Fuck it

Im sitting here ready to bite into a B&J ice cream because im having a shitty day, well its a shitty life so no surprises there
These things will fuck up my cut and its been going good actually, havent had any problems with hunger but lately motivation is missing
Whats the point in cutting down? i want to eat unhealthy shit for no other reason than it feels good, cutting down makes me look good in the mirror but that is about the only worthwhile thing that it brings

Tell me fit, have you cheated on your diet recently?

No I haven't cheated because I'm not a weak fuck. If you ever feel tempted ask yourself do you want to be a failure or a testament to human willpower. Jesus dude are you like 1 month into trying to fix being a fatty? don't have a mindset like that

Hahaha weak fuck

Im...not fat dude, i just want to get down to below 10% bf for ego reasons

Bruh I'm eating B&Js right now with my breakfast I'm still down 6 pounds in the past month, you can totally cut while enjoying snacks. Just stretch a pint out over like 10/11 days it's not that hard.

Either I eat the whole thing or I can't sleep at night. I literally can't buy something sweet and leave it for more than 24h

yeah keep telling yourself you can't do stuff, that's how you get Veeky Forums

Then you are weak and you don't deserve to enjoy cutting.

Thats a good idea, put it away right now and gonna save it for later
time to prep for a killer back work out

Don't eat B&J, the owners are Marxist Jews.

>still being addicted to sugar
>not gonna make it

every day is either boring or shitty for me right now, but i've not broken my cut for at least 3 weeks and even then it was because i got dragged out to an evening meal that i hadn't planned for

suck it up faggot, binging because of """"depression""""" is what women do

I hope you either wake up from that stupid mindset or natural selection has its way with you

>binging because of """"depression""""" is what women do
I thought girls solved their "depression" by riding tons of dick

when no dick is available they resort to ""comfort food""

Im gonna have to trust you on that because it seems there is no situation where there is no dick for them
FB/tinder/dating sites/bars/night clubs/café/side walks
Tons and tons of guys all over the place for em with no competition
but i guess food is less needy and doesnt want to commit so there is that perk

>Ate the whole bag in one sitting

>99% fat free

Do Australian's also label 1% milk as 99% fat free?

Also tastes better than jizz

>implying girls give back to guys they hook up with
nigga plz, they hook up to feel better about themselves and the guy is little more than a tool for that end

It used to be the other way round

you're like a teenage girl

in the 50´s maybe