

Keep going m8, you'll get there.

gradually, VERY gradually increase your calories, like 100 per week. use several TDEE calculators online and get an average estimate for your maintenance and work your way up to this (or more, if you want to bulk, but don't exceed more than 500 calories beyond your TDEE). your energy expenditure might end up lower than what the average you find just because you've been eating so little for so long, so again, increase SLOWLY and be vigilant.

also, expect to gain some water weight. scales will be faulty--track your progress based on how your clothes fit and how your lifts are coming along.

How the fuck do you think your muscles can rebuild if you're not eating a single gram of protein? Are you legitimately retarded?

Go 100 cals more each week till I reach normal intake?

that's a fairly safe number, yeah. not a hard and fast rule because everyone's body is different, but i would start there.

Thing is I went days without eating anything, how do I build up from that?

As long as you count your calories you will be fine.
Just know that if you're 9% BF, it will be easier to gain fat, just as it is easier for fatass to lose fat

You'll gain weight when you eat normal because you'll hold more water, have more waste in your digestive system, and you glycogen stores will refill, shit like that.

The reason why most people, including myself, gain weight back after cutting heavily, is because they simply go straight back to their old ways. Once I stopped strictly cutting, I found it easier and easier to justify to myself why I could eat a tonne of shit. I lost 120lbs and gained 100 back whilst still dieting and fucking up every 1 or 2 weeks, took around 18 months to gain it all back whilst cutting 70% of the time and binging the rest. To be completely honest, I'd be amazed if this time I actually stop the bullshit and cut properly again. Every week I convince myself this time is the time I do it. And if I actually dropped all the weight again, I'd be even more amazed if I kept it off.

If you starve yourself and keep it up, then no, you won't put weight back on. But the reason you shouldn't is because you *won't* keep it up if you're a healthy person, your body will give in and binge eat. If you're cutting, you're better off eating healthier and reducing your size portions. These extreme dieting methods don't work and they're not healthy.

Good luck
We will make it eventually

Thanks man, appreciate it.
Best wishes to you too.

Your body is the reflection of the work that you put in to it.

The guy that is 190lbs of muscle at 11% BF put in 190lbs of muscle at 11% BF of work.

>That work isn't a one-time transaction either. Think of it like maintenance.

You have to take care of it every day. You have to always put the right fuel in and always be improving the power output in some way.

Your average person will do momentary changes thinking that losing a few pounds once in a while is all it takes to be healthy.

Health isn't a single moment. It's a lifestyle.