Is he natty?

is he natty?

His gains are achievable. Depends how long he got them though

As natty as graham


Will you look like that natty? No.

why not? if i train hard and clean i can achieve the same natty??

Well if you Tren hard and Clen you most certainly can




>le good look from streoids meme

Damn brah. Chest routine?

I think he means he has the chest gap too.

more like the different genetics meme you dumb fuck,

nobody has ever looked like that natty and never will, it's not possible
noobs with under 2 years of experience think it might be possible but it isn't
there's no way to convince them though. just like you can't convince a terrorist that christians can be good people. they have to either come to the realization themselves through experience or will remain ignorant

Ive seen lots of high school age guys look like that. Thats def natty. Its just genetics

Why are there posters on here always saying ANYONE that has a good body must be on something?


that look is possible natty

is he natty though? idk who that is op, if it's someone you know then you have a better idea than us. if you're so unsure you have to ask here the answer is he probably isn't natty, it's much easier to hop on gear and look like that than it is to do it naturally, in most countries a surprisingly high number of gym-goers are on gear. a lot of them still look like shit, which is why you don't always assume that they are.


Pretty sure it's Jeff Seid

nope and it's not possible natty.
keeping these shoulders with this definition is not possible natty.

don't give up your dreams but you nobody will ever be able to achieve such a body without stuff. so won't you.

either accept, juice or try and fail.
and you will fail.

your post reeks of bitch. Bitch.

> Jeff
> Natty

I knew that amazing body belonged to someone popular but didn't figure out it was Jeff
no wonder OP was interested. Jeff sure looks like a god

Jeff is sure on juice too.

If can't get that body in 14 months with a good diet then just give up

Jeff pls go







>achievable natty
Only in ur wildest dreams m8

Jeff Pls go

You could look like that for a few weeks, or drop a couple more % and hold it for a day or so, but that dryness and that bf% aren't sustainable as a natty, and even as a roider would require really superb diet

ofc this pic has perfect lighting, makeup, photoshop, and angles. He doesn't actually look like that

Jason genovha is looking good