Weight loss for morbidly obese gaming nerd


May 2016
Boogie still talking about losing weight, how things are beginning to change, how he's starting a new diet, how things are looking up.

I swear this dude has been talking about losing weight for >4 years. How can you kid yourself this badly?

Also lol @ 07:05 seriously considering having an operation to lose weight so that he can have an operation to lose weight.

This man has convinced himself he is powerless

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He will always be obese. Same old story. He had a shitty life but it's no excuse for being disgustingly fat like he is.

He's just using the fat thing for pity views and attention whoring.

Boo hoo I'm fat

This. After 4 years of that shit one would believes you would get it.

I'm sure nobody cares, but why would someone even get this fat ?

How the fuck are you even going to get laid like that ?

I can't imagine having a GF while being over 15% bodyfat and this guy is married at like 150% bodyfat.

What's wrong with me brehs, I am nearly 30 and still with the mindset I had as a 21 year old.

> How the fuck are you even going to get laid like that ?

Protip: you are not

>150% bodyfat

Lol when he talks about how many years of life he has left.. first 20 then corrects down to 10. Kind of sad honestly

probably in a pool or some other medium to support his weight.

>being so fat you get infections on your body
i have no words for how disgusting this man is

you guys are just jealous that Boogie has a hot qt3.14 wife who is faithful supportive and always by his side whilst you guys fantasize about hentai girls.

Listen here you lil' shit. I wouldn't trade with him if he had a harem or infinite number of cute and supportive women in his life. I'd rather have my physique and strive for progress and then get a cute and supportive gf (or two). Get your priorities in order...

my friend is just like this.

had a stomach staple, and then ended up in the hospital for leaky gut because he was eating fucking garbage

goes to the hospital, i think it's gonna be a wakeup call. i offer to go on hikes, go lifting with him.

fb feed post hospital shows nothing but restaurant visits

he's gonna die from this

neat guy too:/

least u tried to help him user

>implying he's ever managed to get his hidden-within-layers-of-fat dick inside her even once


Is this really her? Even if not, i bet she gets her rocks off somewhere else. Boogie seems like a fun guy but sex with that dude can not be fun if it is possible at all.

he is aging fast

i watched his video explaining why he is fat and i sympathized with him, if eating is the only respite someone has in an otherwise horrible life then its going to start to creep into your personality.

poor guy, honestly. he's clearly trying his absolute best but its his own mind holding him back. most of us here can cut no problem but we aren't ridden with mental/emotional barriers like he is.

Hold the fuck up, I think I know this guy.

>hot qt3.14 wife

I never watched this guy's videos, but apparently he cheated on his diet once by telling the pizza guy to go to his window?
I also heard he constantly makes excuses for himself by blaming his problems on irrelevant shit that happened in his childhood. Dude isn't going to change unless he gets sent to fatcamp for two months.

What exactly is the point in weight loss surgery? If you don't have the will power to get there yourself, you're only going to put it immediately back on.

blacks are so alpha, no wonder small peen white boys get mad at them for stealing their women

because they are to spoiled to realize that they have to be their own starting point.
It can seem pointless when you first begin, but that gives it the chance to manifest. The courage to struggle for yourself.

its worth watching if you wanna know why he's a fat fuck, i wasn't particularly bothered at the time but someone posted it here and thanks to Veeky Forums for allowing embedding i watched it.

he goes into pretty genuine and emotional detail about how his issues weight/weight loss ideal have sort of morphed their way into his mind and set up camp. dude is obese because he's mentally ill, not for lack of willpower (well partly for that but i don't think he has any less willpower than many of us who are able to cut no problem, he has more to content with). so i see his point.

he's got to work on his issues or he'll be fat forever. having a YT channel in which he makes money for being the funny fat dude can't help the matter.


fat people will search for any excuse and doctors offer one for them: get my surgery and you'll be thin again.

remember the vid he made about why he's so fat?

>wah wah my mommy touched my dick give me food

trips of truth

Kek what did she reconstruct her entire face. Looks nothing like her, just look at the fucking nose.

Fucking this. He has so much fucking support. He's not even lonely, he has a wife. It just pisses me off...fucking "im so sad, im so unhealthy, im suffering, BUT IM FIGHTIN'" and then you see him just do jack shit. I'm an ex obese person he is an awful "inspiration" cause he doesn't do shit, he and everyone around him is an enabler. He had this great platform to make a difference, but now he just eats and slobs his life away.


he was molested?

He will never change, he doesnt actually care about his weight, he is just using it as a crutch for sympathy and pity, he will never try until at the ripe old age of 40, he feels his heart finally implode and in that moment will he realize he was wrong, but then he will be dead.

He's like 500 pounds and how much has he lost over the past years? 10? 20?

and physically abused; his mother tried to gouge his eyes out and threw him out of a moving vehicle etc etc etc

When you rewire the pleasure centres of your brain so that food is the only thing that brings happiness it can be difficult to quit


This, I can't imagine how much dogshit food he has to eat on a daily basis to even maintain that weight. He isn't trying at all.

If this is what passes for hot these days, I should count my 120lb Russian cardiobunny blessings.

Help me Veeky Forums

I need to know two simply things

1) How do you eat right when you've been a picky eater since you were 6 years old and hate vegetables of all kinds? Like how do I not be a picky eater I guess.

2) How do you get the energy when you're at the gym? I go to the gym, I do a 5-10m warmup on the crosstrainer, I do 20-30 minutes freeweights or machines and I'm beat and don't feel like doing more. I want more energy. How.

he makes money being a morbidly obese fuck

losing weight would kill his business

This guy is definitely batting way out of his league, but I'd be embarrassed to introduce this girl as my girlfriend 'bitch don't smile, I SAID BITCH DON'T SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

He's already 40 lol. I think 41 now.

Holy shit I did not know that

But yeah Boogie has seriously bad shit going on mentally.

I hope he can make it.

1) man up
2) 1hr before drink 1liter of water and a coffee with 30g sugar (2tbsp). Add milk if you want to.

He'll be talking about how he's about to start making changes up until the day that he dies from a massive heart attack.

It's sad but that's life.

I'll revise my opinion of him when he actually follows through with what he says he's going to do for more than a year.

You have to really want to change. There's a calculus involved. I've never been overweight but I was an alcoholic for more than three years and it's not too different. I don't doubt that he wants to change- I doubt that he wants to change more than he wants to maintain the benefits of his current lifestyle (and trust me on this, while there may not appear to be any benefits to the way he's living to you and I he certainly gets something-probably a lot of something- out of his lifestyle).

Seriously though they taste disgusting.

Just eat
You're a grown man, eat your fucking vegetables

Couldn't I just, like, not eat them and eat vitamins instead?

Find ways to cheat them into your diet. Bury them in cheese and sugar if you have to. Over time, gradually reduce the flavor masking and your palette will adjust until, ideally, you should be able to stomach veggies on their own just fine.

I had the same problem, and this worked like a charm for me.

confirmed to never make it

At that weight, it's so fucking easy to lose fat. All you have to do is withhold from one snack which is probably 750 calories to him a day.

>not being 1.5 people

more like 3,5

1) Be a grown-ass man. WTF?
2) Veggie smoothies are pretty good. Taste good, easy to eat. I don't personally make them as I have no problems eating veggies and am too lazy to make them, but whenever my brother offers to make them I'm all for that. Shit's good as fuuuck.
3) Again, be a fucking grownup. Also 5-10min crosstrainer? How about zero minutes.

Protip: he's actually married. Veeky Forums consistently overestimates the difficulty of getting laid for people with low standards.

well who wants to fuck whales?

getting laid might be easy but who wants to fuck a 3/10?

this is momscience but it worked for me with bananas
don't eat till you're very hungry and the eat some broccoli or carrots or whatever until you're not hungry
your brain will like them after. or maybe not

This worked for me too. It's not entirely bullshit because after a while, your brain will stop discriminating on the food it's craving for the sake of acquiring nutrition.

At least that's how I understood it to be working.

Lots of people. This why Veeky Forums is so profoundly off-base about this stuff; this is an echo chamber for people who are disgusted by fatness, but I'd bet money that the overwhelming majority of obese Americans are married.

>having multiple bodily infections and needing constant medication

not sure why she puts up with it.

he can't be making that much from youtube.

Now see this is great advice and so much smarter and better than 'Just man up'.

1. I have a faithful, supportive qt 3.14 gf
2. I would rather be alone than be that obese and have a qt grill
3. His wife looks like a man with a whig so 2 isn't even applicable

>I swear this dude has been talking about losing weight for >4 years. How can you kid yourself this badly?

im sure he wants to lose weight but that thing in his head hasnt snapped yet, all of my former fatties know what im talking about

His wife literally quit her job to play goalie to his mouth and stop him from overeating. He lost zero (literally zero) weight in the 2.5 months since and said he put on muscle and lost fat because his doctor put him on test. I feel bad because he'll be dead in 5 years max.

Fuck Boogie. I hate this man, and I will tell you why. It's not because he is fat, it's because he is STILL fat.

Four years ago, I first found boogie. He was talking about his health, making fun of how huge he is, determined to lose weight. "Awesome." I thought. It'll be great to see this guy lose weight, get healthy, and vlog about it. He'll be an amazing example for gamers/nerds/introverts everywhere. Especially young overweight kids, such as I was myself.

Four years later, NOPE. Sorry, still fucking fat. Just better at youtube videos. He has lost a HUGE opportunity to be an amazing inspiration to fat geeky kids everywhere, instead he has only shown that fat people can make youtube videos and be stereotypes. Awesome.

So I don't hate boogie because he's fat, I hate this man because he has let me down.

I do and damn that was a shitty year. Paid my dopamine tab in full though

I fucking hate him when he's on this podcast I like (PKA). I talks about having fucking cravings, and he's so such of a baby that he gives in.

Everyone loves when he's on and thinks he's so inspirational. I just don't fucking understand it. He always uses his fucked childhood as an excuse. Guess what Boogie, I was fucking molested as a child. I Used the anger from it to change my life for the better.

Not sure about "eat bananas until you like them" and such, but I do definitely remember levels of hunger that my brain would say "no, an apple won't satisfy" and even the thought of an apple sickened me. I would then proceed to chomp down 400cals in carbs and fat.

That being said, after cutting my bodyweight in half, I fully believe obesity is a disease that starts in the brain. Or maybe in the gut bacteria, but that's cart before horse IMO.

How do you guys get over extremly intense cravings for food? Like I'll be doing great for a few days and out of the blue get really bad cravings that don't seem to stop then it's all downhill from there

Low carb, high fat helped me. You do replace carb calories with fat calories, but the brain's reaction to fat by itself is pretty different to carbs by themselves or (worse) carbs and fat combined.

Just broscience, but low carb almost keto with plenty of fat.

Boogie literally has no excuse, if this kid can do it, so can he.



Slathering healthy foods in unhealthy shit is a pretty terrible way to try to fix the problem desu senpai. This is how a lot of fatties claim to "eat healthy" while having absolutely terrible habits. It's easy to put cheese on broccoli and later on claim "oh, well it tastes bad when I don't put enough on".

The best way to get used to shit you don't like is to just eat enough of it that you learn to love it or at least stop caring. Same way kids start drinking coffee and beer, same way you learn to adapt to foods when you live overseas.

low carb high fat can be a great way to feel satiated quicker while losing weight. Definitely keep portion size in mind though; you'll be eating smaller sizes than you're used to.

Mostly though, you're just gonna have cravings. Ignore them until they go away. Replace them with something else (low cal veggies, go for a walk, read; whatever positive habit you can form). Set yourself a cheat day well in the future, and look forward to making that date as a success, instead of failing and cheating today.

that would be 2.5 people total you idiot

not worth it if you're only gonna live another 10 years.

he's just excuse after excuse as to why he doesnt lose weight

I don't understand how people can just get as big as he is.

>hot qt3.14 wife
bitch looks like she stomps villages and shit