I'll start with something that happened to me last night.
>poor man's holiday >staying in 12 bed shared hostel room > there's this fat indian guy sleeping next to me > he's actually a pretty cool guy despite the fatness > he keeps complaining about the noise at night > tell him they give free earplugs at reception > go to reception to get mine > get another pair for him just to be nice for once in my life > hand them to the guy saying nothing > thanks me "you're welc..." > what the fuck, he's trying to eat them > he quickly notices what's going on > awkwardly puts them in his ears > now he's watching a film on his laptop with wet earplugs in his ears > laugh myself to sleep
I chew on my earplugs so i can make them smaller and wet. You can barely hear anything
Joseph Sanchez
Owen Ward
Samuel Lee
>Be 260 ibs at start of last summer >get down to 200 >fuck up and now back to 240 >has been like the 3rd time a weightloss plan has backfired kill me desu
Thomas Rodriguez
you can do it user
remember, you need to make permanent lifestyle changes, not just go on temporary diets
Isaac Allen
chew earplugs when hungry lamo
Isaac Barnes
I'm just getting so sick of getting to what I would consider the last hurdle and then fucking up. Starting over and over again is really taking its toll on my motivation, but I don't know why I keep making mistakes.
Kevin Perez
Before you make the mistake, reconsider and don't make the mistake.
Dylan Gray
>tfw your high school crush balloons and becomes chubby >tfw your a virginfag >tfw you still make our with her >tfw I'll probably lose virginity to a fatty
Austin Jones
what do you mean by "mistakes"?
Tyler Gray
Everyone makes mistakes. I ate 4 cornettos today. I'm not even fat, never have been either. Just really stupid.
Ethan Myers
Falling back into shitty eating habits or slacking on exercising.
Oliver Ross
Ah, ok. So how does your cycle of diet failure usually run? Do you just peter out and eventually stop, or is it more that one huge cheat day fucks up some of your progress and you give up out of frustration? Not trying to be a dick, just genuinely wondering what your issue is.
Alexander Wilson
Oh, you're not being a dick at all, don't worry about it. Basically it's like I'll eat pretty clean and exercise for a while, then have a huge cheat day which leads to me quitting out of frustration, like you just said.
Colton Miller
Yeah that's kinda what I figured. It's a pretty common trend. I used to have the same issue myself before I got on my current cut. I've found the best way to deal with it is to just accept that cheat days are going to happen from time to time, and that they're not necessarily a big deal. Just plan and account for them now and then in your diet. As I stand now, I eat at such a deficit that, if I so choose, I can afford about 2 big cheat days a month, or one smaller cheat day every week. Even with that, I've managed to average 2 pounds of loss per week since the beginning of January.
Remember dude, track your calories religiously and eat at a sustainable deficit. Eat lots of protein and fibrous veggies to help fill you up. It's a marathon, not a sprint, so none of that unsustainable crash dieting shit. You can do it, dude.
Adam Walker
>weight-loss plan has backfired No user you have backfired
Mason Foster
Well no shit, if my plan backfired then I by extension also backfired.
Kevin Myers
220 last summer get down to 194 back up to 210 199 right now im on those sub-200 feels right now feels fucking good. makes cutting easier.
Cameron Gray
Juan Reyes
>what the fuck he's trying to eat them Top Kek actually.
Jordan Adams
>fat people actually think we're just making fun of them
Lucas Russell
>out with group to restaurant, mainly serves sandwiches and fried stuff >I get salad and we all split a few sides >table next to us, entire family of whales >even the kid is fat >cold day but they're all in shorts and tees >stare at them, make a few jokes about fatties >some guy plays a youtube clip on his phone making fun of fat people >they may or may not have heard >they order soda and enough food to feed an african village >all of it fried and dripping in cheese and grease
Cooper Howard
>be 100kg >down to 65kg >up to 80kg >down to 70kg >73kg right now Goddammit. I'm too fucking unstable to deal with this right now. When I'm stable, I'm fucking crazy dedicated. It's not a problem. It's not even hard. But when I'm not...
Isaac Thompson
Here's fatbro's story.
Jayden James
Try again if every failed makes you lose 20 ibs you will eventually make it.
Nolan Torres
>work in ER >So many fucking people come in with breathing/chest pains issues >so many of them are fucking fat >would hate my job if it didn't pay good
Brandon Campbell
Fuck you, I didn't come here for feels.
Austin Roberts
Yes you did you god damn faggot. We all did in one way or another.
We all know what path we walk on, but not where it leads.
Parker Martinez
Ian Sullivan
She has a chin instead of a neck wtf
Eli Richardson
Camden Rivera
lel @ niggers
Joseph Ramirez
I guess I'll dump
Aaron Clark
I don't have any OC; somebody post something interesting.
Matthew Rogers
Michael Hill
Kevin Sanchez
Like fatbro's story, this one's inspiring
Eli Hall
I know there are a lot of posts about butts today buuuuut...
I'm a tiny, short, cute twinky guy with naturally wide hips, and I want a cute plump booty like pic related. Before you say squats, I already have large thighs from dancing for 18 years, and I can't afford a gym membership or weights. Body weight squats don't do anything for me anymore because of said dancer thighs.
So... what bodyweight exercises can I do to get that cute, fuckable booty :3
Tyler Russell
fuck, i always wondered how people manage to fuck up this badly, and I just did it myself. Sorry :/
Connor Richardson
you're supposed to bite/wet earplugs so they constrict before you put them in your ears and they 'inflate' dumbass
Oliver Taylor
fucking rekttttttt lmao this is probably my favorite fat hate thread post. Every time I see this one Yugi Moto hits me with Exodia cause my sides get fucking obliterated
Lucas Diaz
I enjoy watching my fat acquintances try and lose weight because their approach is so misguided.
>eating cucumber as a snack because it's "healthy" >likely having no fucking clue what a caloric deficit is >watching this 5'4 girl proceed to eat ~1400 calorie chicken dinner and wonder why she's not losing weight >listening to them muse about how much they love shit food and lol about it because 'kek I'm a silly fat person!'
Josiah King
Man this actually kinda cruel, Yeah she is fat af but I feel bad for her.
Oliver Hill
I work in a homeless shelter and some of these people would rival any southern Walmart shopper. But this job pays like shit, so congrats on being better than me.
Jace Stewart
gimme that skype
Landon White
do the whole 30 plan, nigger
Benjamin Gutierrez
>at gym working on pullups >finish set, take a break >see two landwhales on stationary bikes >pedaling incredibly slowly >watching television and gossiping >spot huge McD's cups next to them >overhear one tell the other that they're gonna reward themselves for their hard work with a McFlurry I swear to god, I hate people sometimes
Gabriel Ramirez
Jason Cooper
>fatty McDonut holy fuck my sides
Mason Roberts
>>work in ER >if it didn't pay good How much do they pay you to push the trolleys around and empty the bed pans, can't be that much surely. >In b4 I'm a doctor/nurse Not with that grammar you aren't.
Grayson Sanders
I want reddit to leave
Sebastian Foster
is this even real? it reminds me of that one Veeky Forums New Years comic where the two landwhales are doing yoga and they say they'll reward themselves with a big mac afterwards
My half brother doesn't have a neck and it freaks me out
Xavier Carter
>half brother I'm guessing he ate the other half?
Kayden Nguyen
One of your parents has flawed genetics then. Atleast no one can slit your brothers throat though so hes safe from isis
Isaiah Jones
>flawed genetics yep not cake, genes
Isaac Brooks
fuck I haven't read fatbro in months so motivating.
James Bell
it absolutely is. I reward myself after a week of cutting. my reward is basically a cup of hot cocoa, or maybe a beer. nothing more than 350 calories
These people have no idea what the caloric content is what the put in their bodies or the amount of calories they actually burn when they toddle along on a treadmill for 30 minutes.
Bentley Scott
I had a similar experience once. I was in the gym on the treadmill, and two landwhales on their way to becoming planets got on the treadmills next to mine. They walked slowly while talking about how good they were for going to the gym, and they would go to Burger king when they were done. They were there for about 20 minutes.
Funny thing about the gym I go to is that Burger king is in the same building on the second floor as the gym.
Hunter Gray
>Burger king is in the same building on the second floor as the gym. That did not make sense. I meant the gym is in the first floor, the burger king is on the second floor.
Jaxson Lopez
I bet Burger King wants the first floor location. All those stairs...
Blake Garcia
I see these went back to being Fat People Stories from Fat People Hate. I've been absent from the board for a while, how did you get the cancer out?
Ethan Rivera
Hits close to home friendo >be fatasfatass >have crush >never talk to her >spend few years getting Veeky Forums >ask her out >gotagirlfriend.gif >didn't notice that she put on probably 40 pounds She used to be so freaking hot but now I can't even convince her to excercise and she's falling for meme diets
Brayden Jenkins
I just rewarded myself with 5000 calories of pizza and cake I want to die :-/ at least I set a squat PR today
Jaxson Brooks
Fuck I nearly teared up in the end
Isaac Miller
I've felt feels you people wouldn't believe. Land whales going into cardiac arrest outside McDonalds. I watched a man take a trip to Snap City at the Crossfit gym. All those feels will be lost in time, like gains... due to cardio. Time to lift.
Owen Bailey
dammit I was gonna quote Roy Batty. here it is anyways
Mason Torres
Never fails to be a good read.
Andrew Butler
letting someone know they're fat is now cyberbullying.
what kind of pussies are you millennials, for gods sakes.
Owen Howard
Dude. Is this OC? This is fucking awesome.
Jayden Bennett
Ayden Sullivan
Evan Bailey
Connor Walker
Aaron Carter
Parker Adams
Levi Wright
Shit nikka I need me some of those
Thomas Long
These magnetic rings REALLY WORK and help you to LOSE WEIGHT and GAIN MUSCLE*
*As part of a healthy, balanced diet and supplemented by regular semi-intense to intense exercise
Austin Hill
Daniel Ramirez
>commenting on someone's greentext grammar as if it fucking mattered >can't inb4 right >probably a fatty
Ryder Stewart
Fats are still disgusting mongers of human beings.
Jordan Ross
Ryder Barnes
> people instantly think thing people are bitches of the highest order > the majority of people who act like cunts to me are either overweight or obese > the majority of people who are just chill as fuck are either healthy or fit
James Reed
Adam Murphy
those people confused by the mirror at the bottom are worse
Wyatt Sanchez
I used to work in a fitness center with a Physical Therapy clinic. I was the go-to guy for obese clients. Most of them were great people who were struggling with a genuine mental illness. I never hated my obese clients. I always took pride in the fact that I didn't talk shit about them like a lot of the professionals I worked with.
So that is one reason this story is hard to tell. This is me eating gravy-soaked crow, Veeky Forums.
> Go to a Beltane celebration every year > they have folkdancing > they always open the festival with a big dance performance from several folkdancing/ morris dancing troupes in before "this is gay as fuck, user" > anyway > people are lined up before the sunrise to watch the dancing > there is a woman there is a specialty camp chair, easily wide enough for trhee people > she is overflowing it > she has gone to the trouble to wear a full authentic folk costume > She is wearing buttons on her dress with incredibly hostile slogans, basically all saying some variant of "yes I am LGBTQ and here to destroy the cisarchy, and I hope you get raped to death with a rusty chainsaw, shitlord" > her hair is rainbow pastel colors > her face is full of piercings > She is splayed like a beached whale, not even willing to sit up or raise her head > Just laying there like all her bones were removed > She has a permanent scowl on her face > this girl can't be more than 25, almost certainly younger > Everyone around her is just wearing folk costume or sweaters and jeans > little kids are playing and laughing in the grass > adults are singing happy songs and wearing flower crowns > everything is peace love and harmony > why is this bitch so hostile? > I realize that I am looking at Tumblr SJW HAES personified > The strawwomyn you all make fun of > She's real
Lincoln Sanchez
>Should of never went >Should of never posted any pics
Should HAVE gotten an education.
How the fuck is this thing going to prom? Don't you need to graduate to go to prom? How the fuck does someone this illiterate graduate from even middle school, much less high school?
Oh, right. 'Murica. Land of the dumbasses.
Jacob Ortiz
cont from > Some people move in front of her, with a an obviously very ill man in a wheelchair > I hear her complain that he and his oxygen tanks are blocking the view > A bystander suggest she move over a couple feet > Or just lift her head at a different angle, so she can see the dancing > she scoffs at this and no shit > she claims thin privilege > "you wouldn't tell me to move if I wasn't a fat person" > "you'd probably love it if I got up and ran around, wouldn't you?" > "I don't need to change who I am for you assholes" > bystander is silenced
> I feel compelled to stare, because she just defies explanation > her dye job, the jewelry in her face, her carefully done makeup, her perfect manicure, the custom made dress > this is someone who spent hours and probably over a thousand dollars on her appearance > and yet she can't even sit up like a year old infant > At this point the crowd is all dancing and working up a sweat > volunteers come around with drinks and free breakfast for the attendees > the volunteers pass right by the beached whale because she doesn't appear to be participating > She starts making angry noises and is obviously waging an internal battle > it is her desire to eat everything in sight > against her desire to lay there like a deflated balloon > a child runs by holding a plate of strawberry shortcake > she growls in frustration, and makes a motion like she wants to knock thechild over and take his cake > laziness wins out > "You fuckwits won't win" > she lays there for another two hours
I have an existential crisis realizing that if she walked into my clinic, I would laugh at her fat ass the same as everyone else.
Jose Morales
Should've gotten some food, estimated her reach, and put it juuuuuuuuuuuuuuust outside that range.
Carson Clark
This is shameful parenting.
Parents are supposed to care for the health of the kids. Just because your kids aren't 50 yet, that doesn't mean that you can feed them garbage. Age is irrelevant. Either you care about their health or you don't. If you love your kids, why feed them garbage at all? Give them some fruit, not a bag of Skittles.
Nolan Evans
There is also an active fat hate thread going on but the redditors who make these threads now don't understand the catalog
Carson Johnson
David Sullivan
Reason cannot reach these people. What seems incredibly simple to you or me is not so simple for them. An incredible amount of idiocy, fear, and denial completely govern their thoughts. They are hardly behind the wheel at all to be honest.
Chase Torres
Have YOU ever wanted to look into the life of a BBW pornstar?